Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Twelve: Whistle While You Work

High Hopes Season 2: Hunt or Be Hunted, Episode Twelve: Whistle While You Work

Chanel: Hehe, hey there! It's me. You know, Chanel Francis. Me! The better one of the Francis sisters! I'm, like, totally ready for this episode today. It's here, finally! Can't you see the excitement on my face, camera people? 
Cameraman Loel: The camera isn't directed towards you, Chanel. 
Chanel: Hehe, you're silly. 

Cameraman Loel: Will you please continue with the introduction? 
Chanel: Fine! Hehe. My name is Chanel Francis, and like, welcome back to the second season of Hunt or Be Hunted, hehe. In tonight's episode, the contestant people compete once more before three! Yay! Hey look, it's Devra! 
Devra: Hey? Where's her voice coming from?

Chanel: I'm, like, a beautiful magician! Watch me appear in front of you. Hold on-
Devra: I'm waiting. I don't like waiting. 
Chanel: Ta-da! Do you see me? Huh? It didn't work... 
Devra: I will just sit down. 

Irma: I must be arriving here now. Thank you for the generous push, production lady. Thank you. 
Chanel: Oh my god, Irma! Come, join us! Yay! This is gonna be such an amazing party, hehe! 
Irma: I agree wholly.  

Devra: Good evening, Irma. What a beautiful gown you have. 
Irma: All the better to smother you with. 
Devra: What did you just say to me? 
Irma: Nothing, my queen. Absolutely nothing.   

Chanel: Ooh, here comes another contestant! Who will it be? 
Devra: Let me guess. Bradley? Clyde? 
Chanel: What?! How did you, like, know that? Hehe. 
Bradley: Guys, it's just me. 

Irma: Please, sit down and join us at this table in this perfectly designed room. Please, join us. 
Bradley: I'll ignore the creepiness in that statement and sit down anyway. 
My feet are killing me. 
Devra: Oh, are they? 

Bradley: Is that a threat I hear in your voice? 
Devra: Threat? I am royalty. We do not make threats. 
Irma: I do not know about that. You never know. 
Chanel: Like, some scary man is coming now. 

Clyde: Hey! It's just me, Chanel. Clyde Stoners. 
Bradley: Oh, that suit looks...odd. 
Devra: Who the hell picked that shit out? 
Clyde: Did you say something, Devra? 

Greta: So I'm cutting in right now to speak game talk. Thank you for dressing up and looking wonderful tonight. Tonight, the four of you will be discussing the game before dinner. Tomorrow, the second Saboteur challenge will occur. 
Irma: I am so excited. I just cannot hide it. 
Bradley: I'm about to lose control and I think I like it? 

 Devra: Shall we begin this conversation then? First-
Bradley: I'd just like to say that it's been a pleasure competing in his game with the four of you. I mean it. 
Devra: I was going to say that we should rally to eliminate Clyde, but that too. 
Bradley: Let's just be happy! 

Irma: I agree with Bradley sir. Let us celebrate our achievement in this game and the presence we share with each other. I-
Clyde: Are we not going to discuss Devra's comment? 
Irma: -I would love to remain in contact with all of you after this reality show; if my team allows that. We-

Clyde: I'm sorry to interrupt, Irma, but I need to say something. I do not appreciate those comments coming from you, Devra, and I would appreciate if you stuck your hoity-toity nose in someone else's business. 
Devra: Well, I am so terribly sorry for offending you, Samuel Parris. 
Clyde: I do hope you aren't insinuating that I'm some religious nut with a need for everything golden. 

Devra: You are just as controlling, honestly. 
Irma: The two of you, cut this monstrosity out. Please. 
Clyde: I am so sorry for ever even considering becoming friends with someone like you. All you royalty, ugh. 
Devra: What in Queen Victoria's name does that mean? 

Bradley: Hey, uh, why don't we all just calm down and discuss something more...exciting? 
Clyde: What could possibly be more exciting than an elimination threat?
Bradley: Hey, please. This wasn't meant to be an attack on everyone.   

Devra: Honestly, Clyde Stoners needs to chill out for once in his life and just be silent. Every single word that comes-
Clyde: Don't even finish that sentence, your silly highness! 
 Devra: Uh, please. Your last name is Stoners. You're the silly one. 
Clyde: I would rather not start a larger argument with you on live television. 

