Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Special Episode: Good Company

Hunt or Be Hunted, The Special Edition Episode. Find out where the eliminated contestants have been after the episode that sent them packing, and see what they end up involved with...right now!

Jocelyn: Is this thing on? It is. Oh, okay. *she nods her head* Good evening everyone! My name is Jocelyn McGray and welcome back to Hunt or Be Hunted! Yay, it feels so wonderful but strange to be here with you. The viewers, of course! Not this silly cameraman. 
Cameraman Jason: Fair enough.
Jocelyn: Anyway! We've got plenty in store for you tonight in this one-off where are they now special! Where am I now, you ask? Hehe, supporting Brad, of course! 

Jocelyn: You might have also noticed the house is different. The kind host redesigned this place for us while the others live it up in that tower. *singing* Just wonder when will my life begin! Hehe, sorry. I like to sing. 
Producer Guy: That's an understatement. 
Jocelyn: Joaquin, I can continue. *singing* I won't just survive, oh you will see me thrive...

TJ: Yeah, I'm back now. The host convinced me to return to this hell hole for some time until the finale, which I hope hurries the hell up. It seems like it'll take forever, doesn't it? Maybe if I beat them- nah, bro, hell no. Anyway, this is my new bedroom. The walls are still too blue, but to hell with that. Hell. 

Jocelyn: What have I done since you saw me last? Well, I mean, not much time has passed for me, really. Remember how I was offered that position at summer camp? I have that to look forward to. God, I hope I do not get murdered. Hehe. *singing* Just fight it, just fight it...

Jocelyn: This game has really opened my eyes, and I've changed a lot. I never thought I'd ever...uh, tame...the womanizer, but that happened to me. Bradley is perfect, as long as he doesn't flirt with some other girl. I see he's aligning with Irma, but I'm not worried. She's just a robot. 
Cameraman Jason: Just a robot? Nice. 
Jocelyn: I didn't mean it like that! Please don't tell her. 

TJ: You eyeing off my personal bathroom robe? A gift from that host. I bet she has the hots for me, surely. All this pampering she's given me these past few days. I bet she'll ask me out in the next few days, 'cause she wishes to treat herself. All that time she spent trying to pry my real name from me. Haha. She tries to hard to please me.

Jocelyn: Haha, TJ's mumbling on about Greta's love for him again, isn't he? *the cameraman nods* Yeah, hehe, he's foolish. He demanded all those things. He's a bit selfish, no, he's too selfish. Loves himself. Hey, production man, what is TJ's real name? Help a sister out. 
Marsha: Moi beets eet is Eugene. 
Jocelyn: Did you say something, Joaquin? 
Production Guy: Nope.   

Marsha: Eeet wash me. 
Jocelyn: Ah! Marsha, you scared me.  
Marsha: Moi's applagies. Leef has bean a searhys of unforktunrat events ever sence moi's exection. Stoopid Devrah win spot and knot moi! Non, howe culd she!  
Production Guy: Marsha's been depressed ever since her elimination. I don't blame her. 

TJ: She attempted to send this rose back to Devra with a hand-written note. Best I've seen of her writing if you ask me. 
Jocelyn: She's been moping around since day one in the eliminated house. Crying in her Marsha cry. Someone better cheer her up. 
TJ: Why you looking at me, Jocelyn?  

Production Guy: Aha! Dancing, anyone? 
Marsha: Moi wanteed to sob. 
Jocelyn: Cry later. Please? 
Marsha: Fiennne! 


Marsha: Eyed leek to donate theese song and dince performanscene to moi's favoureete perseeen....
Jocelyn: Aw, this will be so touching-
Marsha: MOI! 
TJ: I bet you didn't expect that, singy girl. 

Jocelyn: I don't think 'singy' is a word, Thesmiea Joe. 
TJ: What the hell word was that? Lesbiena? 
Jocelyn: Hey, one can try and guess your name for as long as possible without actually figuring it all out. 

Jocelyn: Okay, grumpy. 
Marsha: Moi is nit grumpeh. Moi is just preparrehed for moi's sing and dence performanscene. GOT EET? 
TJ: Got it. Whenever you're ready, sweetie.  

Jocelyn: Rock it! Woo! 
Marsha: Moi haseen't even starteed singeen yet. Goshie. 
TJ: Whatever you say. 

