Sunday, June 26, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Seven: Let It Go

High Hopes Season 2: Hunt or Be Hunted, Episode Seven: Let it Go

*a flash of lightning*

Marsha: Jesuess H. Christsis! 
Irma: I am grateful for our arrival home. 
Devra: I am not. I did prefer how beautiful I looked in that other strange land.  
Ted: It's great to be home. 

TJ: Freaking thank god. 
Clyde: Would anyone like to explain exactly what happened back there? 
TJ: We were freaking teleported by a loonie, you dad. 
Clyde: Well then. 

Jocelyn: Oooh! A button. 
Devra: Please don't touch that again. 
Jocelyn: I'm kidding, jeez. Let it go. 
Bradley: Joce? 

Jocelyn: Brad. Hey, you. 
Bradley: Hey. Can we talk about...about what happened between us?
Jocelyn: Of course! In the kitchen? 
Bradley: Yeah, sounds great. 

Devra: We need to charge down on that host of ours. 
She cannot expose us to that! 
Ted: Devra. It isn't her fault. 
Devra: Oh yes it is! She hasn't told us who if it isn't.

Ted: I'm sure there's a logical explanation for everything, dear. 
Devra: Until then, Ted, I will be waiting for an answer. 
I'm an impatient person sometimes. 
Ted: Maybe she'll come soon.

Greta: Hello contestants! Welcome home! 
TJ: You son of a b-
Greta: Now, TJ, use your manners. I haven't kicked you out for your behavior yet, considering I am the host. I have my duties. 
Irma: I am the representative for the council of Reality Shows and I know you cannot eliminate a contestant without a proper reason that involves the competition.   

Greta: Anyway-
Jocelyn: Explain why I pressed this button. 
Greta: Oh..uh, in every human being is a trigger that helps us make decisions-
Jocelyn: That isn't what I meant. Why is it here? 

Greta: Wouldn't you like to know. 
Bradley: Actually we would all like to know. 
Greta: Fine, fine. The button is here because...because....
Marsha: Moi is waitteen. 
Greta: Because....we haven't discussed the quiz! Or the recent eliminations and their results! 

Irma: You cannot escape forever. 
Clyde: Who placed highest in the quiz? Me? 
Bradley: Come on, it is obvious it was me. 
Jocelyn: Sure. You don't even know a single thing about your hunter. 

Greta: Okay, so first of all, one of you will be the first person to join Round 2 of this competition. 
Devra: Fess up, it is your princess right here.
Greta: I am afraid not. In light of the elimination of Zara, her hunter- who had placed six points behind her- will move forward. 

Irma: Irma is upset. Her coding understands it is not her. 
Bradley: I've always wondered how robots work. Can you shoot lasers?
Irma: I cannot, but my metaphorical uncle can. 
Marsha: Canfess! Hoo was eet? 

Greta: Would the hunter responsible please say 'I'. 
Devra: not responsible. Why!
Greta: Devra, there is still time to move forward.  
Ted: is actually....

Ted: It is me. I was Zara's hunter, Greta. 
Bradley: Congrats, man. You move on! 
TJ: Yippee! At least he ain't dying. 

Greta: Ted moves forward to Round...Two....hold on....
Jocelyn: Are you okay? 
Greta: No, not really. I really need know. 
Jocelyn: No, I don't know. I pressed the time travel button, remember? 

Irma: Let it go, Jocelyn. 
Clyde: Will we be referencing Frozen this entire episode or no? 
 Irma: I'm not referencing Frozen. I do not watch Disney movies as I am not a child. 
Clyde: Disney is for everyone, okay?

Bradley: Haha, dude. 
TJ: What? 
Bradley: You're sitting in the perfect spot.
The arrows are pointing directly at you. 
TJ: Oh man. Maybe I'll press it? 

Jocelyn: You know, it was a mistake. I'm sure you'd press it too if you could. 
TJ: And go back in time to save this crap show? No thanks. 
Jocelyn: I...I like this 'crap' show, thank you. 

Greta: I'm back. I just needed know....
Ted: Again, we do not know, my dear.
Greta: I needed to pee, okay?! 
Ted: Oh, okay. Who placed highest in the quiz? 

Greta: Right. That was Devra. Well done. 
Devra: Told you all, peasants. I win. 
Greta: Just one quiz. Not the entire reality show, love. Wait-
*the sound of footsteps* 
Someone's coming.  

