Monday, February 8, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode One: Be Our Guest

Greta: Hello, and welcome to Hunt or Be Hunted. This is the Huntress Manor, and I am your host, Greta. This game is unlike any other, and today, we will meet the twelve contestants willing to compete to win prize. Yes. The money prize. These twelve contestants will last through several challenges to try and outwit the hunters, who are among them, and they too are hunters. This game is a trap. Our contestants have been waiting patiently, but before I release them, you should probably meet me!

 Greta: Bet you didn't expect Princess Leia!

 Greta: You want me to change, production dude? Why? I look great. 
Production Guy: Yes, we didn't hire you to dress up! 
Greta: Fine! I'll be right back. 


Greta: Hello! My name is Greta Francis, and this is....Hunt or Be Hunted. Where your back is lined with a glowing red target and the only way to safety is to target someone else. So, without further ado, let's meet our first contestant! 

 Greta: Little miss Princess, here she comes.

 Greta: Ladies and gentlemen, it's Devra! Devra Eden.
Devra: Uh, Princess Devra of Edensbrough, thank you very much
Greta: Please, sit down.

 Devra: Hello there! A simple thank you would suffice. 

 Greta: A thank you? Here. Thank you for coming to compete, princess. 
Devra: Yeah, whatever. *laughs* 
Greta: Before you step inside, I need to remind you that this competition isn't for the weak hearted. You have to be prepared to lose friends and gain enemies.

Devra: I get it, I'm a princess. I just hope some prince will sweep me off my feet, okay? 
Greta: Head inside, contestant number one. 
Devra: Of course I'm number one. 

 Devra: I'm going. I can't see my castle yet. 
Greta: It's over the river and through the woods. Just sit down first. 
Devra: Of course, peasant. 


Greta: It's time to meet contestant number two. This man loves long walks on the beach and- is this his dating profile? I thought I asked for real applications! 
Production Guy: He's an avid beach walker! 
Greta: Bring him in. 

Greta: Here he comes. 

 Greta: Can you resist this charm? It's Bradley Martinez. 
Bradley: What's a guy got to do to get a drink in here? 
Greta: He sits down. Thanks.

 Bradley: Hey, baby. What's been happening? 
Greta: Well, there's this girl I've been seeing, and I think it's really hitting off. 
Bradley: A challenge? Hmm. I can dig it.

 Greta: So, you're a romantic type? 
Bradley: Ain't nothing but a little lovin'. 
Greta: Well, as I've said to the previous contestant, this competition isn't for the weak hearted. You have to be prepared to lose friends and gain enemies.

Bradley: My heart is strong. Show me the entrance. 
Greta: Just leave already, contestant number two. 
Bradley: Number two, eh? Who's the lucky gal who entered before me? 
Greta: *shakes head*

Bradley: Ooh, a blonde. Do you like daring adventures up mountains? 
Greta: Bradley Martinez, ladies and-
Bradley: Ladies. 


Greta: It's time to meet contestant number three. Maybe you recognise her from the web or have watched one of her famed videos recently? Joaquin? 
Joaquin the Designer: Huh? I like real fashion blogs. 
Greta: Sure. Bring her in. 

Greta: Here she comes. 

 Greta: This year's famous celebrity, Miss Marsha Marshall! 
Marsha: *in a low voice* Helloooo interweeebs! This is Marsha on the sceeene! 
Greta: Please take a seat.

 Marsha: Hello, it's meh. 
Greta: We seem to be generating a lot of famous pepple. I mean, people. Oops. 
Marsha: Ya can't get eeenough of meh.

Greta: That video you released last week...ugh. I loved it, Miss Marshall. 
Marsha: I aimme to pleese. 
Greta: Well, as you should be aware, this game is tough, and while hopefully you don't loose subscribers, you might not gain any more. 

 Marsha: I ain't worrieed about tat. My singin' skills are impresseve.
Greta: Head on inside, Miss Marshall. Our third contestant. 
Marsha: Toodleloo! 

Marsha: Marsha Marshall in da house! 
Greta: There's bound to be fun now. 
Marsha: Do ya happin to 'ave popping corn? 


Greta: There we have it, the first three contestants have entered the house. Who will be next? Here they come now. 

Greta: This man can be regarded as quite the pleasant man. Who is he?

 Greta: The friendly man, Ted Pleasanton. 
Ted: Hello my dear! It's a wonderful day outside, but I do miss my lovely wife. 
Greta: Tell me how you feel. Sit.