Marsha: Radey! O-key! *beginning to sing* AHHHHHHHH! 
Production Guy: *covering his ears* JESUS CHRIST. 
Marsha: *'singing'* AHHHHHHH! Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. 

Jocelyn: I mean, she isn't terrible. 
TJ: Listen, she sucks. 
Jocelyn: *almost jumping* JESUS. YOU SCARED ME. Why'd you creep up on me like that? 
TJ: I thought it was like early Halloween or something? With all this screeching-

Marsha: *'singing'* IT WASEEN'T LURVE! IT WASEEN'T LURVE! 
Jocelyn: Are we supposed to understand a particular message from her singing or? 
TJ: That she can't sing? I can hear that. 
Marsha: *singing* EET WAS PERFICT IRRUSION! 

TJ: God I wish this was an illusion. Hell. 
Jocelyn: Hey, don't say that! This is our friend, with her heart on the line.
Let her sing. 
TJ: Oh, I'll 'let her sing' alright. Where's the nearest phone? 
Jocelyn: TJ! What are you doing?  

Marsha: *singing* AHHHH! AHHH! AHHHH! 
TJ: This needs to stop. My ears weren't meant for this shit. 
Jocelyn: There aren't any phones around and you can't leave the house. 
Stay here and dance with me, TJ. 
TJ: Fine. 

Marsha: *screaming* MAYBEH YOU AIR JUST DREM. 
Jocelyn: Don't you dare. 
TJ: What? All I was going to say was that she has such a lovely screaming voice. That's all. 
Jocelyn: Oh and you can sing better. 

TJ: Anything she can do, I can do so much better. 
Jocelyn: No you can't. 
TJ: Yes I can. 
Jocelyn: No you can't. 

Marsha: *'singing'* AHHH! AHHH! AHHH! 
Production Guy: Uh, is she okay? She looks-
Jocelyn: (to Joaquin) She's fine. (to TJ) Anything you can do, women can do better. 
TJ: Uh, lol no. This is a man's, man's, man's, man's world. 

Ted: Honey, I'm home! 
Jocelyn: It wouldn't be nothing without a woman or a girl.
TJ: Soon, just watch, men will be able to have babies without women. We'll be unstoppable. 
Jocelyn: Unstoppable? If I wasn't...with Bradley, I'd show you something that will halt you right here. 

Marsha: *stopping her dance* Wait? Hoo ees that voice? TEDDY? 
Ees that ewe? 
Ted: Yes, it is me. I'm here again. They voted me-
TJ: That won't stop me. I'd come back....stronger! 

Marsha: Herro, Teddyular. Pleeshure to see ewe again! Come on een! 
Ted: It is wonderful to see you once more, Marsha. Hello, Jocelyn. TJ. How have things been without me? 
Jocelyn: You men are all the same! So egotistical! Uh! 
Marsha: Do nit mend them. 

Ted: So, how has your time been out of the competition, old friend? 
Marsha: Depresheen, mostleh. 
Ted: Oh, that is so unfortunate to hear darling. I hope everything gets better now that I have returned. 

Marsha: Unlikeleh. That pressy preenciss 'Debra' has not yeet been votid ouff. 
Why deedn't ewe do that, Teddularily? 
Ted: Uh, well, the game was different. I had to sabotage the challenge. 
 Marsha: That ees non excusioso.

Ted: No excuse? What do you mean? I couldn't even try to vote her out with my own name on the line. She would have...attacked me. 
TJ: Wait, who's voice is that? When did Ted get here? 
Jocelyn: Like an hour ago, doofus.
TJ: It hasn't been a hour, singy girl. 

Jocelyn: Again! Not a word! 
Marsha: She attechs everybodeen! Moi hash been attechs by her. Ewe were bind to bee aatechs by her. 
Ted: I know. I have missed you so very much, Marsha. You are looking...inspired. Very interesting.  


Ted: I am glad that I lasted at least to the second round. I would have hated to be eliminated too early in the game and watched the others fly by past me. However, moving forward, I will be watching the remaining contestants wisely for who I wish to win. It is clear that I do not want Clyde to win, but that may change in the coming days. 

Who will know? 