Marsha: Moi beets it's stayle eyecoon Martha Marrshell.
Clyde: Isn't that just a play on your own name?
Marsha: Non. She ees reel! 
Greta: I know exactly who it is.
She's responsible for this button. 


London: Good day to you, Greta Francis. Contestants of the acclaimed reality television program Hunt or Be Hunted, produced by the wonderful and the superb.....London Howard. Or, should I say, me. 
Dax: I'm her new bodyguard. Don't mind me. 
London: Don't mind him. 

Greta: London. How pleasant to see you today. 
Devra: London Howard? Where have I heard that name? 
Bradley: She appeared on some reality show. Ha. 
Jocelyn: You're appearing on some reality show, Brad. 

London: I love what you've done with the place!
Greta: Why thank you! I'm a budding designer, you know-
London: Dax, this is the ugliest room I've ever seen. Destroy it. 
Greta: I can hear you. Every word loud and clear. 

London: Hello! How has the hosting lifestyle been? 
Greta: Oh, uh, great. I like it-
London: Yeah, well, I came to inspect your abilities. Dax, I told you to destroy this. 
Dax: Right. I will, Ms Howard. 

Greta: Ms Howard, can we discuss the...the time button? 
London: What is there to discuss? If you make your same mistakes, you press that and no more Greta Francis, host of Hunt or Be Hunted. 
Greta: Uh, that's what I want to talk about. 

London: What? Oh, I see it is present in this room. 
Isn't that a hazard, miss Francis? 
 Greta: Yes, actually. One of the contestants-
London: This is why you cover it up. No messes. 

Greta: Well, it wasn't my fault. She-
London: It's always your fault. You are hosting-
Greta: I know, but it appeared. Like magic. 

London: Magic isn't real, Greta. Now...why are there three glasses left here?
That is unhygienic. 
Greta: That must have been...Jamie. Oh. Rest in peace. 
London: Jamie? Rest in peace? Don't tell me you killed her. 

Greta: No, no. She died on her own-
London: Died on her own? Where is your safety advisor? 
Jocelyn: Yeah, where is he?!
London: Who is that? Did she press that button? 

Greta: Yes, it was her. Her name is Jocelyn McGray.
Jocelyn: Hey! Nice to meet you. 
London: McGray? Is she related to millionaire Edward McGray? 
Jocelyn: How'd you know? 

Devra: What is she doing here anyway? 
Bradley: Who, my Joce? 
TJ: No, bro. London Howard, contestant on Zero Privacy. 
Ted: She's involved with the button's creation. 


Bradley: Hey, Jo. Can we talk?
Jocelyn: I thought that's why we came in here. To chat. 
Bradley: Yeah, it is, but you aren't talking to me. 
Jocelyn: Did you want me to start? Or would I accidentally teleport us to Hidden Springs? 

Bradley: Let that go, okay. You made a minor mistake. 
Jocelyn: Minor? We were trapped in another dimension. 
Tell me how that was minor. 
Bradley: So you made a massive mistake? You're human. 
It happens. 

Jocelyn: Not all humans accidentally press time buttons. 
Bradley: Okay, so you are unique. That makes you me, at least. 
Jocelyn: I'm important to you?
Bradley: More than anyone else in this entire house. 

Jocelyn: More than anyone else in the world? 
Bradley: Well...uh, my mother is important to me. 
She raised me, you know. 
Jocelyn: Other than family members? 
Bradley: Yes. 

Jocelyn: I enjoyed our kiss back in...well, back in last year. 
Bradley: I did too. Thank you for not pushing me back. 
Jocelyn: Thank you too. I thought...
I thought you would. 
Bradley: I'd never push you away, Jo. 

Jocelyn: I really never want to leave this house. 
I love it here with you. 
I love-
Bradley: It's perfect here. I've had some much fun already. 
Jocelyn: Brad-

*the doors swing open* 
Dax: Listen up, you too. 
Bradley: What? We're just talking with each other. 
Dax: My boss would like to speak to you about something. 

Jocelyn: We can talk later, Brad. 
Dax: Hurry up, Ms Howard does not like those who waste time. 
Bradley: I guess we'll follow him then. 


London: Thank you for coming, Bradley Martinez and Jocelyn McGray. 
Greta: I am here too. 
London: Oh right? Sorry. Forgot completely about you, host. 
Jocelyn: Why are we here? 

