Thursday, June 9, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Six: Something There

High Hopes Season 2: Hunt or Be Hunted, Episode Six: Something There

Greta: Evening, TJ. Or should I say, Thad Jamison. 
TJ: Get the bloody hell away from me! I just wanted some bloody privacy, eh? 
Greta: You signed the no-privacy contract, pirate. 

TJ: Well I ain't signing any papers again! My contact will expire and I'll be bloody free. 
Greta: 'Bloody free'. Ah, no, my friend. 
TJ: I ain't murder no man. 

Marsha: Moi is lieve! Lieve on kammeira! Weelceeme to teh grey room! 
Bart: I, uh, wouldn't call this the grey room. I mean, the walls are grey and all-
Marsha: Ew. Leeve plees. 

Irma: When may I leave to feed myself? 
Greta: Soon, have you checked for viruses lately? 
Irma: Not since three hours ago. I must follow protocol.

Moments later...

Greta: Hello? Your door is now unlocked, which means that you may leave. You lasted the whole twelve hours.  
???: Woo! I did it! 

Greta: Follow me, I'll return you to the house. 
???: Wow, no door has ever opened on its own before. Oh wait, I'm kidding. 
Bart: It's a wonderful feeling, really. 

Greta: Good job, Devra.
Devra: I didn't win the Princess Piana Tiara Tiana Award. Gosh. You locked me in that room. 
Greta: Right, but you didn't die? What even is that award? 


Devra: ....And that's how Princess Alexandria the First won the most recent PPTT Award. Oh look, we're here. Did I bore you? 
Greta: Not at all. I mean, how can a girl know some much about princesses? She's insane. 
Devra: Did you say something?  

Devra: The fresh air is much better than that dimly lit jail cell. Thank the heavens we haven't killed the atmosphere just yet! 
Greta: The world does aim to please, Princess. 

Greta: I must be leaving, I'm in serious need of a nap. I'm much like a cat, you know. Sleepy and manipulative. 
Devra: I've never heard a cat being called manipulative. It would make sense, peasant. 
Greta: Goodnight. 

Devra: Home alone. The original. 
Bart: Well, actually I am here. 
Devra: Home with Bart. The sequel. 

Bart: Will you do anything exciting while we wait ever long we wait for the other contestants? 
Devra: A real lady does not toy with the complications of real life. 
Bart: If you say so. 

Some seconds later...

Devra: *is mixing terribly* 
Who would have believed Devra Eden would bake? 
Bart: did. You suggested it.

Devra: I don't like this attitude, mister. I am a princess. I do not need to associate with the...poorer class. 
Greta: Devra! Stop insulting Bartholomew. 

Devra: Such a curious name. My pet ocelot was once named Bartholomew until my mother despised the name and forced me to rename him. He was such a...bizarre creature. 
Greta: Are you even allowed to keep an ocelot as a pet? 
Devra: We did not keep him. He was a free creature. Exploring our gardens. 

Devra: *spilling the mixture on herself* Oh lord! Fudge it! Fudge this! 
Bart: Need some help there, miss? 
Devra: I do not need pity. 

Greta: So you finished baking? Would you like to eat them or what? 
Devra: No. Goodbye. 


Devra: *singing* Why'd you choose such a backwards time? It's such a strange land! 
Greta: Where are you going now? 
Devra: *singing* Do you think you're what they say you are? 

Greta: Continue ignoring me, please do.
Devra: *singing* Too much heaven; heaven on that mind. 

Bart: Do you really want to walk inside that cupboard, Devra? 
Devra: Jesus Christ. Yes. 
Bart: Whatever you say. 

Devra: Look at me, I'm Devra Dee. 
Greta: Lousy with divinity? 
Devra: Do not disrespect my name. We are a royal breed. 

Devra: Superstar. 
Bart: did you find that phone? 
Devra: Tell me! Tell me Jesus! I mean, I found it behind the clothes back there. 
Bart: Put it back. 

Devra: Fine. I will. Oh why should I die?!
Bart: Nobody said you're dying. 
Devra: Oh my god! Look what I found! 

Devra: I'm a clown! 
Greta: When did we leave that back there? Unless it is one of the contestant's outfits. 
Devra: I can imagine so many in this beautiful look. 

Bart: You look...majestic. 
Devra: Thank you. Thank you. It's...quite boring in here now. 
Bart: The other contestants will be out soon enough. 