Production Guy: Uh, Ted? Hello? Okay, boss, he's asleep. 
Greta: Of course he is. Let him sleep. 
Ted: *snores* 


Marsha: Moi dees knot feel like lookeen at chimera. 
Pleese turen thit off! 
Jocelyn: Marsha! How are you feeling after tonight? 
Marsha: Sleepeh.....

TJ: She's asleep, isn't she? Grtea I mean Great. 
 Greta: You called? Hello, TJ. Looking mighty fine tonight. 
TJ: Oh, lady. Good to know you're watching me. 
Greta: Of course. I need to know you're not killing each other. 


Jocelyn: *singing* What the world needs love, sweet love...It's the only thing that there's just too little of...


TJ: I wonder if anyone will bug me while I work out. 
Greta: You wanted someone to bug you while you work out? I'm your girl. 
I can focus on only watching you instead of over-viewing everyone if you'd like me to. 
TJ: Be my guest. 


Jocelyn: *singing* No, not just for some, oh, but just...for...everyone! Everyone! 
 Cameraman Jason: Beautiful! Oh, by the way, I'm back here again. Following after you. Don't you just love it? 
Jocelyn: Yeah, love it  

Jocelyn: I'm tempted to sing another song, but I don't know. 
I just...what would I sing next? Something upbeat- hey, where'd you go? 
 Cameraman Jason: *quickly rushing away from the clock* Me? Oh, just watching the time fly by. Where'd TJ go? 
Jocelyn: He went outside to work out. You better not bug him. 

Cameraman Jason: Why not? I just thought to head outside and film some more. 
Jocelyn: You know, you don't have to listen to me. I'm not the boss. Cameraman Jason: Oh right. Thank you. 


TJ: You sure about that, host? You don't think that's know...scandalous? 
Greta: Uh, TJ, of course not. I will see you, my handsome friend, later tonight. 
TJ: Hells yeah. I couldn't be more excited. 

Greta: That's the spirit. 
TJ: Thanks for not trying to guess my full name tonight. Makes know...
Greta: I know. 
TJ: Maybe I can tell you the truth later on.


Marsha: So moi seed to teh menn in frent of moi, "Ewe 'ittle pusseh cat!' and 'e ran aweh as fest as 'eh cold. 
Jocelyn: Oh, sounds fabricated. 
Marsha: Frarbriticatrated? Huh? 
Jocelyn: Never mind. 

Ted: I think it was the perfect story to start the new day, Marsha.
 Full of adventures and tigers. Full of-
Marsha: Moi. Susch a MOI-inspried storeh. 
Jocelyn: Did you scream the word 'moi'? 
Ted: I think Marsha did. She's excited, is all. 

Jocelyn: Well, whatever the case is, thank you for spending time speaking to us, Marsha.
Marsha: 'elcome. 
Jocelyn: helps keep my mind off what will happen to the final four. That's all. 

Ted: I'm sure Bradley will be fine, if that is what you are curious about. 
He is not a threat to them. He is-
Jocelyn: I don't know. I'm still nervous. 
Marsha: Know kneed to beh. Bradleh ees oka'e.
Ted: I agree. 

Jocelyn: You truly think so? 
Ted: I do. I can see him entering to the final three and winning this competition for the both of you. Imagine the wedding...
Jocelyn: Wedding? What wedding? 

Marsha: Bladleh 'ishees for weddeen. He knot teal ewe yet? 
Hy not? 
Ted: He is very romantic, Jocelyn. He loves you, too. 
Jocelyn: I know that but...


Greta: *from outside the door* TJ! Come back in here. 
TJ: *whispering* Yeah, I'm coming. Hold on. 
Greta: *from outside the door* WHAT? Did you say something, love munchkin? 
 TJ: No. 

Greta: *from outside the door* Where are you, baby? I'm waiting in here, you know. Come on. 
TJ: I'M COMING. JESUS. Let me wash my hands. 
Greta: *from outside the door* Okay, I'm sorry.

TJ: I have a surprise for you too. I think you'll be shocked when I open the door next. 
Greta: *from outside the door* Ooh, sounds amazing. Please don't take your time though. I need to host this show. 
TJ: Right. I come second.  

Greta: *from outside the door* Second? No, of course not. You come third, silly. My sister comes second. 
TJ: You know, the more you speak, the less I want to open this door to you. 
Greta: *from outside the door* It's the only way out of this bedroom, baby.