Bradley: Why were we forced to sit apart from one another? 
We haven't done anything wrong. 
Jocelyn: Have we? I haven't been sleep walking, have I? 
Bradley: Please tell me no. 

London: No, none of that.
We found some footage from the trip you should see. 
Jocelyn: There are cameras installed? 
Bradley: Oh god. 


Bradley: I enjoyed that kiss. A lot, actually. 
Jocelyn: You're a wonderful kisser. I've...I've been told I am alright. 
Bradley: Are you kidding? You are amazing. I loved it. 
Jocelyn: Me too. 

Bradley: Now that we're alone-
Jocelyn: No, we couldn't. 
Bradley: You didn't let me finish. I was going to suggest-
Jocelyn: I don't know. I just want to leave this place. 

Bradley: You could always sing for me? 
Jocelyn: I wouldn't know what to sing. 
Bradley: Anything. Anything that comes to your mind. 

Jocelyn: Anything? 
Bradley: Yeah, as long as it isn't some song about death or breakups. 
I don't want to curse us. 
Jocelyn: I wouldn't ever sing those songs for you. 
Only positive songs. 

Bradley: Where are you going now? 
Jocelyn: The bathroom. I need to...uh....change. 
Bradley: We didn't bring any clothes....oh! 
Jocelyn: Yeah. 

Bradley: Well I'll be waiting out here. 
Jocelyn: Okay, Brad. 
Bradley: I better change too then. 

Jocelyn: do I look? 
Bradley: Oh wow. You look-
Jocelyn: Pathetic. Yeah, I know. 
Bradley: No. Beautiful. 

Jocelyn: You really think so? I'm not like other girls who look like models. 
Bradley: I wouldn't want a model. 
Jocelyn: *singing* I was feeling done in, couldn't win. 
Bradley: You have a beautiful voice too. 

Jocelyn: *singing* I'd only ever been kissed before. 
Bradley: You mean you? 
Jocelyn: Uh huh. *singing* I felt there's no use getting into heavy sweating. 
It only leads to trouble and-
Bradley: Bad fretting. 

*they kiss* 
Jocelyn: *singing* Now all I want to know is how to go. 
I've tasted blood and I want more.  
Bradley: More? More? More?   

Jocelyn: *singing* I'll put up no resistance. I want to stay the distance. 
 Bradley: Are you sure about all this? 
Jocelyn: *singing* I've got an itch to scratch. I need assistance. 
Bradley: But...before you said no. 

Jocelyn: I know. I was thinking it over in the bathroom. 
Bradley: You changed your mind? Why? 
I won't force you into this. 
Jocelyn: I don't know why. 

Bradley: Have I told you how beautiful you are? 
Jocelyn: You have. I haven't told you. 
*singing* Touch-a touch-a touch me.
Bradley: The group is probably wondering where we are.  

Jocelyn: We can rejoin with them in a minute. 
*singing* I wanna be dirty. 
Bradley: Joce. What are you doing? This isn't you. 
Jocelyn: Maybe I changed. Maybe it's this place. 
Bradley: This place? 

Jocelyn: *singing* If anything grows, while you pose. 
I'll oil you up and rub you down. 
Bradley: Is this song really appropriate right now? 
It's know. 
Jocelyn: *singing* That's just one small fraction. 

Bradley: Of the main attraction.
We shouldn't continue this. Let's just chat. 
Jocelyn: I don't know. I want to have fun. 
Bradley: Grab those two chairs. 
Jocelyn: Why? 


Jocelyn: I admit this is fun. 
Scandalous, but fun. 
Bradley: See? I told you. We can have fun without anything else. 
Jocelyn: This reminds me of something.*singing* And all that jazz! 
Sing with me! 

Bradley: I think I know the song. 
*singing* Come on babe, why don't we paint the town?
Jocelyn: You can't sing that well, but it'll do. 
Bradley: Hey! *singing* And all that jazz! 

Jocelyn: Average. *singing* I'm gonna rouge my knees and roll my stockings down and all that jazz!
Bradley: You could do better. *singing* It's just a noisy hall where there's a nightly brawl. 
Jocelyn: Says you. *singing* And all that jazz. 

Bradley: I'm kidding. It's perfect, Jo. 
Thanks for this.
Jocelyn: No, thank you. This was all your idea. 
Bradley: I couldn't have done it without you. 


