Thursday, March 30, 2017

Outside the Target, Episode Seven: Too Much or Too Little

Here is the seventh episode of 'Outside the Target', titled...'Too Much or Too Little'...

Greta: Hey, are you awake in there? Timmy-
TJ: Oi, don't call me that! 
Greta: Oh, sorry baby. Didn't realize you hated cute names, Tim. Didn't realize that late last night either. *she winks in the mirror* 
TJ: I'll be out there in a minute, baby. 

Greta: *she sighs* remember that night...oh, I suppose it was the night I left for a while. You remember that and how perfect you had been? 
TJ: *from the other room* I wouldn't say I was perfect-
Greta: No, I should have listened to you that night. I should have stayed with you.  

Greta: I...I shouldn't have pushed you away like that. I shouldn't have listened to stupid Jocelyn. *she pauses, shaking her head* No, I'm sorry...
TJ: *from the other room* Greta-
Greta: No, Tim, I am sorry. *she sighs to herself* I acted like the person Jocelyn had thought me to be. I acted like a witch. 

TJ: You're not wicked. 
Greta: But I did something terrible; something disgusting. I wanted...I wanted to be with you so badly that I couldn't be bothered to host another season or simply find a replacement. I...I sold the show to the devil, Tim-
Tim: Greta, come here... 

Greta: I love you so much, baby. 
TJ: I love you too. 
Greta: Tomorrow...can we go somewhere? We should leave today instead. 
TJ: Tomorrow. We'll escape and find some cliche holiday spot to steal. 


Marsha: Moi em scarred, Teddy. 
Ted: Marsha, my dear, why? Are you okay? Can I help you in any way? 
Marsha: Non, Tedday! Wat eef they...wat eef thah fand Irmarh? 
Moi deent wahnt to bee trahyed kilty. 
Ted: Guilty of what, Marsha? We are not criminals, know that. 

Clyde: We're hiding her. We pretended she died to protect her from the others. Who knows what they would do to her? Devra wished to burn her corpse. 
Ted: We cannot be charged for protecting a friend. 
Clyde: I wouldn't call her my friend, but- never mind. 
Marsha: Wha zactleh ewe pratact 'er, Clyde? 

Ted: Marsha-
Marsha: Non. He lahcted 'er in cage, yahled at 'er for neet geeveen him spah day. Wha deed Clayde halp us with Arma? 
Clyde: There are...there are many reasons we do anything, Marsha. 
Marsha: Moi dah neet bahleeve thit. 

Ted: I am...grateful that Clyde is here to help us. Maybe he is upset about that evening, but one happening does not mean he is unwilling to support his fellow ex-contestants of a reality show. 
Clyde: Thank you, Ted. 
Ted: Of course. If you wished to help us, we will not stop you. 

TJ: What's this I hear about help and stopping? 
Marsha: Teemathee! *in a sing-song voice* Helloooooo. 
Greta: Morning everyone. Tim and I...we were just about to make breakfast. 
TJ: Ooh, do we have pancakes? 
Ted: Pancakes sound lovely, thanks Timothy. 
TJ: Please, me Tim. I guess. 
 Ted: Well, Tim, I do think Marsha and I will love some pancakes, won't we? 
Marsha: Yesh, pancakes pless. Tank ewe! 

Ted: Are you feeling better now, Marsha? 
Greta: Was our star performer not feeling herself this morning? Oh...sorry if I intruded. You know I like to keep involved with everyone. 
Ted: Marsha? 
Marsha: Yesh, beetah. Feelt beet cayhged, leetle beet. 
Ted: We all feel 'caged' sometimes. 

Clyde: Hey, let me cook the pancakes, Tim. Remember-
TJ: Yeah, I remember that stupid incident when you thought we were married or whatever. You think you can act like my housewife still? 
Clyde: I'm...I am just trying to have a laugh, Tim-
TJ: Well, you aren't funny. 

Greta: Thank you for offering to cook, Clyde. Please, don't take any offense from Tim, it's who he is. I think, maybe, his time during the reality show wasn't exactly fond memories. 
TJ: I'd rather not speak about that shit, okay? 
Greta: *whispering to him* Hey, I get it. Tomorrow we'll forget, okay? 