TJ: God, you are such a manipulative little-
Greta: Sweetheart? Aw, thanks. 
TJ: Not the word I would have said, but the word you seem to accept. So yeah, you manipulative little sweetheart. 
Greta: I aim to please. 

Greta: Damn, I didn't even notice you were naked. 
TJ: All for you, baby. 
Greta: Well hot damn. 
TJ: Some of my past lovers have said some pretty attractive things about my, you know. 

Greta: I mean, I'm only finally actually seeing it in the light. Kinda hard to see anything last night. 
TJ: You love it, don't you? 
Greta: Love is one word for it. 
TJ: Well, that's a start. 

Greta: I'm sorry, it is quite nice, but I...I have indeed seen some bigger in my lifetime. Sorry to brag. 
TJ: No, brag all you want. I've-
Greta: Oh my god thank you! I've needed to talk to someone about Bart's ever since that one night. SO BIG! 
TJ: Yeah, I didn't want your stories. 

Greta: I thought you'd appreciate it. 
TJ: No, it has only made me more self-conscious. Is it actually that big? 
Can I, like, compare or something? 
Greta: You want to what? Stand next to him and compare? YES PLEASE. 


Jocelyn: I, uh, I do love him and all, but marriage? 
We haven't even been on a date, really. Unless you count that alone time back in time. 
Marsha: Moi coints thit. 
Jocelyn: So we've been on a first date. That's all, really.

Ted: You need to talk to him about that. If you continue on this path with him, you need to be honest and suggest another date night. Ask him to pay, too. 
Marsha: Ooh, yesh. 
Ted: Bradley will understand. He's not inconsiderate, Jocelyn. 

Jocelyn: You're right, Ted. Thank you. 
Marsha: What abeet moi? 
Jocelyn: Oh, sorry Marsha. Thanks. I'll talk to Bradley. At finale night. 
Once he's won this reality show.
TJ: Was this the right choice for me? Is this allowed to happen without some force-elimination or something? Oh wait- I'm not even in the competition still. 
I know I enjoyed last night, but something feels...wrong. 
Greta: *from outside the door* TJ? Are you...okay? 
TJ: Yeah, I'll be out in a minute.  

Greta: Why did I think that I could do this all with him? He's a former contestant and I am the host of a reality show. No, I should not have done this all with him. Ugh, I mean he is attractive, like hot damn, but...something feels wrong. 
TJ: *from the bathroom* Greta? Are you okay? 
Greta: Yeah, I'm fine. I'll be fine. 

TJ: *voice over* I don't know why I feel the need to clean my hands so much, as if I've committed a sin and I need to clean myself of it. There's something weird about what happened last night, but I don't know. It felt fine at the time. She's one attractive host but...I don't know.

Greta: *voice over* I can't pinpoint it. There's something about last night that makes me quiver and hate it all, but then I remember that I enjoyed it. All of it. I don't know, I did like it last night. It feels wrong and right but...oh, I don't know.


Ted: That indeed sounds like a great plan, Jocelyn. 
I cannot wait until the moment he is announced to be the winner of this reality show. Although, I do admit I would not mind Irma winning either. 
Jocelyn: I only wish for my Brad to win. 
Ted: The final four this year is quite strong. 

Marsha: Ewwie, Devra steel remains. Yuckies. Why don't she jiste leheave alredeah. 
Ted: Calm down, Marsha. You are not you when you are angry at Devra. 
Jocelyn: Oh, she's still Marsha. Just horrible.  

Marsha: Haribble? Oh non, moi ees perfiecshion! 
Jocelyn: In your own sense, sure. 
Ted: Anyway, I wonder why the host has not allowed us to view the most recent episode yet. Is there a surprise we are yet to know about? 

Please pick me. Please. 
Ted: I'm not so sure about that. Maybe it is to keep the surprise of who was eliminated most recently. 
Marsha: Was eet Devree?
Ted: Uh...who knows? 

Jocelyn: I'm still a firm believer that one of us will be returning to the game. 
Sure, it's late and all, but why not? 
Marsha: Why new? Too 'ate for thit. 
Ted: I suppose it is never too late for anything. 
Jocelyn: Right!? 

Bradley: Hello contestants. 
Bradley: Yeah, it is truly me. Sadly, I've been eliminated. 
Jocelyn: What? 