 Bradley: Jocelyn? Are you in here? 
Jocelyn: That was supposed to be private! 
She shouldn't have watched that! 
Bradley: Hey, nothing too risky happened. They didn't watch know.

 Jocelyn: I suppose you're right.
That would've been worse.
Bradley: I'm here with you. They can't bring us down. 
Jocelyn: Thank you, Bradley.


 Marsha: So moi has a veery spaceeel priseent for ya'll todeey! 
Moi sing! For vieweers et homme! Hit it. 
Cameraman: What? Hit what? 
Marsha: The moosix, doofus. Hit it! 

(Per Vul's request, listen to this while reading Marsha's song and singing along.)
 Marsha: Specciul effekt!
Cameraman: Uh....I don't know if we can in this room. 
Marsha: Specciul effekt!! 

 Marsha: Moi makes cewl videoz, and dat lurz 'aaturs in!

Dey leavin' nastee commantarey, but moi no gives in!

Marsha: Dey do eet for sum reeson: 'Cuz moi am da bomb!

Haaatuz ar-a mean and mouse 'n alzow rlly dumb!

Marsha: No do tigur when yu're pussycat!

No do tigur when yu're pussycat!

Nodotiguuuur, when yu're pussycat!

No do tigur when yu're pussycat!

Marsha: Moi will eet y'all alaif!

'Aaturz are DUMB!

Marsha: "No do tigur when yu're pussycat!

No do tigur when yu're pussycat!

No do taaigur, when yu're pussycat man, no dew dat...

No gonna do, just no do taigurr, you're pussey.

Marsha: No do tigur when yu're pussycat!

No do taiguuurrrrr...

*Marsha sighs annoyedly*

Marsha: Cowurdz.
Marsha: No do tigur when yu're pussycat!

No do tigur when yu're pussy- CAT!

*the song ends. Marsha does a tiger claw to the camera*

Marsha: Cowurdz... Yeahr, dat will teech 'em.
 Devra: That is a beautiful song, Marsha. 
Who did you write that about? 
Marsha: Ewe. 
Devra: A female sheep? What was her name? 

 Marsha: Moi doennt has thyme for 'aaturz or cowurdz. 
Boi boi. 
Devra: I'm not a coward, Marsha. I'm a royal princess and I know who I am. 
Don't you dare cross me, you hear me. Don't you dare. 
Marsha: No do tigur when yu're pussycat than. Dince for moi.

 Marsha: Dint dissapoineneeten me. 
Devra: What the heaven did you say to your majesty? 
I bet I could out-dance you any day.
 Marsha: Prove eet, pusseh-cat.


Greta: Back at it again, hey. 
TJ: I'm not in the mood for your bull, missy. 
Let me work out in peace. Thanks. 
Greta: Okay. Bye.

 TJ: Stop....referencing.....that movie...
Clyde: What, Frozen? That's not a kids movie. 
TJ: What the heck? Where'd you come from? 
Clyde: I'm a voice in your head. Telling you to enjoy Disney for what they are.

 TJ: And what are they? Some company famous for children's films? 
One....hundred and.....fifty.....
Jamie: Children's films.....nope.
Zara: Oh I hate children. 
TJ: What the- those two are dead.    

 Irma: How has your sleep been, master Clyde? 
Clyde: There's really no need to call me master. 
Irma: I am a loyal follower since I am a robot. 
This is how I am programmed. 
Clyde: Oh, okay.

 Irma: Must I ask you again, master Clyde? 
Clyde: Oh, uh, sleep has improved. The trip helped. 
Irma: Oh, I'm glad. That trip may have been hazardous to my continuous timeline, but I still enjoyed it.

 Clyde: Oh. You must have felt different outside and in a different dimension. 
Is that it? 
Irma: No, not that. 
Clyde: Oh. Is it because you were not created at that time?

 Irma: No, I had been created early in 2015. It is that....well...
I spent much of my life before this competition in the lab. 
Clyde: Oh. That trip changed your memories? 
 Irma: It changed my timeline of events. 
I lost one day of my time in the lab. 

Clyde: Oh. 
Irma: It is perfectly fine, master Clyde. 
I did not lose much; a day spent with the other robots in out facility is all. 
Clyde: The other robots? 
Irma: My family.

 Clyde: A family of robots? I had always thought robots had no family. 
Irma: I have a family. We're all very different. 
Clyde: You were all created for different purposes.