Ted: She's competing in this other show, and I was so lonely. Usually I'm such a happy fellow. 
Greta: I didn't actually want to hear you sap story. 
Ted: Sap story? I'm the happiest fellow around. 

Greta: You had to choose this reality show, didn't you? 
Ted: It looked as fun as a floating cloud. I wasn't just going to sit around and watch my wife compete on the television. 
Greta: Well, as I've said to the previous contestant, this competition isn't for the weak hearted. You have to be prepared to lose friends and gain enemies.

 Ted: I don't have to hurt someone's feelings do I? 
Greta: Maybe not in that sense. Head into the main room, Ted.
Ted: I surely will, pal.

 Ted: Here I come, internet! I hope I do my wife proud. 
Greta: One of the nicest men you'll ever meet. 
Ted: Is that what you young ones call a review on Yelp? 


Greta: Four down, eight to go! Our next contestant is currently working part-time at a summer camp teaching guitar and singing. 
Production Guy: Is she any good? 
Greta: Do I look like I go to summer camp? 

 Greta: Here she comes.

 Greta: It's time to meet Jocelyn McGrey! 
Jocelyn: Oh, hey. It's good to be here. 
Greta: Please, come sit down.

Jocelyn: Thank you so much for accepting me into this competition! It would be a dream to get that half-a-million prize money! 
Greta: Yeah, half a million. Sure. 
Jocelyn: I hope there's a guitar in there. I'm a bit rusty but I can still sing!

Greta: For purposes from the creator, we aren't allowed guitars inside the house. Something about fast friendships or something. 
Jocelyn: Some people do say my skills pull in the crowd. Oh wait, that was a child's mother. 
Greta: You should know this and that, as well as that this game is hard. Prepare to break friendships. 

 Jocelyn: There's a saying at the summer camp: Be welcome and welcome arms will come to you. I'll live by that, even if it is aimed towards children.
Greta: That sounds...great. Go inside, Jocelyn. 
Jocelyn: See ya!

Jocelyn: *sings* here comes the sun, do do do do. 
Greta: Contestant number five. There she goes. 
Jocelyn: *sings* and I say, little darling. mhhm. 


Greta: Five down, seven to go. Our next contestant wears sunglasses. For a living. Or maybe he doesn't, who cares? Bring him in. 

 Greta: Here he comes now, looking all fancy.

Greta: Welcome TJ Duncan, ladies and gentlemen. 
TJ: Sup. Is this some interrogation room? 
Greta: No, it's just a room. Please sit. 

 TJ: It's chill, isn't it? No cops on me?
Greta: Uh, no. This is a reality show. You signed on because you wanted to compete, no? 
TJ: Yeah, yeah. I guess I did sign up.

Greta: If you don't mind me asking, is there a particular name behind 'TJ'? Is it like Terence Junior or something? 
TJ: There ain't no reason, it's just TJ! T to the J. 
Greta: I will find out one way or another. 

TJ: Whatever. 
Greta: Please head into the main hall, Theodore Junior. 
TJ: Wrong! I hope you're evicted first week. 
Greta: This kid doesn't know how this show works at all.

TJ: What's up, future roomies? 
Greta: He'll be fine. 
TJ: Is that Marsha Marshall? Oh no. 


Greta: There's six contestants, we're halfway there. Soon, once all the contestants are inside, they will be given their targets and have a moment to introduce themselves before the first challenge, funded by my dear friend Joaquin. 
Joaquin the Designer: You act like bringing one cardboard box into work was a donation.
Greta: Let's meet contestant number seven. 

 Greta: Here she comes now.

 Greta: Welcome! Thanks for coming, Jamie O'Connor. 
Jamie: Nope. Stranger danger. Stranger danger. 
Greta: It's okay, I'm just a simple television host. Take a seat.

 Jamie: I only sat down because my feet are killing me and this chair looks really comfortable. Spoiler alert: it really is. 
Greta: You know you're an adult now? You can make your own choices, instead of listening to mummy and daddy. 
Jamie: Don't speak ill of my mother.

Greta: Okay, moving on. The application tells me you like to write? So does creator. 
Jamie: Creator? Is that the name of your friend here? 
Greta: Probably not. We just call him Production Guy.
 Jamie: You're really arrogant, you know that? This guy has a name. What is it? 
Production Guy: It's fine, we're friends. I'm dating her sister. 
Jamie: You put up with the plum? Oh wow. 
Greta: His name is Bartholomew, okay.

Jamie: How unfortunate. See ya. 
Greta: I hope you make lifelong friends in this house! 
Jamie: I will! 