Clyde: Do we have any fresh fruit at all? I'd kill for some blueberries or strawberries on top. 
Ted: Not kill someone, I hope. 
Clyde: Of course not, silly. Maybe I'd kill a blueberry bush. 
Marsha: Hehe, moi wood keel fah raspeerays. 

Greta: *calling out* Anyone want a coffee?
Ted: Oh, why thank you, Greta. Black for me. 
Greta: Of course, of course. Anyone else? 
Marsha: Canne moi 'ave ace-crem wahth pancakes? 

Greta: I...I don't see why not, Marsha. Any objections? 
No? Okay, ice-cream with breakfast it is. No health freak here will stop us. 
Clyde: Oh, I suppose it won't hurt us...too much. 
TJ: You have chocolate ice-cream there?
Greta: We do. We definitely do, baby. *she looks around the corner and winks at him* 

Clyde: Wait...why is there a car parked in front of our house? 
Ted: A car? Hmm...we weren't expecting any guests this morning.
Clyde: Yeah, a car parked on the opposite side of the road. Wait...someone's stepping out of the car, approaching the front door. 
TJ: Brilliant. More drama. 

???: She's missing...please, she's missing...
Marsha: Whoo? Who ees...who ees meesing? 
Ted: Marsha...this is a stranger. He-
Marsha: Tell moi...who ees meesing, strahngah? 

Micah: It's my sister. My sister is missing. Please...please you need to help me find her, please. I woke up this morning and she was gone - just like that - and now where is she? Not even a note left behind. Who does that? Who doesn't leave a note or send a message or call my name when they're leaving? I suppose, if I was sleeping, calling my name was useless - but for heaven's sake, sister! Leave me a note or something! 
Greta: Oh, boy can talk. 


Jocelyn: I have a small child, Devra. I don't really like being woken up to feed him, let alone to come back to you begging and screaming. 
Devra: I am worried for her. Sometimes people show compassion. 
Sometimes our friends call us at three in the morning complaining. 
Jocelyn: Did you mean my son? *she giggles; Devra laughs* 

Jeanette: *in a shy, quiet voice* Uh, who is it? 
Devra: Hello! My name is Devra of Eden, former princess of the Eden Kingdom. And who are you, and what are you doing in this home? 
Jeanette: I...I was hired a few days earlier miss Fleming. 
Jocelyn: Devra...please. Be your face. 

Devra: Less in your face? 
Jocelyn: You know, less..."Hello, I am legit royalty, bow down to me" and more...well, more "Hey there, may we come inside?"
Devra: I was 'legit' royalty. Am I supposed to ignore that because we fell through the portal of an insane robot and are now trapped in this...this land?
Jocelyn: I don't think 'ignore'... 

Jeanette: *awkwardly* She's...she's in what was the dining...dining room. 
Jocelyn: ...I just think, perhaps your royal status is less important now that you aren't in your kingdom-
Devra: Your royal status is important regardless of the kingdom you stand in. 
Foreign affairs? How about we disregard those too?

Jocelyn: Do you think your you think they...replaced you? 
Devra: Replaced me? Birthed another child in my absence because I applied for a reality show? 
Jocelyn: The...the reality show has ended. Where do they think you are now? 
Devra: Why, here of course! Isn't this broadcasted?

Jocelyn: Oh...right. Sorry. 
Devra: Oh, don't apologize. We all forget about the cameras one day or another, so really you are just...I don't know the word...
Jocelyn: I'm just...I'm just forgetful, is all. Forgetful-
Devra: Shh. You'll upset her. 

Izzy: *in a soft, sobbing voice* Upset me? *she giggles* Oh, I'm already too upset for all that. I'm so depressed! 
Devra: Izzy! Please be more cheerful and less like...less like your family.
Izzy: My family is trash. *she sobs softly* I'm not trash, am I? 
Devra: No, you're not. 

Jocelyn: aren't trash. How could the former Mole winner be trash? 
Devra: *whispering to Jocelyn* She was the Mole, not the winner. 
Jocelyn: But...didn't she earn more money in the pot or something? 
Devra: *to Izzy* I hear you hired a new...personal maid. How is she? 

Jocelyn: Devra-
Devra: *to Jocelyn* Not now. Can't you see she's depressed? 
Jocelyn: *to Devra* Yeah, I can see. Giving birth didn't make me blind.
Devra: *to Jocelyn* Oh, thank goodness. Now, be supportive. 