 Irma: Yes. I scored a point, master Clyde. 
Clyde: How many...robots were there? 
Irma: Are you not proud that I scored a point? 
Clyde: I am proud. Very proud, Irma.

Irma: Thank you, Clyde sir. Game on again.   
Clyde: Yeah, game on. Can you answer my question now? 
Irma: No need to treat me like a child, Clyde. 
Clyde: Oh, I would never treat anyone like that.

Irma: There were many of us there. I never counted them; that was not my function to do. I did not receive much of a function until just before the show started.
Clyde: To supervise reality shows. You hadn't supervised any others? 
 Irma: No. My mother had. Everyone called her mother. 

 Clyde: What happened to her? 
Irma: She...malfunctioned. A reality star accidentally attacked her with water. 
Clyde: Woo! I scored a point. Sorry, that's devastating news. 
Irma: It was.

 Clyde: Would you like to continue playing this game? 
Irma: That was the last thing my 'mother' said to him. 
Clyde: Oh, I am sorry for asking.


 Greta: Contestants! The challenge is about to begin! 

 Irma: I can predict something wordy for today's challenge?
TJ: Wait...the robot psychic now or somethin'? 
Ted: I don't think so, but notice our setting. Nothing out of the usual. 
Devra: I hope I win this, peasants.

Greta: Welcome, contestants! Today's challenge is fairly simple. 
There will be three rounds of 20 Questions. 
Bart has chosen three 'objects' that could be people, items, animals, foods or more. The winners will be awarded three or four points based on their participation. Round 1 begins....right after this ad break! 

 Narrator: From the creative mind that brought you A Talk With Reality Stars comes a brand new project in the making: A Day with Reality Stars. 
This special episode will take a look at the lives of the reality stars and how it affects them. 
Wendi: It's been some time since our stint on Abnormality, brother. 
Do you miss those days? 
Wendell: Of course. I wish we had won. 
Wendi: And taken over the world. I know; it was my plan.

 Wendi: How did Abnormality change my life? For one, the police knew where to find me to arrest me for my 'crimes'. Because stealing from a supermarket is really a crime. 
Wendell: I know right! 
Wendi: Shut up, brother. The spotlight is on me. Even though that happened, I am able to live my life with evil quite well. Nothing much has happened.

 Wendell: You don't want to discuss 'the incident', Wendi? 
Pretty much...uh, what happened? 
Wendi: I murdered- no, shut up brother! 
Wendell: Oh that's right! She murdered mother. Mother...why did she go?

 Jupiter: How has reality shows affected me? 
Well, since appearing on Simvivor and later A Talk with Reality Stars, I've met someone else. He's actually right here, right now. 
Caren: Many people have called me the 'Fabio' of The Mole Season 4. 
I accept that. 
Pemberley: My show was cancelled and technically is non-canon. 

 Jasper: Yeah so what Jupiter and I are dating now? 
My relationship with Sanjay ended pretty terribly a while back. 
Yeah I know who Jupiter Hill is, but I'm not afraid. 
Grape: You sure about that? Anyway, have I told you about my daughter? 
Her name is Viola. She's adorable.

 Aric: Well, here I am. Aric Caruso in the flesh. 
I wish Castaway: Bora Bora had continued. 
I thought I really had a chance to compete. 
Nothing happened between me and any of those handsome boys.

 Lulu: I was a first boot. I hated it. 
I do admit that I'm happy I didn't stay. The show was cancelled after all. 
At least I found my place, unlike the rest of them. 
My life? It's average. Still Marilyn Monroe after that show disaster.

 Wendell: Why did mother have to die anyway? 
Wendi: She is the worst mother in the world, Wendell. How did you fail to see that at your age? 
Wendell: She treated me so kindly. Moving on, when is this airing?

 Wendi: This will air soon. Very soon. 
*evil laughs*
Narrator: You heard it here folks. A Day with Reality Stars premiers here first very very soon. Be on the lookout for that. If you are a reality star and you would like to appear in this special, please contact Grape Wisteria.

 Greta: Welcome back! The first round will! 
Bradley: Dead or alive? 
Greta: Ali-
Bradley: Is it an animal? 
Greta: Calm down, Bradley.


 Greta: After three rounds, Marsha won the first round, however-
Marsha: Moi is beestestest. 
Greta: However, she loses two points from her four point win due to the most recent challenge before this one. 
Marsha: Breeng eet on.