Greta: So, there's another contestant. That's seven now, how about we meet the rest? Who will be joining Miss Princess, Mr Nice Guy, Mr Issues, Mrs Issues and the others? Here they come now. 

 Greta: I wonder who this is?

 Greta: It's Irma Roboot! Straight from the tech centre! 
Irma: Greetings. I am Irma. Suddenly, it is dark outside. 
Greta: Shh. Just come inside, close the door, and take a seat.

 Irma: Have you heard about the new technology to enhance reality shows? Interesting stuff, really.
Greta: This show doesn't need enhancing. You should see the kitchen! 
Irma: I definitely will be checking all the appliances. Wouldn't want someone electrocuting themselves, would we?

Greta: Probably not, but thank you for offering to check for us. You'll be the fourth time. 
Irma: Sometimes four isn't enough. 
Greta: Sometimes you're not enough. 

 Irma: What are the coincidences? We both said similar sentences. I'll report back to my instructor on this find. 
Greta: *wipes forehead* Thank you. 
Irma: I will see you around, my host. I am very excited to enjoy this house. 
Greta: Head on in.

 Irma: The sofas are in line. Check. The painting are in line. Check. 
Greta: I hope she doesn't check everything twice. 
Irma: Oh, the sofas are in line. Check.


 Greta: We are eight down, four to go. Who will be next, and who exactly are they? Find out soon, when we return on...Hunt or Be Hunted, Season 2 of High Hopes.  


Greta: We're back, and let's see who's coming my way. 

Greta: Here he comes. What's his name? 

Greta: Hello! Everyone, this here is Clyde Stoners! Clyde, say hello to the world! 
Clyde: Hello! It's so unusual being here. I feel ecstatic. 
Greta: Sit down and let's have a chat. 

Clyde: Greta Francis! Hey!
Greta: You know me? I guess I did used to appear on this children's show. 
Clyde: I have a daughter! Her name is Abigail and she is the sweetest thing.

 Greta: I was much younger and much more foolish, but I did enjoy those days. How old is your daughter? 
Clyde: She's eleven this year. 
Greta: Oh wow, she's that old. Now I feel terribly old too. Anyway, I was reading through your application and you say here that you're open to a relationship with a man or a woman, correct?

 Clyde: Yeah, I'm not one to discriminate. As long as they set a positive image for young Abigail, I'll be happy too. 
Greta: You sound like a great man, Clyde. Head in when you're ready. 
Clyde: Will do.

Greta: There he is, ladies and gentlemen. Clyde Stoners, looking for love. 
Clyde: Who know? Maybe someone in here is for me. 


Greta: There are only three contestants left, and they are coming now. The tenth contestant is making her way here, and she tells us she loves fashion. Joaquin?  
Joaquin: No, I don't know her personally.

 Greta: Here she comes now.

 Greta: Let's give a round of applause for Zara De Vil! 
Zara: Don't flatter me. 
Greta: Fine, don't clap for this lady. Sit down, please.

 Zara: So you may recognise me from the famous fashion company 'Brada', I founded it. It's such a success, tonnes of money and designs each year, just so beautiful!
Greta: That's you, huh? 
Zara: I know, I'm the celebrity of this reality show. 

 Greta: Ha no. 
Zara: Uh, excuse me? I'm the most famous person you'll ever meet. 
Greta: Again, that's a lie. I met Oprah. 
 Zara: Who?
Greta: Tell me you're not serious. Tell me you actually know who Oprah Winfrey is. 
Zara: Oh, right, that woman. Wasn't she on some soap opera? 
Greta: No, please go inside. 

Zara: Here I come! It's me, Zara De Vil. 
Greta: I'm starting to realise there's something wrong with your last name. 
Zara: I was orphaned. They needed a last name for me. 


Greta: She was our 10th contestant, so we have only two left before we can begin the game. Who will be next? This contestant comes from a large family, and for an added hint, he has brown hair. 
Production Guy: He's on his way now. 

 Greta: Here he is.

 Greta: Fabio Garcia! Hey! How are you? 
Fabio: I'm well, thank you. It's exciting to be here, I'll miss my family. 
Greta: We're a big family here, you'll fit in. 
Fabio: Yeah, okay. 

 Greta: Head on inside, you're the eleventh contestant. Like all contestants, I'm sure you know that this game is tough and you'll need to be willing to go against your alliance at times. 
Fabio: I'm ready. 
Greta: Well, in you go. Good luck.

Fabio: I'm really quite exited, this room is gorgeous. 
Greta: Only one more contestant to go.