Devra: Your personal maid, Izzy? 
Izzy: Who, that Jeanette girl? *she sighs heavily* She kinda sucks. Did you notice how shy and quiet she is? I can't even...I can't even joke with her about those remember the guys from the Mole? 
Devra: Yes, I do believe I remember them. That one you-
Izzy: That pig...Adrian...he stole my virginity...

Jocelyn: *whispering* I find that hard to believe-
Devra: *to Jocelyn* Not now, Joce. 
Jocelyn: *whispering* Okay, I'm sorry for my harsh comment-
Devra: *ignoring Jocelyn* I...I believe we can help you today. 
I hate to see you heartbroken. 

Izzy: I'm listening...
Devra: So, from what I gathered in your screaming-cries this morning at three o'clock - and I wasn't at all burdened by them - but I gathered that you're depressed because...because you are lonely. You're not-
Izzy: *whining* I am so lonely! I haven't...been with a man in so long! 
It's depressing! 

Devra: Well...Jocelyn and I have an idea...
 Jocelyn: We do? *Devra glares at her* Oh! Yes, of course we do. 
We definitely have an idea right now. 
 Devra: *whispering to Jocelyn* You're going to disappoint her, Joce-
Jocelyn: *whispering* Am not. 

Izzy: I'm sad, help me find a man please. 
Devra: *nodding her head* Okay, we can certainly try. How about...there's a few bars nearby, maybe search for some eligible bachelor. Ooh! The Bachelorette! 
Izzy: Someone call that brother person. Like, Wes or something? 
Devra: Would you like to fetch Jeanette? 

Izzy: No, I don't want stupid Jeanette to call for a lover for me. 
She'd make a fool herself and he'd be disinterested. 
Jocelyn: *she exhales* I have an idea. Please hear me out. 
Devra: I do not think Izzy will wish to babysit your son-
Jocelyn: *she shakes her head* No, not that. 

Devra: Please...I hate to see the splendid Izzy depressed. How can she be depressed with a cage in her dining room anyway? 
Izzy: *resisting the urge to sob* I need...I need some handsome man to lock in that cage, silly! *she giggles, wiping a tear* 
Jocelyn: It's rough but...I think I know who can cheer you up. 


Greta: Now that we're say your sister is missing? Have you tried to call her, or for her yourself? 
Ted: Greta! I think it is quite honorable that he has approached us for assistance. 
Greta: Today's...what? Friday? Is she a partying gal? 
Marsha: Beet arleh fah pahrtee, eesn't eet? 

Micah: Yeah, no, she's not a Friday 'party' girl, and plus, it's maybe, like, eight in the morning. Can someone please tell me the time? I haven't checked the time since I discovered she was missing, hoping I didn't oversleep until three in the afternoon or something. Every Friday at three, she likes to swim at the local pool. I even checked there before coming here, you know. No, she wasn't swimming extra early. I don't know where she is.

Greta: And-
Micah: -And she should have left me a note, or sent me a message, or something like that. I checked my phone; I check it every minute now. Can someone check my phone for me? Please, here it is. *he hands Greta his phone* I'm too stressed to look at my phone, in case there's some terrifying news surrounding my sister - can you imagine if there was, like, a text message from the hospital or the police to tell me she was not okay? Do they even do that? 

Greta: No new messages-
Micah: That's great news. Oh, did you realise your name, Greta, is essentially the word 'great'. They just, like, switched around the letters 'a' and 't' to create your name. Don't you think that's interesting? 
TJ: Oh, like I hadn't noticed that-
Micah: Oh I admire your relationship. I wish someone would be with me like you and Greta. I mean, I don't want to have a relationship with a host of a reality show, that's weird. I just...I can't always hang out with my sister, you know. I need someone who doesn't leave me without a note! 

Clyde: I think...I think we need to calm down with something to eat or drink. Perhaps I'll busy myself in the kitchen juicing a whole jug of fresh orange juice. 
Marsha: Freeesh ahrange joosh? Moi pless eat ahranges lahftohvah? 
Clyde: Of course you can, Marsha. I suppose we'll be off
Marsha: Yasssh! 

TJ: Ain't no way you two idiots are leaving me here with this freak. No offense. No, sorry, offense. You come here expecting us to find your sister? Are we the freaking police? No, we're not the freaking police. Imma freaking punch your lights out in a minute. 
Greta: Baby...please. 
TJ: *he sighs, lowering his head* I just...I can't stand it. 
Greta: I know, baby. I know. Please...just stay with me. 