 Greta: Round two was won by our speedy wish-to-winner, Bradley Martinez. 
Well done for that. You deserved it for guessing muffin. 
Bradley: What can I say, I know my baked goods. 
Thanks for the points. 

Devra: Hey, the camera is on me. Take that, Marsha.  
Greta: Okay, I just wanted to announce that you won Round Three. 
In earning four points for correctly identifying 'tiger quoll....
Devra: I'm so very amazing. I know.

 Greta: In earning four have successfully earned a total of seven points. 
Ted: Devra, you did it. 
Marsha: 'Ater. Moi should bee een finale. 
Greta: You move forward.

 Devra: Oh my gosh! I move forward! That's so surreal. 
I'd love to thank my parents, the kind gentleman who crowned me princess....
Irma: You would like to thank your peers around you. 
Clyde: I say I agree. 
Greta: It is time to eliminate your target.

 Devra: I've had fun targeting you, Jocelyn. 
*she buzzes her* 
Jocelyn: What the? Ah!! 
Devra: When they told me I couldn't kill you, I resorted to this. 
Don't worry, this won't kill you. 

Jocelyn: Ah! Jesus, much. 
Devra: Oh, sorry. Peasant.
I'm moving forward in this competition. 
I'll be crowned queen one day. 
Jocelyn: That's...very...nice. 

 Devra: I will win this. You cannot stop me. 
Jocelyn: I....know...that.
Devra: Tell me you will leave this house and cheer me on. 
Jocelyn: I will...uh...cheer.

 Greta: Jocelyn McGray, it is time for you to leave. 
Say your final goodbyes. We will see you at the finale. 
TJ: You know who we won't see there? Zara and Jamie.
I didn't like them but they died. 
Greta: I couldn't help that.

Bradley: I will miss you so much, Jo. 
Continue watching this. You can see me. 
Jocelyn: I will. I can't wait for this to be over. 
Bradley: Maybe you'll see me before then. 

 Jocelyn: No, you will win this. You will, Brad. 
Bradley: What are you doing there with that...dinosaur? 
Jocelyn: This is my cell, Brad. I can't afford a Peach or whatever.

 Bradley: What the? 
Jocelyn: Will you accept this rose? I know how much you love The Bachelor. 
Bradley: Oh. Where'd you find that rose? 
Devra: That girl stole my rose! Or....

 Greta: When did this become a dating show? 
Hurry up and accept her rose so she can leave. 
Devra: Give me back my rose! Now! 
Ted: Devra, calm yourself.

 Bradley: I will accept this rose-
Jocelyn: Yay! Thank you, Brad. I've had the time of my life...
I owe it all to you. 
Bradley: I didn't finish. I will accept this rose only if you press that button on accident again.

Jocelyn: I'm out of here. Goodbye contestants. 
Irma: Goodbye, Jocelyn. Have a good life. 
TJ: See ya, Brad's lover. 
Marsha: Moi 'ill mees ewe! 

 Jocelyn: Let it go. 
Greta: I thought we were finished-
Jocelyn: *singing* I don't care what they're going to say. 
Let the storm rage on. Goodbye. 
Clyde: The cold never bothered me anyway.

 Devra: *singing* Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door! 
Bradley: Stop it. Jocelyn is gone because of you! 
Devra: That's life, kid. People leave.
I needed to move on. 

Greta: Well, there you have it. Two contestants have moved forward to Round 2 and five contestants have been eliminated. Who will join Ted and Devra? 
Will it be: Clyde Stoners or Irma Roboot? 
Irma: I do believe I deserve it. 
Clyde: I deserve the money. It would be daughter, of course.

Greta: Or will it be someone from this couch: TJ -otherwise known as Thor Jacobs- Marsha Marshall or Bradley Martinez? 
TJ: My name is not Thor. I wish it was. 
Greta: I'm sure the ladies would love that. 
Bradley: I will win this for Joce. 

 Greta: Who will join Ted and Devra in the final five?
Will it be one of your favourites? Or will it be someone else, like Marsha? 
Thank you for tuning in, my name is Greta-

 London: My name is London Howard and this has been Episode Seven of Hunt or Be Hunted. Tune in next time for our next quiz episode and see who will place highest to earn a special prize! 
Greta: Hey! That's my paragraph. 
London: Up next: another episode of everyone' favourite talk show, A Talk With Reality Stars, featuring Edmund Van Allen and Jocelyn McGray. Then, after that, the premiere of You're Ugly. Goodnight.