Ted: The air is much cooler out here. It's good to be home. 
Jocelyn: I hated that. Anyone else hate it? 
Clyde: I didn't mind it. Time to think. 

Greta: They're back. 
Devra: Thank you! Will I surprise them with this...splendid outfit?
 I will. 

Bradley: I wonder where Devra is? She was let out before us since she was sent earlier, so I don't know. 
 Zara: Beats me. 
TJ: Can I? Beat you, I mean. 
Jamie: Oh, a fight. 

Bradley: Home at last! Hey, Joce. You enjoy the past 12 hours? 
Jocelyn: Uh, no thank you. I hated the loneliness. 
Bradley: I need to sleep.  
 Jocelyn: Jamie, are we still friends? I realise I've been-
Jamie: need to explain...yourself. We are. 
Ted: Solitary. Something I admit I doubted I'd ever experience. I'm a very sane fellow, myself. Marsha? 
Marsha: Moi is tiered. Many videohs. 
Irma: No viruses here. 

Zara: Hmm. What's that? A meteor, perhaps?
TJ: Nah. Couldn't be. 
Zara: You wouldn't know, lump-head. 

Zara: Well I'm taking a little nap. Wake me before supper, if you would.
Jamie: Uh...maybe. 
Zara: Thank you. 

Clyde: What to do next? I think I might sleep.
Jocelyn: I suppose I'm tired too. It's been a long night. 
TJ: Yeah. *laughing* Sure. 

Devra: Hey friends! I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. 
Everyone minus Marsha: Devra! 
Marsha: Oh, hateh. 

Ted: Fantastic hat! Fantastic! Hat!
Irma: Functioning properly, Mr Pleasanton? 
Ted: Sure. 

Devra: Well, thank you, sir. I may knight you yet. 
Ted: You are welcome, as am I. 
TJ: Is everyone baked tonight or something? 

Ted: 'Baked'. I'm afraid I'm not some delicious treat from the oven, Theodore Junior. 
Marsha: Deeleecious treet! 
TJ: It's another term, screw it. 

Devra: I baked! There are cookies in the kitchen! 
TJ: Oh great. 
Clyde: Cookies! Well done, sugar plum! 

Bradley: What now? We just stumble around for five hours?
Irma: I must assume so. My circuits are busy. 
Clyde: Where did that charm of yours go? 

Devra: I must be changing! Like a butterfly! 
Ted: Butterflies are such wonderful creatures. Much like humans. 
Jamie: I once watched a butterfly die. 


Devra: I'm back! I think I whacked my head on the shower. 
Marsha: What deed deed you? 
Devra: Arrows! Like pointy ones, not shooting ones. 
Ted: What? 

TJ: Oh, how convenient!
Clyde: So...many...arrows. 
Devra: I dressed like a clown! 

Jocelyn: I must touch it! Please? 
 Bradley: Touch what? 
Jocelyn: The clock! It's a button! 

Jocelyn: I must touch it! 
Bradley: I don't know. 
Jocelyn: I know right! 

Bradley: No, I don't think you should. 
We should discuss this with the others. 
Irma: Discuss what with the others? 
Marsha: Marsha. Deescuss moi! 

Jocelyn: I'll press it for you! Don't come any closer! 
Bradley: Fine, press the clock in the field of arrows, cutie. 
Jocelyn: I will, handsome prince. 

Jocelyn: *presses clock* Nothing. Oh. 
Devra: Disappointing! 
Bradley: Why do I suddenly feel sick in the stomach? 

Greta: Someone pressed the button. Oh no. 
Bart: What? What does it do? 
Greta: It's the emergency time transportation button. 


*Somewhere, one year ago....*

Jocelyn: Where the hell are we? Where am I? 
Nothing! Wait.... 

Jocelyn: My hair! It feels...almost too different. *looks down* Jesus, my clothes! I look...different. What the hell happened? 

*there is a noise* 

Bradley: Jocelyn, we look odd. 
Jocelyn: I know. I'm confused. 
Bradley: Why is there only three of us? 

Ted: I do not know. I do know that we aren't in the Hunt or Be Hunted house anymore. 
Jocelyn: Wait, Wizard of Oz? *singing* Ding dong! The witch is dead! 
Ted: What witch? 