Ted: Please, continue. 
Micah: Okay, so first off, wow. Calm down please, I know you aren't the police but why would I talk to some man dressed in a uniform when I can talk to people who look like me. Who are like me. So, please, Mr. Grumpy Pants, calm down. My sister is missing, is yours? 
TJ: As a matter of fact, yes. 
Greta: His sister is not missing. He doesn't have a sister. 

Micah: Question: is he coming with us to find my sister because I feel like he's just such a pessimistic person and like, negative people aren't the best trackers. I once, on like some camp for school, had to do this orienteering thing, and my partner was just sooooo pessimistic the whole time. I hated him so much, but he did help me from falling off a cliff one time, so I suppose I owe him my life. Kinda? Anyway, just wanted to ask about your boyfriend. I don't want to be slowed down in case, you know, they find my sister somewhere before me. 

Ted: I do believe Timothy will love to assist you in the search. Micah, was it? An interesting name. What was your sister's name? 
Marsha: *whispering* Eet washeent Irma wash eet? 
Ted: *whispering to Marsha* I doubt it was Irma, dear. I don't think Micah here is a Roboot, or even a robot at all. 
Marsha: Thart ees rahbooteest. 

Micah: So, anyway...I really need your help! All of you! I can't find my sister alone, because I was never great at finding anything anyway. Remember that pessimistic dude and the orienteering thing? Yeah, I couldn't find anything either, so we pretty much failed together. I'm not totally reliable with directions or finding things. Once, at Easter time, I couldn't find a single Easter egg...oh wait! That was an episode of Parks and Recreation, sorry. My memory isn't the greatest either, so you need to help me find her!

TJ: If I'm forced into this shit, please can I ride in a car without this parrot. Better yet, shoot me. In the car with this parrot. 
Greta: Tim! 
TJ: I'm sorry, again, but when someone talks for an hour straight about themselves and how they *he mimics Micah* 'can't do orienteering' *back to his normal voice* and then pretends that something that happened in an episode of a comedy happened to him, I just...I just can't. 

Greta: His memory isn't the greatest-
TJ: You're supporting him now? Great, Greta. Look who just once again noticed the great similarities between your name and the word 'great'. 
Greta: *to Micah* Sorry about this. *to TJ* We'll talk about this later. 
Micah: Just please, find my sister. Thank you for agreeing to help. 

Clyde: fresh orange juice then? Guess not. 
Marsha: Bahmeer!
Clyde: I know I'd want someone to help me if my daughter was missing, so we agree to help you. Right, Timothy? We will help...Micah? 
Micah: Ah, thank you. Thank you. Thank you all so much! 

TJ: Oh, how fantastic. *he pauses, gasping falsely* Ooh! I have an idea! Maybe look at her place of work, idiot, or perhaps she's hiding in the closet somewhere, hiding from your talkative bullshit. I bet she's hiding in her wardrobe. 
Greta: Tim! 
Micah: No, no, he can yell at me all he likes, I'm not afraid of him. I did check the wardrobe, but she can't fit in those drawers. No, she's about my size, so no. No she didn't and couldn't. 

Ted: Well then, where do you suggest we search first, Micah? 
Micah: Uh, so there's this park...she really likes this park, but I don't have a car to drive there, because she has our only car, so someone better drive us to the park and we'll see if she's there. Please? 
Ted: Of course. Of course we'll find her. 

Izzy: *whining* Can I open my eyes now? I don't like blindness! 
Jocelyn: Soon. Okay, one step forward. Another step forward. 
Devra: I think...I think she can open her eyes now, Jocelyn. 
Would you wish for her to trip up the staircase?
Jocelyn: can open your eyes!  

Izzy: *she smiles* You brought me to the gym! Oh my gosh, you know me so well. *she glances inside, confused* It looks dead empty...
Jocelyn: It''s not the gym I wanted to surprise you with. 
Izzy: Please no sappy nonsense about that time you met me here-
Jocelyn: You remember? Aw...

Devra: Where is this surprise, Jocelyn? 
Jocelyn: Upstairs. 
Devra: Come on then, let's head inside. No use waiting outside for nothing. 
Jocelyn: Why head inside when the surprise is above your head? *she giggles* Look up. 