Greta: It's time for the final contestant, who will they be? Known for his golden curls and nerd physique, what is the name of this man? 

 Greta: Here he is. 
Production Guy: It's getting really dark outside. 
Greta: You really don't have to stay.

 Greta: Welcome to the house, Martin! 
Martin: Hello, Greta! I'm excited to be here, I was definitely surprised when you call me to tell me I was accepted. I even shattered a beaker! Ha. 
Greta: The scientist, right? Sadly, there's no room in the house for experiments. Plum, the game is a experiment. 
Martin: True, true.

 Greta: Well, it's time for you to enter the house as the final contestant. Are you ready, because after this, the whole challenge awaits you and the other eleven contestants just past those doors? 
Martin: I am ready. Ready for a Nobel prize too. 

Martin: Last contestant! Woo! Is that what party people say? 
Greta: You don't suit that style. Stick to the nerd look. 
Martin: Okay, fine. Let the games begin.


 Greta: It's time for the contestants to introduce themselves to each other.

 Devra: Hi, peasants. My name is Princess Devra of the Windenburg Eden Royal Family. Yeah, it’s true. It’s official. I even have a crest. You may bow. *waits a moment* Well, if you don’t, it’ll be off with your head.
Bradley: My turn?
Devra: Sure, only peasants follow me.

Bradley: Hi, I'm Bradley Martinez. I like long walks on the beach, long walks in the woods and snuggling up to watch a movie by the candlelight. I'm looking for someone special, because my luck in love is quite terrible. I'm looking for someone to settle down with in the future and maybe even a child or two, who knows? Let's just get to know each other and see how it all goes. 
Marsha: *in a low voice, on the edge between feminine and masculine* "Hello everybody and welcome to the Hunte Estaaaate. I am Marsha Marshall and you all know me from my SimTube channel, so I'm now here to play this Hunted gaaaame and make more new videos and sooongs and win the moneeey... So, byeee, and plies go and watch my next vlogs as well, byyyeeeeee!"
Ted: Hey everyone!! I'm Ted Pleasanton! It's nice to see so many bright and happy faces! I can't wait to get this game started. Admittedly, the lying part of this game might be difficult for 'ole Ted, but I think I can still win playing an honest game! I need the money to support my wife's lifestyle, who spends most of our money on new toasters and on her medications, but you guys probably don’t want to hear all that boring-schmoring stuff…  Because my wife and I both work as New Career Initiators, we need this money since our jobs don’t pay as much as the President’s! She calls it "firing people for a living", but I like to see it as giving them new and better career options! Starting a new life full of rebound hope and wonder!! …. Any who, enough about me, and more about you interesting and beautiful young people!

 Jocelyn: Hi...I'm Jocelyn. Nice to meet you all. I hope you all will like me.
Ted: I thought you were interesting, pal.
Jocelyn: Just because I don't fire people for a living, doesn't mean I'm not interesting! 

 TJ: Oh come on, why didn't the production tell me there where other persons here? Well, guess its to late to complain now. My name is TJ Duncan and I'm here to win. If you wanna come in my way, I will be your darkest nightmare. Lets be clear, I don't trust people. And don't think I will play the nice guy for someone so this S**thole of a show gets more views. Can I now go to my room please?

 Jamie: I don't quite know any of you, but I guess they forced me to open up to you all, so here it goes. My name is Jamie O'Connor, and well, since birth it's been just Dad and I. My mother left us when I was very young, but I have the closest relationship with my father that I could have imagined. I like to write and read, I think I'd consider the library as my favourite place. Well that's me.

Irma: Greetings selected participants of this *ZZZZKKKKK* non-specific Reality show.... On behalf of the Board of Reality show directors I must warn you as it states under section two of law of reality show competitions act 2015 anyone caught trying to obstruct me from my inspection of this designated reality show living space will be *ZZZZZKKKKK* .... Disintegrated without warning. Please follow all orders put to you in an orderly fashion *BUZZZZZZZZ!* anyone who disobeys will be fined $100,000 of your selected currency. Thank you for your Cooperation

 Clyde: Hi! Well... I'm Clyde. Just a single parent hoping to win but also have a GREAT time with you guys!
Zara: I hate kids.
Clyde: Talk then. Let's learn more about you. 

 Zara: My name is Zara De Vil and I'm obviously the most famous person here, because of my fashion company 'Brada' which I started and run by myself, so yeah, I'm pretty successful if you ask me. I hope none of you annoy me because I'm not in any mood to argue. I will win this.