Devra: Ooh. *shakes head* What happened to us? 
Bradley: We don't know. Ever since Jocelyn pressed that....
Devra: Oh good, let's blame her. 

Jocelyn: Hey! It's not my fault that button appeared! 
Bradley: Well, you did press it. 
Jocelyn: Who's side are you on? 

 Ted: Oh good morning, Clyde and Marsha! 
Marsha: Moi is disappoontied.
Clyde: I feel the sudden urge to vomit.

Marsha: Moi has dairy entrie! Ello ev'ryone and welcome back to the kitcheeeeen! Laik ya'all can see meh hes traid sume neew staile wid maai aajbrawz, sowwy if ya missed eet, meh'll put a video on moi SimTube channel laatur so yu can do eet too and meek all boys creem for yu. Butt aniewaays, well, at da White Legging Party tha Devra and TeeJee were doing like a bunsh o' haturs, and thinking dey could take ovuur me partay, so dey screewd it'll up and messhd de partey to lil'ttle pieces of poopsies. So, dey think moi is gettin' scarediez and all from dem, but no wrriez, Marsha Marshall haz a plan to get them 'aterz back, and so, moi haz dem biggust weapon evaarrr: Meeeewsick! Moi wroot a song and moi iz gonna sing it raight now, so eet'll scare them haaaturz away. Soo, if y'all go 'n shaaar da song on SimTube we y'all scare away them haterz and have funsiez! YaaaY!
Devra: That was a waste of my precious time. 

Clyde: Do we know how we ended up here at all? 
Marsha: Moi hates the haturs. 
Clyde: That won't help us. 

Irma: Do not worry. Irma the Roboot is here. 
Jocelyn: Yay! You can help us. 
TJ: You so sure about that? 

TJ: That's right, this guy's in the place. I feel like shit. 
Ted: Language, young boy!
TJ: Come at me. 

Devra: Call my royal guards! They can help us on our way home. 
TJ: You realise we're not in our home world anymore, right? This is clearly some other dimension. 
Irma: This is the Sims 3. 

Jocelyn: The Sims 3? What the hell is that? 
Clyde: I thought she meant this is the Simis Three, the isles. 
Marsha: No, tu is stoopid. 

Ted: I think this is a wonderful experience for the younger ones. Experiencing nature in such a fine place. Reminds me of the scouting days. 
Jamie: Nobody noticed I arrived. 
Jocelyn: Of course we noticed! I did! 

Irma: Wait...there's only nine of us here. We're missing someone. 
Devra: Thank goodness. 
Bradley: We're missing Zara. 


Zara: Help me! I'm falling! 
TJ: Oh look, the bitch is falling. Much like her business. 
Zara: Help me! Please. I don't want to die. 

Jamie: *about to sneeze* Ah...ah...ah...ah-choooooo! 
Devra: Disgusting. 
Ted: Bradley, save her. 
Bradley: I'm not an overly athletic person, Mr Pleasanton. 


Jocelyn: Oh my maker. Is know, is she? 
Ted: I don't know. Do I look like a doctor? 
Jocelyn: Check on her, please.

Marsha: Moi no gives in to tears, but moi is conceenered.
TJ: That ain't a word. 
Marsha: Hatur.

Ted: She's....her head is....I can't....
Jocelyn: Ted, please. Tell me what is happening. 
Ted: I...I don't know exactly.

Ted: It goes against my usually cheery personality, but I believe she's dead. 
Irma: I knew it. Someone must die in these films. 
Clyde: 'These films'? This is real life, Irma. 

Jocelyn: Who did this? she...dead? 
TJ: Hmm, I don't know. You pressed that button.
Jocelyn: I didn't mean for her to die. 

Clyde: I cannot believe she is dead. 
Irma: I can believe it. The fact of life is death.
Devra: We all hated her. 

Jocelyn: What do we do now? I...uh...
Ted: We move forward, Jocelyn. Find our way home. 
Jamie: I...uh...I don't know how. 
Bradley: None of us do. We don't even know where we are. 

???: You're in Hidden Springs. My hometown. 
TJ: Who the plum are you, dude? 
???: My name is Bartholomew. Please call me Bart. 

Devra: that really you? 
TJ: Nah, it's the freaking Pope. Of course it's Production Guy. 
Devra: You look...different. 

Bart: Well, I changed over the course of last year....this year, I suppose. Hurry up and come inside. We don't have much time to find a way home.