Bradley: Hey, Izzy. 
Izzy: OH MY GOD! I've waited so long to see this fellow redhead again. Is this the surprise? Is he my new lover? Please? 
Bradley: Izzy...I'm...I'm married. I have a son. Just no. 
Izzy: Aww...I was hoping for a divorce. 

Jocelyn: Please...I brought him here to talk to you about something. I thought it would...cheer you up, maybe. Come inside-
Devra: Now we head inside! Not until dear Izzy hit on your husband. 
Jocelyn: Which she is never doing again-
Izzy: Fellow redheads make attractive children, you know. 

Bradley: Hey, Izzy. Glad to see you're not depressed anymore. 
Izzy: Finally in the presence of some d-
 Jocelyn: *rolling her eyes* I...I thought Bradley could talk to you about something. Last time...last time he talked to you, it helped. 
Bradley: First, something else. 

Bradley: I thought a hug could help. 
Izzy: Yeah. Yeah it helps. 
Bradley: *gasping* Izzy! Hey...don't put your hand there, please. 
I'm a married man, you know that. Even if-
Jocelyn: Izzy, can you let him speak now? 

Bradley: Hey...listen to me. You don't need some man to cheer you up, not anymore. Maybe it worked when you were trapped between the walls of a home isolated and depressing, but...but you are with friends now, and that is what truly matters. 
Izzy: Brad...I don't know what to say...
Bradley: Tell me you won't stray from your friends. 

Izzy: But...I like someone to cuddle with, someone to -
Bradley: And you can have that. I'm not saying you abstain. I'm saying...realise what you have in front of you and know I am here to help. 
Izzy: But...but what about your wife? 
Bradley: Jocelyn...she may seem to dislike you, but trust me...she wants you to be happy too. 

Jocelyn: Devra-
Devra: Hey, I need to see him again. 
Jocelyn: Go and kiss him already, princess. Kiss him and fall in love over and over again. No hesitation. 
Devra: I feel terrible. Izzy needs someone like this. 

Jason: Devra...why are you here? 
 Devra: Just shut up and kiss me, please. 
Jason: Okay.

Izzy: Can I tell you a secret, redhead to redhead? 
Bradley: aren't a redhead. Not born or dyed. 
Izzy: Shush! I can dye my hair if I want to! 
Bradley: Did you have a secret to tell me or not, Izzy? 

*Izzy whispers something in his ear* 
Jocelyn: I'm...I'm gonna ignore them. Focus on the love of Devra and Jason. Jevra. Dason. Devron? Jasvra? This is tough. Uh...I don't like Jasvra much, and Dason is kinda odd. Jevra is cute. Devron...sounds like a car brand. I think I'll go with Jevra. Yep, that's sorted.  

Bradley: You are so right! 
Izzy: I know right! *she pauses, sighing* Thank you for today, Bradley. 
I'm...I'm ever more hopeful for what's in store, thanks to you. But please...find me some hunk or else-
Bradley: -Or else you come and live with us? 
Izzy: And give up the mansion I bought from you? No thank you. 

Bradley: *laughing* Too true, too true. 
Devra: Jason...
Jason: Devra...
Devra: Please don't ever let me go. I'd be lost without you. 
Izzy: *staring depressingly* I want a love like theirs...


TJ: So...I don't see no sister here. Pretty straightforward. 
Greta: Please, Tim...she could be anywhere, we don't know-
TJ: Yeah, sure, but she ain't here. This park is empty. 
Clyde: Empty, sure. Clueless, perhaps not. 

Greta: Be hopeful. That's what we can be. Hopeful. 
TJ: Searching between a handful of rocks and trees for torn clothing or something, are we?
Greta: Tim, selfless for one day more. 
TJ: I'm here, aren't I?

Micah: I only want to find her. I'm rarely away from her. She's my sister - my twin sister - after all. I just really need to see her again, and I'd hate for something to have happened to her, you know. *he pauses, sighing* If there is some spirit in the sky to help me, please show me a sign. One sign. 
Marsha: Tedday, wash ees theet ovah 'ere? 
Ted: Why, let's explore, Marsha? 