Ted: Bradley. 
Bradley: Ted. 
Marsha: Moi. Marsha. 
Ted: Jocelyn. 

Bradley: Jocelyn. 
Marsha: MARSHA! 
Ted: Marsha? 
Bradley: Bradley? 

Jocelyn: I need to go. 
Ted: Jocelyn, please. Stay here. 
Bradley: JOCELYN! Come back. 
Marsha: MOI PLEASE. 

Jocelyn: No. I....I can't. I'm sorry. 
 Bradley: JOCELYN! Please. Talk to me. 
Jocelyn: ...

Ted: Do not worry, Bradley, she will be back for you shortly. 
We were only talking about wishing for you to win the competition and then-
Bradley: Oh. She didn't want my elimination to be real. 
Marsha: Moi ees upseat that ewe not Deevra. 

Bradley: You really think that she will be okay with all of this then? If she was so invested in me winning? 
TJ: Honestly, bro, she loves ya. She'll be fine. 
Bradley: Oh my god, it's you. Hey, TJ. 
TJ: Yo. 

Bradley: How have you been lately? Up to your usual antics, huh? 
TJ: I mean, you could say that. Sure. 
Bradley: I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. How come you came back to this house after all? 
TJ: Things change, bro. 

Bradley: Things change, bro? Like what, man? You going soft while I'm away from ya, huh? 
TJ: Not soft, man. Jesus. Why the hell you even think of that? 
Bradley: Sorry, dude. 
TJ: Yeah, god. I just thought this place is one hell of a bachelor pad, is all. 

Marsha: Bacehelor ped? Huhuh? 
Ted: I believe he is referring to the fact that some males that are single live alone in a lovely home to entertain guests. 
Marsha: Hmm. Sinds intriesteen. 
Ted: Of course, I never experienced that...


Jocelyn: *voice over* I shouldn't have ran out on him like that, but I just didn't want to face him. Not in those clothes, not with my hair like that...not after a talk that he wanted to marry me. Not after I had wished for him to win. Yes, it is true that Bradley and I...we...are something together, but...I don't know.

Greta: What did I do? What am I doing right now? 
*voice over* I shouldn't have even started anything. Maybe this reality show was the worst idea possible. Maybe I should just end it all here and say goodbye. No. I owe it to myself to fix this mess.

TJ: I'm surprised you got the boot, man. I thought for sure you'd be top two material. You know, such a bro should be the winner in some form. 
Bradley: Yeah, I know. I, uh, I still have Jocelyn. JOCELYN! 
I need to go and see how she's doing. 
TJ: Okay, bro. 


Bradley: Jocelyn. Hey, what's wrong? I'm sorry this is not what you had hoped for, but hear me out. Please. 
Jocelyn: *crying* Brad...I want to be alone. Please.
Bradley: Baby, are you crying? Let me in. 

Jocelyn: I'm not...crying...
Bradley: Let me know what is wrong because this does not seem to be some small issue like your hair or me arriving here this morning. Please, let me in. 
Jocelyn: *crying* Bradley...this isn't 

Bradley: If you are sad, then this is definitely about me. This will involve me until the two of us part, which will be never. I...I do love you, Jocelyn. 
So please, let me inside. 
Jocelyn: I just want to...want to be alone...right now. 
Bradley: Be alone with me. 

Jocelyn: Look, Brad, you're not the problem. It''s me, okay? 
Let me be alone to think everything over. *she wipes her eyes* 
Bradley: No, because you shouldn't be alone in this. 
I only want to help you. 
Jocelyn: Then help me by walking away.  

Bradley: Joce...please. Stop this. Open this door and come and sit with me on the blue sofa. Please. 
Jocelyn: Will you let me think alone afterwards? 
Bradley: If that will help, then sure. Just talk to me. 
Jocelyn: Okay. 

Bradley: Thank you, Jocelyn. I just want to help you, you know that right? 
Jocelyn: Of course. Brad, I...I do love you. 
I just need to think about us. 
 Bradley: I can't force you to not do that.

Jocelyn: Thank you for forcing me out here, Brad. 
Bradley: You're welcome. Wait- are you wearing a wedding dress? 
Jocelyn: It's comfortable. 