 Fabio: Hello, I'm Fabio Garcia, and I'm not boring. My family is pretty famous around here and so naturally I was in the spotlight for a few years before I moved out. I missed the spotlight and now I'm back to win the prize money.

 Martin: Hello fellow earthlings, this is your captain Martin Beebe speaking! Haha, I'm sorry. I'm a bit weird, but I'm not a mad scientist. I just like the idea of messing around with sweet science, and trying to produce something...magical. I'm desperately attempting to win a Nobel prize, but so far, nothing. Maybe with this prize money...

Greta: I'll see you right after this break for the first Hunt Challenge!


Lulu: Hi, my name is Lulu Burnette. Are you looking for love?
*camera bobs*
Lulu: Well, I've got the offer for you! If you're interested in finding the one, search for MonroeDates in Google. Let's hear a few success stories.

Beth: Monroe Dates helped me find the hot patootie I'm dating now, and good news, I'm not pregnant! There's worse things I could do besides join Monroe Dating.
Lulu: Become like Beth Lizzo and sign up now!

Sergio: I would have never fallen in love with my best friend's brother without Monroe Dating. Yeah, we met ages ago when we were both in high school, but going on a first date with him those years later was a real game changer. Thanks Lulu!
Lulu: A real motivational story.

Lulu: So, if you're having dating troubles, give us a call, and we'll find you someone to date lickety split. Call Monroe Dating at 1800-LoveMe tonight! You definitely won't be disappointed in our service! I'll see you there.


Greta: And we're on! Welcome back to Hunt or Be Hunted, I'm your host Greta Francis and suddenly, it's sunny outside and we're about to witness the first challenge commence.
Production Guy: Those lights really brighten this room.
 Greta: Today's challenge is simple. Each contestant, having been given their target last night after the introductions, will now be given seven 'votes' to distribute to three separate contestants. You may remember a similar challenge last year, but this one has a twist. The winner is the contestant with the least amount of 'votes' in their 'ballot box'. Who will win? Let's find out.
Joaquin: Right after the ad break!
Greta: No. Just no.

 Greta: First up to vote is Ted. Who will it be?
Ted: Blimey! I misread the instructions.

Greta: Next up is Zara.
Zara: I don't do public elections. I prefer to have my assistant vote for me.
Greta: Isn't that illegal?

 Greta: Third to vote is Jamie.
Jamie: You had to follow me in, didn't you?

 Greta: Who will she vote for?
Jamie: Uh, let me think. Greta?
 Greta: Ignoring that, here comes Bradley.
Bradley: Hello ladies of the world. I'm single.

Greta: Good to know, please vote.
Bradley: What are my political views? Hmm.

 Greta: Next up after Bradley is Irma. Irma Roboot.
Bradley: How you doing?
Irma: Intruder alert. Intruder alert.

Greta: It's time to vote, Irma.
Irma: This box is very well kept.
Joaquin: Oh stop it!

Greta: Fabio is up next. Who will he vote for? 
Fabio: *scribbles on paper* That's the mystery.

 Greta: Jocelyn's turn to vote. Will she vote for the ones she likes or dislikes?
Jocelyn: *slips the paper in the box* I hope I win.

Greta: Next to take the plunge is Theodosius Junior.
TJ: Quit it before I punch the camera out.

Greta: Vote and get out of here, TJ.
TJ: I will, just let me place this final vote.
 Greta: Marsha Marshall will now compete in her first challenge of the reality show.
Marsha: Hellooooo! Is et meh turn to win?

 Greta: Please place the votes, Marsha.
Marsha: *in a low voice* Okayyyy.

 Greta: It's time for Martin Beebe to vote. What sort of last name is Beebe? Do you even like JB?
Martin: That man is terrible. My name is better. *pushes glasses*

Greta: Here comes the princess. *giggles*
Devra: You're laughing now, but wait until you see my crown. It's 100 percent real.
Greta: Devra Eden to the throne-
Devra: Fine, I'll vote. Give me the pen.

 Greta: Next up to vote, and the final one, is Clyde Stoners! Welcome!
Clyde: I can accept last, I just hope I'm not losing.

Greta: And, once that piece of paper falls into the box with a light breeze, we will have just wrapped up the very first challenge for Hunt or Be Hunted! Woo!
Clyde: It feels honorary to be voting last now. *the paper is in the box*
Greta: Can everyone gather in the living room? Thank you.

Greta: The results will be announced on the second half of our opening week, so stick around, because when my face graces your screens once more tomorrow night, you'll know the winner of the very first challenge! Goodnight Sim Nation.