Greta: Hey, Micah, I promised we'd find her soon enough-
Micah: But what if your promise is not enough, you know? What if she doesn't ever come back and I'm left here, alone and traumatized? I can't bear without her, Greta. 
Greta: I know. I...I can't stand it without my sister, but I have Tim...somehow he solves all of my worries without Chanel. 

TJ: Anything in the trash can, baby? 
 Greta: I'll ignore the obvious sarcasm and say this: apart from some scraps, no clues here, I'm afraid. 
 Micah: She...she wouldn't have much to throw away, really. Unless she packed something to eat, or needed to blow her nose, but even then she tucks the rubbish in her pocket. No, she doesn't litter it. But if she was kidnapped-
Greta: I'm sure...I'm sure she wasn't...

Clyde: Is this a secret meeting I wasn't informed of? 
Ted: Marsha simply wished to explore this area-
Marsha: Noh, Teddah. Theese ah seecrat mahteen. Moi ees scarred. Moi dosheen' wan someween fahndeen 'er. 
Ted: I'm sure we have tucked Irma away safely, Marsha. 

Clyde: I'm sure too. The cabin is hidden, and her death was not a public affair. Bradley and Jocelyn are unlikely to return to the cabin again - not with little baby Jamie to care for. 
Marsha: Baht...whart eef? 
Ted: We can move her soon, if you are too concerned. She can leave town if you are too concerned. 

Clyde: Be as inconspicuous as possible, Marsha. It'll only be when people think you are truly hiding something major that they will question you. 
Ted: Exactly. Irma is safe, I promise you. 
Marsha: She ees? Irmie ees safe an' sahnd? 
Clyde: She knows how to call us if she isn't. 

Clyde: Just remain casual and your usual Marsha Marshall self. Shouldn't be too difficult for you. Now, keep searching for clues for this boy's sister. 
Marsha: Ooh-keey, Clad. Keep bee-een hoosull Marsha seelf. 
Clyde: Yep, usual Marsha self. 
Ted: I do hope this boy does find his sister. Such a tragic story. 

Marsha: Cann moi sah someteen crahzee? 
Ted: Yes, Marsha? What is it? 
Irma: Whaht eef...what eef his seestar ees Irma Roboot? Whaht eef? 
Clyde: His...his sister most likely is not Irma, no.
He doesn't seem like...a all. 

Micah: *whispering* Dear heavenly spirit, please give me a sign as to where my sister is. I just...I miss her so much, and I woke up and I couldn't see her, and you know how painful it is to not see your twin sister when you wake up? Oh...I suppose heavenly spirits probably don't have twin sisters, do they? Or maybe they do? Quick question: do you have a twin sister, or are you an only child? What am I saying, you aren't even real. You suck, heavenly spirit. You stole my twin sister because you didn't have one. Now, for, I will find my sister.

Greta: Do you think...maybe a DNA test on this bench could find a match to her fingerprint or something? Just a thought. 
 TJ: You do that, baby. You do that. 
Greta: No, that's a silly idea. Literally a million fingerprints here, surely. 
TJ: Oh, and knowing she pressed her finger on the bench would suddenly solve the case too. Brilliant. 

Greta: Stop being a little bitch, Tim-
TJ: Oh, believe me, I haven't even started- Hold on...
 Clyde: -Okay, so there's a start. Now, look inconspicuous. 
Marsha: Wart ees eencahspeechees? Sahspeeshush? 
Clyde: Don't act suspicious. 

Ted: All good, Clyde-
TJ: Why aren't we acting suspicious? 
Ted: Busted. What do we do? 
TJ: You tell me what's going on with this secrecy. You don't seriously think huddling in a group is hiding your lack of participation in finding this poor guy's sister?

Marsha: Ah jeezes. Waht doo moi do? Ahct sahspeeshush? Oh non. 
Ted: *whispering to Marsha* No, act inconspicuous. Divert attention away. 
Marsha: Ah...ees that birdie een skah? Blahrk birdie seenging dahrd of nahght! 
Clyde: Not like that, Marsha    

Bradley: How's daddy's little prince? *he shakes his head* Nope, I'll stick to calling you 'Jamie' or 'son' from now on. That doesn't all. 
Jamie: *nonsensical baby chatter* 
Bradley: Remember, my boy...your father loves you. Your mother loves you.  
Your family extends past two parents. 