Bradley: What are we really doing here, Bart? Joce pressed the button, but who placed the button? 
Jocelyn: You aren't letting that go, are you? 

Bart: Greta told me that this so-called button was essentially a clock. The clock that controlled her life. In pressing that clock, you reversed time to before she found this little show. 
Clyde: So essentially she doesn't know anything about it? 

Bart: That is correct. Find Greta Francis and convince her to consider becoming a reality show host before midnight tonight and only then will we return home. 
TJ: Bloody brilliant. 
Irma: Where do you suggest we search for her? 
Devra: You're the computer. Google it.

Bart: If you seek Greta, search the mountains. There's a building there with a room filled with arcade machines. She's there often. 
Bradley: 'There often' is comforting. 


*dramatic silence* 
Ted: Are we all ready for this? Let us head home. 
TJ: Let's. Shorten the words, man. 
Marsha: He canne do watte he whants. 

Jamie: Hey, wait for me! 
Jocelyn: Jamie? Where were you? 

Jamie: I needed to tinkle, but the bathrooms are so much nicer than anywhere else. Oopsie. 
Clyde: We need to leave right now. 
Irma: He is right. I predict long walks. 
Bradley: On the beach? 

Bart: You can't go with them. 
Jamie: Why...why not? 
Bart: Someone needs to look after and watch Zara's body. 
Jamie: Not me. 

Bart: I cannot. This is not my house. You must stay here. 
Jamie: But I...I don't....wanna. 
Jocelyn: Jamie, stay here. 
Bradley: Please.   


Jamie: Rest in peace, dead Zara. 
 Zara: ...
Jamie: Okay. I'm talking to a dead person. Hmm....

Jamie: You know that feeling you have when someone tries to rob your shack? I know you probably don't, but I do So....I....

*hits rock; screams* 

Jamie: Help me! I lost my footing.  

*both are now dead* 


Devra: This looks like the best place to be right now. 
You go inside, please. 
 Clyde: Why are we here exactly? This doesn't look like the place to be. 
Jocelyn: We need directions. 

TJ: Oh how freaking fantastic! We're lost. We've been walking for about twenty minutes and we're lost. 
Ted: Now, TJ, we can approach this one of two ways-
TJ: Quit spilling your optimism on me, old man. 

Devra: No one questioned why the slow pokes are sleeping now? It's obvious they'll be pickpocketed soon or something. 
Marsha and Irma: *snores* 
Devra: They must be so loud all the time? They best be glad I have no guards with me.  

Marsha: *snores* 
Irma: *snores* 

Jocelyn: So-
Bradley: Alright, listen to Jocelyn now! She has a plan! 
Jocelyn: Thank you, Bradley. Only three of us will head inside. Myself, Bradley and....
Clyde: I'll wait outside. 

TJ: Ain't no way I'm joining the two of you. No offense, bro. Asking for directions isn't my style, man. 
Ted: I'll join you. 
TJ: Oh how splendid! 

Jocelyn: Devra, TJ, Clyde. You three wait out here until we come back with the instructions. 
Bradley: Wake up the other two for us. 
Give you a fun hobby for the moment.  

*they enter the building* 

Jocelyn: Good morning! 
Ted: We were wondering if you could be kind-
Lonnie: Out of the way, street rats. 

Jocelyn: *is bumped* Hey rude! 
Bradley: Joce, are you okay? 
Lonnie: Hello, boy. Aren't you attractive? 

Bradley: I'm sorry, I don't date older women. 
Lonnie: I'm not old. Maybe I have two daughters but...
Bradley: Don't hit on me again. 

Jocelyn: Bradley, stop flirting and join us! 
Bradley: Joce, I'm not flirting. 
Ted: We should be finding someone helpful. 

Jocelyn: Ted and I will head upstairs. Maybe someone is up there. 
Bradley: Then I'll search this floor. 
Ted: There seems to be another room down that corridor. 

Bradley: I'll cover that. Joce...
Ted: We should keep moving. We arrived in this world later than we would hope. 
Bradley: Joce...

Jocelyn: I'll talk to you once we've found someone, Bradley.
Go search the room behind me.
Bradley: It looks pretty empty-
Jocelyn: You don't know that.

Ted: What is this building, Jocelyn? Some sort of cafe, perhaps? 
Jocelyn: Nah, it couldn't be. There aren't many tables down here. 