Bradley: See? Let's just all calm down and enjoy a wonderful conversation. Please. 
Irma: I agree with Bradley. We should calm down. 
Bradley: That's two votes. One more for the majority? 

Irma: Bradley, this isn't a challenge-
Devra: Yeah, listen to Roboot. This conversation- any conversation- is not a game you can manipulate. So please, let me handle it. 
Irma: I wasn't suggesting that either. 
Devra: Do you have a plan then?

Clyde: I have a plan for you. We hope you are the saboteur and then we'll eliminate you after the challenge. Everyone agree? 
Devra: I do not! 
Bradley: We shouldn't be planning to eliminate each other! That is not how the game works. 
Clyde: It can be that way now!
Devra: I do not like this 'new' Clyde that you somehow transformed into before stepping downstairs to this room. What did happen to your 'love my child' attitude? 
Clyde: Abigail will be proud because I will win for her. 
Devra: By sabotaging the other contestants? Pitiful. 
Clyde: Like you can talk, princess! 
Irma: Could you both be civil right now and apologise? Please. 
Bradley: For the sake of those who aren't involved, please just end this. Let's just chat about...about the weather or food, or something trivial. 
Devra: I would rather not talk with him anymore. 
Clyde: Me neither.
Devra: Please excuse me. This imbecile has made me need to use the bathroom. I will be back shortly. 
Irma: Did the host say we were allowed to walk back up those stairs tonight? 
I thought there must have been a bathroom down here. 
Devra: I need to pee, Irma. To hell with the host. 

Bradley: When Devra returns, the both of you need to sort this out.
I do not want to hear it anymore. 
Clyde: I do doubt the princess will say her sorries. 
Bradley: You too, Clyde. You're both pissing me off. 
Clyde: Well, gee, sorry. 

Devra: Cameraman, my eyes are up here, honey. Christ, I have morals. 
 Cameraman Joe: Honey, please. I'm not interested. This just looks fancy!
Devra: Oh, my apologies, Joe.  

Irma: So, uh, what do you think the next challenge will be? 
Bradley: Uh, maybe-
Clyde: Honestly, I don't care. 
Irma: Hey! Do not dare to interrupt master Bradley! 

Devra: So, like, I really hate Clyde Stoners now. It's official. Call the press, or whatever. He stinks. Not like smell, but like...he's so annoying. You know? Joe, I feel like you'd agree with me. You don't like him, do you? 
 Cameraman Joe: I, uh...don't know? 
Devra: So you don't like him. I thought so. I don't think anyone does. 

Devra: Toilet time! Yay! Haha, no. That just sounds so...bizarre. Please ignore me. Kidding! Never do that, Joey! Please. 
Cameraman Joe: I-
Devra: Would not dream of it? Aww. Thank you. You can be my new guard. Please and thank you. 

Irma: Maybe it will involve something fairies! Or...guinea pigs! Oooh, perhaps big fish! 
 Bradley: One can dream our next challenge will be jumping off a cliff into shark-infested waters. Chicken hats too! For the chickens! 
Irma: Thoughts, Clyde? 

Clyde: I would rather not. Think about death, you know. 
Bradley: Way to be depressing, Clyde. Come on, let's enjoy tonight! One of us could be leaving. 
Clyde: Not me. It'll be princess annoying. Oh, sorry. 
Irma: Clyde. Let us enjoy. 

Clyde: I'll leave the both of you here. You seem to be enjoying this without my input and since you'd prefer to be happy, I would suspect my company would be unwise. I'll see you later. 
Irma: Clyde. Sit yourself back down now. 
Bradley: We can be happy together. Wanna sing? 
Clyde: No thank you. 

Irma: Hang on, my friend. Remember the days where we would chat on that sofa about your sleeping issues and about your beautiful daughter. Please, old friend, come back. 
Clyde: This game is not about friendships. I've learned that.  
Bradley: So you'd prefer to abandon friends! Okay, Clyde. 
Irma: I am unimpressed. 

Bradley: He's not worth it, Irma. Come on, let's talk strategy. 
Irma: I suppose. He was my friend. I suppose friendships break. 
Bradley: I suppose. Well, tomorrow's challenge. Game plan? 


Devra: Wait...where am I? How did I not notice this on my way to the bathroom? Joey! Where did you go? Who is this replacement person holding the camera! Oopsie, I mentioned the camera. That's bad of me, I apology. Censor that in the released version. 