Jocelyn: Hey, you need to change-
Bradley: my clothes? What's wrong with this? 
Jocelyn: We're having dinner, not drinking beers in a pub with the football blaring. *she smiles* Please, Brad. 
Bradley: Of course, baby. I'll change now. 

Jocelyn: Are we following the right path with our son, baby? 
Bradley: What do you mean? We're raising him fine-
Jocelyn: I know, I know...but maybe not here? 
Bradley: Why would you want to move from here? 


Jocelyn: Bradley! *she gasps* Please, he'll be here any minute-
Bradley: Can't I kiss my wife before the guests arrive? 
Jocelyn: Please...let me check on Jamie again. 
Bradley: He's fine, baby. He's safe with the babysitter. 

Jocelyn: I...I don't know. I don't know if he is. 
Bradley: You've never been so frazzled about all of this, Joce-
Jocelyn: I...*she shakes her head* I don't know if he'll be safe, Brad. 
I had a dream...and sure, I'd be a fool to believe it, but...maybe? 
Bradley: We'll always be here to protect him. 

 Jocelyn: I...I hope so. 
*they kiss, passionately* 
Jocelyn: Now, please, let me go and make sure everything is ready. This dinner is important to Joe, even if it's not...not as important to us. He'd do the same for us. 
Bradley: Too bad Joe doesn't need to prepare dinner for us...
Jocelyn: Yeah, too bad, huh?  

Bradley: Now, you check everything for dinner. 
Jocelyn: Oh, I will...I love you, Bradley. 
Bradley: I love you so much, and much more too, my beautiful wife. 
The mother...mother of my child. *he smirks, holding her hand* 
*the guest knocks at the front entrance*  

Jocelyn: He's here. 
Bradley: It's going to be fine, Joce. How terrible can Joe's date be anyway? He's not going to be the spawn of Satan. He's surely not a convicted criminal. 
Jocelyn: But...what if he is? No, now he must be a criminal...what have we done? 
Bradley: Surely he's not-

Jocelyn: What if...what if I'm welcoming...welcoming a terrible person into our house, and he tries to...tries to hurt Jamie? 
Bradley: He's not going to hurt Jamie! 
Jocelyn: Oh, and you can tell the future? 
Bradley: Please...Joce, just...just give him a chance. 

Jocelyn: A...a chance? If he...if he says anything horrible, or he...or he tries to hurt anyone...
Bradley: Joe is a...he's a friendly and kind cameraman. He wouldn't date someone cruel or terrible. 
Jocelyn: place so much faith in a cameraman-
Bradley: Please. Be nice. 


Devra: I was able to ask some friends of mine if they had any knowledge of where your sister could be, Micah. Thanks for the information-
Micah: And did you find her? Please tell me you found her-
Devra: I...I think I found her, thanks to an old...loyal subject of mine. 
Greta: Devra was the queen of her own kingdom here in town, you know. 

Devra: Your sister loves you. So much. 
Micah: I know she loves me. We're twins. I know that she cares deeply for me even when she doesn't say it out loud. It's just...I couldn't hear her when she left me. I feared for the worst - that I lost my twin sister...
Devra: You didn't lose her, Micah. Not that I know of. 
Micah: Oh thank god! I was so worried! 

Devra: But...her friends know how...suffocating you can be, and they suspect she needed a chance to breathe fresh air. She loves you, Micah, but...but she needs space and she needs to be her own person. 
Micah: I give her space-
Devra: Clearly not enough. 
Greta: Well, where is she then? 

Devra: One of her friends told me she liked to come here at night and enjoy the serenity. It's her place to escape from the world when she needs to escape. Then, when she's escaped for the night, she returns to you. Her favourite person in the whole world. 
Micah: I...I wish I knew she needed to escape. I could've helped-
Greta: I don't think you involved would be helping...

Devra: I'm...I am terribly sorry I had to be the one to break this to you, Micah-
Micah: KITTY! 
Greta: *excited* Where? *lowering her head* Right. That's your sister's name. Got it. Sorry about that. 
Micah: She's here! You were right, your highness, you were right! 

Kitty: Micah? 
Micah: Yeah, it's me, Kitty cat. You should have told me you needed to breathe, but I always thought you loved to be in my company all of the time. Kitty? 
Kitty: Micah...
Micah: You don't need to explain. I get it all. The princess explained everything. 