Bradley: Hello? Is that someone crying? 
Isabelle: Who's there? Leave me alone. 
Bradley: Can we talk? 

Isabelle: No...don't look at me. Please. 
Bradley: Let me see you. 
Isabelle: No...please, you don't need to. 

Bradley: You have the most What's your name, lovely? 
Isabelle: It's Isabelle. Well, it should be. 
Bradley: What do you mean? 

Isabelle: People call me Izzy mostly. My parents don't know that, though. 
Bradley: What's wrong with a little nickname? 
Isabelle: You wouldn't understand. They don't. 

Bradley: Try me. I'm sure your story is understandable. I mean, look at you. You're beautiful. 
Isabelle: My makeup is running. My clothes are skimpy. 
Bradley: If that is you, you roll with it. 

Isabelle: It is me. Without the smudged eyeliner. My parents can't see that. 
They refuse. 
Bradley: You can't let them hold you down. It is your life. 
Isabelle: Try telling them. 

Isabelle: All they care about is my future. Big dreams, Isabelle. You'll be our newest addition to the company. You shouldn't hang out with bad influences; they'll destroy your career. I don't care! I like having fun. 
Bradley: Can you help us? I'll help you. 


Ted: This is empty. Lonely gym equipment. Jocelyn, nobody is here today. 
Jocelyn: Let's check in with Bradley. 

Clyde: Why are they taking so long? 
TJ: Man, it's been half an hour. People are slow. 
Devra: Uh, you're wrong. It has been exactly two hours. 

Bradley: You need to be strong, Isabelle. Look at me, applying for Hunt or Be Hunted without a care in the world. I don't mind the cameras on me. 
Isabelle: You...don't...mind... it? 
Bradley: Not at all. 

Isabelle: You know, I've been thinking about something. They're opening applications for the Mole soon. 
Bradley: I think you'd love it. I would have applied myself. 
Isabelle: I need to change before my parents catch me in this. 

Bradley: You do that. Wait-
Isabelle: I left my clothes in the bathroom. I meant to change here. 
Bradley: All good. 


Bradley: How are you...doing in there, Isabelle? 
Isabelle: I'm...fine, thanks. 
Bradley: Good. Good. 

Isabelle: Okay, I'm all ready. 
Bradley: Okay. Out you come. 

*she pushes open the door* 

Isabelle: do I, uh, look? 
Bradley: You look...different. Definitely. 
Isabelle: I look like I'm ready for the spring fling in the 1950s. 

Bradley: Awfully specific, but yes. 
Isabelle: You said you wanted directions. I know this town quite well. 
Bradley: Thank you. I appreciate it. 

Jocelyn: Bradley! We can't find anyone; maybe we should search the next building. 
Ted: Those stairs are monsters. I rushed to escape them. 

Bradley: Guys, I found someone. This is Isabelle.
She will help us. 
Isabelle: I promised. Either way, I'd be happy to. 

Ted: Wonderful news! She looks the decent sort, too.
Not like those other young folks. 
Jocelyn: Let's hurry up then. Bradley, no hanging about! 

Clyde: You took your time! It's dark out. 
TJ: Clyde, dude. Calm down. 
Devra: These peasants are back. No, we didn't wake the other two.  
Bradley: Here they come anyway. By the way, meet Isabelle. 

Irma: We are coming now. 
Jocelyn: You didn't want to look for cars? 
Marsha: Moi ern't afraid of cers. 

Ted: The night sky is telling us we must hurry. 
Devra: Hurry all you wish. We still have a few hours, unless you lazy fools would like another nap. 
Irma: I agree with Ted. We have directions now, correct? 
Isabelle: Correct. 

*the clock is ticking*

Greta: Da dum. Da dum. 
*she washes her hands* 
Greta: It's getting late, huh. I should head home soon.  


Isabelle: This is where your friend would be. The only building in the area with an arcade. 
TJ: Also the building the highest on this god-forsaken mountain
Marsha: Think heavins for thee taxay! 

Bradley: Quite homely. I'd live up here; with all the space for myself and the view to die for. 
Devra: Where did Ted and Clyde go? Not that I care.
Irma: I believe they went to take a nap. Busy day for everyone. 
Jocelyn: Bradley, can I talk to you for a moment? 

Bradley: Hey, what's up? Are you okay? 
Jocelyn: I'm perfectly fine, Brad. I just need to talk. 