Ted: So, now that Mr Martinez has been eliminated from the reality show, who are you thinking for the winner? 
Marsha: Moi. Moi thinks moi should ween. Or Irmee. 
Ted: Interesting choices. I think the final three all have possibilities. 

TJ: I'm just gonna be honest and say Devra. Clearly, she's crazy, but she is smart and manipulative. Damn. She could definitely win. 
Marsha: Uh uh. Non think ewe. She suchs a 'ater and moi ates her for lunchesses.
TJ: Yeah, whatever. I think she is solid for final two. 

Ted: She could win, but if we need to vote for anything, I do not think so. 
Something about her does not seem to be friendly material.
TJ: Sure, she can suck as a person sometimes, but she is royalty. 
Marsha: She ees not roralirties. 
Ted: Are you sure, Marsha? 

Jocelyn: I'm really hungry. Brad, can we go back to the kitchen for some food? 
Bradley: Not yet. You committed to this idea, didn't you? 
Jocelyn: Yeah, I did. I'm sorry. 

Ted: Welcome back to the both of you. Wow, what a stunning gown you seem to be rocking, Jocelyn. 
Marsha: Oh, marvelisteects. Ewe used 'slangies' correktlee. 
Ted: I am most certainly proud of myself. 

TJ: Disgusting. They had to kiss in front of all of us didn't they. 
I mean, show some respect and kiss in private. 
Jocelyn: Oh shush, TJ. 
Marsha: Hehe, take thit! Tee-Jay! 
TJ: She only told me to shush? 

Greta: Sorry I'm late. 
Ted: Wow, what a stunning gown you seem to be rocking, Greta. Wait- why does that phrase seem so familiar? Almost as if...I said it just before! Oh my! 
TJ: This is bloody brilliant. You both wearing wedding dresses.  

Marsha: Daer I see, 'Doobble weedeen?' 
Jocelyn: What the hell are you wearing, Greta. This is my special day. 
Greta: What? You planned to be married today as well? 
Oh my god! That is so ironic. 

Jocelyn: Bradley and I decided-
Greta: You and lover boy decided to wed today, on the day he arrives back after being eliminated? Oh, how romantic. Where's his tuxedo? 
Bradley: I didn't have time to rent one! All of mine are caramel-coloured. 
Greta: What's wrong with caramel? 

TJ: Greta- I mean, host lady, what the hell are you doing right now? 
These two love-birds only want to marry after only one official first date. Let them.
Greta: You can't force me to change out of this wedding dress. 
TJ: You don't even have anyone to marry! 
Greta: You sure about that? 

Jocelyn: Let me have this moment, Greta. Did you not see me storm out of this backyard place when Brad arrived? I was upset-
Bradley: She is upset. 
Jocelyn: Yeah, thanks. 
Ted: Marsha. Where are you going? 

Greta: I didn't think you dressing in a wedding dress was anything important, so I continued with my plans. Honestly, don't I look so much more decadently beautiful in this gown? 
TJ: No one was saying you didn't. 
Bradley: TJ! I can always tell her your real name. 
Greta: Yeah, I already know that. T-

Greta: Shit. This woman always interrupts everything. 
Of course. 
TJ: Just ignore her. 
Marsha: Why ees no-wheen turneen to moi? 

Jocelyn: Let's just return to the topic at hand. Why won't you just stand down and let Bradley and I, you know....
Bradley: Become Mr and Mrs Martinez. 

Greta: You can still marry while I am standing here in this dress, could you not? 
Jocelyn: You're wearing the same dress and the exact same make-up! 
Greta: Our hair is different though. 
Jocelyn: That's true. 

Ted: So is there indeed a wedding happening today or what? 
TJ: Gr Host lady is interrupting this all. 
Greta: Oh, I bet you'd like me to continue like last night. 
Bradley: What the hell happened last night? 

TJ: It's not important right now. Are you two wedding or not? 
Jocelyn: I don't know. I kinda don't want to anymore. 
She ruined it for me.  
 Ted: What a way to start the day.


I hope you enjoyed this special episode of Hunt or Be Hunted, the second season of High Hopes. I hope you liked seeing some of the eliminated contestants once more, up to the usual crazy happenings.

I admit I almost filmed more scenes in the Sims 3 for yet another time-travel experience, but I hope the events of this episode are exciting enough for that to not be needed. So yeah, special appearance of clock button again. 

 Bye bye!