Kitty: What princess? 
Devra: Hello there, Micah's sister, Kitty. My name is Devra of the Eden Kingdom, but I am afraid I am no longer their princess. I was ripped away from my home land, you see, due to the curse of an evil robot woman. Your town is beautiful, though. 
Greta: Hello! I was helping out your brother today - my name's Greta Francis. 
Maybe you heard of me from the reality show Hunt or be Hunted? Yeah, I hosted that. 

Micah: I have missed you so much. Even spending a day without knowing you were safe was terrifying. Never leave me without trying to explain first. Please don't ever do that. I wanted to read a note, or a text message, but...there was nothing, Kitty. 
Kitty: Micah...
Micah: I didn't know you came here. I didn't know you needed to escape from me. 

Kitty: I...I didn't want you feeling like you made a mistake. You didn't, or at least not something massive and unforgivable. You were yourself, and yeah, you can talk too much or you be overwhelming, but that's what I love about you, Micah. You're my perfect twin brother...
Micah: But...but you disappeared without telling me? 
Kitty: I didn't want to argue with you. I didn't want you forcing me to stay. 

Kitty: I love you so much, brother, but we can't always be glued to the hip. 
Micah: I...I know that now. I know I talk too much sometimes, but I can't help that. It's who I am. I know I ramble on and on and on...oh, I'm rambling on and on even now. 
Kitty: You're my family. My closest friend. But like all of my friends, I need a break every now and then to be myself. A singular person. 

Micah: I won't overwhelm you. Or at least, I won't try to overwhelm you. I will try my hardest to be myself but be comforting to you, and if I speak too much, you can tell me to be quiet. You can breathe air out here as often as possible, and I will find some new friends to hang out with. 
Kitty: I don't...I don't expect you to change for me. I know you will always be there for me, and I love that. I promise...I promise I will never leave you without writing a note. 

Micah: You are my family. My closest friend. 
Kitty: Come on, let's go home and eat dinner. Movie time? 
Micah: Yes please! can pick tonight. 
Izzy: I...I think it's time I go home to my family. 


Irma: Huh? Who turned on the lights? Marsha? Ted? 
This isn't funny. I was peacefully resting-
Clyde: We can't hide you here any longer...
Irma: This couch is uncomfortable. The bed has no sheets. 
A change will do me good. 
Ted: We are sorry, Irma...

TJ: I do hope you were planning on spreading the joyous news that Irma Roboot did not in fact die. I know the others would be delighted. 
Irma: Timothy? 
TJ: Oh, hello Irma. Nice little cabin you have. Stolen from Bradley, I presume? 
Marsha: Busteed. deed naht know she wash 'ere.

TJ: Don't pretend, Marsha. You, Ted and Clyde orchestrated a cover up death of Irma to hide her here. In a cabin in the woods. What else are you three hiding? 
Ted: There was no bird in the sky...
Marsha: Yesh, tharrgh wash! Blahck birdee! 
 TJ: I...I can't hide this from anyone else. The three of you lied. Lied to Greta, lied to Bradley and Jocelyn...lied to Devra-

*Irma begins to run* 
TJ: Bring her back here! She isn't running free, not anymore! I'm reporting her to the police for the crimes she has committed. Bring her back! 
Ted: Please don't harm Irma Roboot. 
TJ: Too long have we suffered. The end of Irma Roboot is near. 



 Tiger, for Greta, Micah, Izzy, Jupiter and Kitty
 Yannik, for TJ (aka Timothy Jacob)
Vul, for Marsha
  Turner, for Ted
 Penguin, for Clyde
Lo, for Devra 
 The Singing Simmer, for Jocelyn
Alleen, for Bradley
 Twiddle, for Irma
Here it is, another episode. Finally. Again, I apologize for the lengthy delay. I had finished filming for this episode about five weeks ago, but with a busy schedule, I was unable to complete the writing. Here it is, however! Finally complete and, might I add, beautiful and enjoyable. I hope you loved the introduction of Micah and Kitty Howland, and how their beautiful reunion impacted a certain former Mole. Always a pleasure to bring back my favourite redhead Izzy, and for sure this is not her final appearance. 
Anyone surprised to see Jupiter Hill return? Where is that dinner scene, might I ask? That is coming soon, so hold tight. Jocelyn and Bradley will face the terror that is Jupiter Hill. Soon. 
And what will happen to Irma? Find out when we return. 