Bradley: Go right ahead, you petite beauty. 
Jocelyn: I'm not in the mood for cutesy names, Brad. 
Bradley: Sorry. Please, talk to me. 

Jocelyn: I'm sorry for asking, but what the hell is going on between us? 
I mean, you're acting all flirtatious around these women- mostly Isabelle- and you irritate me today, Brad. 
Bradley: I get it. I know what you mean.

Jocelyn: What the hell is happening between us?
Bradley: I...I'm, uh, I'm nervous around you, Jocelyn. I'm not usually nervous around women, I mean look at me. 
*she stares at him* 
I'm sorry. I just don't want to mess everything up with you by saying something wrong, or doing something wrong- 

*she kisses him* 
Jocelyn: Don't say another word. That's all I needed to hear. 
Bradley: Mhmm. it.  

Bradley: I feel like a teenage boy again. It feels so...bizarre. Really; it does.
I don't know what I love about you so much, but I feel it. 
Jocelyn: Shut up and kiss me again. Please. 

*they kiss*

Isabelle: This is where I leave you. Goodnight. All of you. 
Thank you, Bradley! 
TJ: What did that kid do for you? 
Isabelle: He gave me confidence to escape.  


Irma: This must be it. 
Devra: Duh, robot. The other doors weren't it. 
Marsha: Shell we? 

TJ: Isn't this a geek central? Freaking brilliant. 
She couldn't like boxing or Brightborn. 
Devra: What the heck is Brightborn? 
 Irma: Oh no not them.

Greta: Oh hello. 
Marsha: Moi is Marsha Marshall. 
TJ: Oh right. She's never met us before. 
Greta: That is where you are wrong, Theodore Jackson. 

Devra: Well I'll be a peasant in the broken kingdom. 
Greta: You found me. Well done. 
Irma: You sneaky little white witch. 
Greta: I control that button. You think I'd allow you to teleport in time without a way home. 

TJ: You freaking lunatic! You could have killed us! 
Marsha: Well, Zara ees deed. 
TJ: You killed Zara! Probably Jamie too! Not that I care about them. 

Greta: They were forced eliminated! They denied their rite to live! 
TJ: What the hell does that mean? 
Greta: Life is tough sometimes, TJ. Deal with it. 

TJ: Deal with it? Deal with the death of two random people?
I cannot forget that! Not to mention that you tricked us! 
Greta: Calm down before you break your ego. 
TJ: I can break more, sweetheart. 

Greta: You misunderstand. Jocelyn pressed the button. Yes, Bart told you I had no knowledge of you and the show, but I promise you wouldn't have found me otherwise. 
TJ: No, he should have told us to find you to take us home! You created that button! 
Greta: I didn't!

Devra: Who created it then, huh? Some genius inventor named Victor. Some hotshot huntsman with a red-haired wife? 
Irma: Teleportation equipment is difficult to acquire, but time travel is much harder. Tell us who. 

Greta: I'd tell you...but I'd have to kill you. 
Fine, I will tell you. Call in all the others so you're all here. 
Marsha: I 'ill geet theme. 


Greta: I wish to apologize to all of you. I'm very sorry for this whole adventure but you must admit you had some fun. We'll be heading home in a short minute. First, I must confess something-
Clyde: You're heading back to children's television! 
Greta: No. Not that. 

Greta: You might be wondering how we ended up here. It is partly my fault, yes. It's also partly someone else's false. 
TJ: We don't have all day, woman. 
Ted: Don't be so inconsiderate, young man.

 Greta: The other person responsible for this is...........

*she presses the button* 

Since the quiz was not directly taken in the episode, I can now confirm that the contestant who scored highest was.....Devra! 

Congratulations, Lo! You've earned a cookie, aka the chance to remove one point from behind your name. As always, if you'd like to be given a rough estimation of the points behind your name, email or message me! 

Speaking of behind, Zara/Tip and Jamie/Arrow were force eliminated. Now, since the hunters are target-less, I can reveal that Ted/Turner will be moving forward to Round 2 as he is one point from entering Round Two anyway. However, the other hunter (who shall not be named) has a new target.

I will message them about that soon. 

I hope you enjoyed the episode!  

Special thanks to the guest appearance of Isabelle Fleming-Goode. You can catch her on Turner's The Mole (Season 5). 

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