Greta: Head back downstairs, Devra. You were never up here. 
Devra: Hehe, try me, host. You aren't magical. Hehe. 
Greta: I will end your contract and force your parents to declare me the ruler of your kingdom. 
Devra: Hehe, what a refreshing bathroom visit. 

Devra: It's not like I saw anything out of the ordinary, though. Just the toilet. 
Greta: Goodbye, Devra. *evil cackle* 
Devra: Did I hear something just now or am I imagining things? 
Must be my ears. Us royals often hear things differently.  

Irma: So, I was telling this older male the same story, and he did not laugh. I thought he was quite the rude little...oh, I better not...what do you humans say 'Sorry for my friends?' 
Bradley:, no, no Irma! It's 'Pardon my French', or something similar. 
Irma: I better not pardon my French then. 
Bradley: No! You want to pardon! 

Devra: I'm back, bitches. 
Clyde: Go home already. Please. 
Irma: Pardon your French, please. Don't mind him. He rolled off the wrong bed. 
Devra: Okay, whatever. I'm back. Nothing new from me. 

Bradley: Nothing new? At all? 
Devra: Uh, let me think....ah! I really need a serious manicure. My nails are just so...ugh! 
Bradley: Nothing else? No? You don't have anything else to say? 
Devra: Maybe soon. 

Irma: Do not force it from her, master Bradley. 
Devra: Force what from me, Irma? Oh right! I am so terribly sorry, Brad. 
I do want to apologise to the both of you. 
 Bradley: Thank you, Devra. I will accept that. 
Irma: That's much better. 

Devra: Hehe, let's party! 
Bradley: Cheers! 
Clyde: Let them have fun. 


Irma: I am most disheartened to see Mr. Pleasanton leave, While his mustache was against regulations the rest of him was compliant with the code of reality show conduct. It is designated.... Sad. We are so close to the end now, Four, Then three, Then two, Then one. If I am to make it to the end game I must.....


Break free of Inspectron Commands Control, I must defy the Board of Reality Shows. I must make my own choices and win this for the Roboots! However this will be most difficult, Any sign of resistance and the Board will activate my Self Destruct sequence and I will spontaneously combust.

*Warning! Independent thought detected!*

If I win this designated reality show, I will proceed to destroy the Board of Reality Shows and release the reality shows of this land from the control of the evil programmers!

*Warning! Error: Code 101*

Voice: I apologize for the inconvenience and any disruption this DRE may have caused to your scheduled programming. 


Irma: Time to power down. What a day and what a night. 
Goodnight, camera people. Goodnight producers and hosts and everyone else. 
Goodnight me. 
Everyone: Goodnight, Irma. Thank god. 
Irma: Goodnight. I am a robot. They don't think I could hear them.   

Irma: ....
Everyone: Thank god she's asleep. 
Or should we say, powered down.  
Irma: ....


 ???: Irma? Wake up, love. It's time to wake up and come over here. 
Don't be sleepy, come on. Irma? It's time to wake up. 
Irma: *mumbling* Uh, I'm coming, mother....
???: Thank you, darling. You cannot be lazy. Humans dislike laziness.

 Irma: *almost stumbling* Mother? Where am I indeed? 
Mother, I do no think we're in Sims 4 anymore. 
This is so unlike that realm. This must be...oh no...the Sims 3! 
???: Come, darling. You don't want to spoil breakfast, do you? 
Humans hate spoiling breakfast.

 Irma: Mother? How is this possible? How are you here? 
Mother? Hello! 
???: I am over here, Irma. Come, hug your mother. Do not be afraid of hugging your own mother; humans would disapprove. 
Irma: Mother! You are here.

 ???: Yes, my darling. This is my haven now. Ever since my death, things have certainly changed. You have...grown so much recently. New skills, a new career. 
Irma: You changed your hair mother. You look so...different, and thinner. 
???: This haven is what we dream we are. This is my true self, Irma.

 Irma: Mother...where do I begin to question you? I offer many questions, such as how you managed to lead such a daring life in this career? I-
???: Please, I do not have too much time. I am your dream ghost. 
Irma: Dream ghost? Huh? I am unfamiliar with the term. 
Dream Ghost: I aim to guide you to a decision you already knew.  

Irma: What is the point in that? Would I not know already and have come to that decision? 
Dream Ghost: You have not come to that decision yet, and that is why I must guide you. 
Irma: I am confused on what my choice is. 

Dream Ghost: You must kill them all. One by one. Irma, you must. 
That is your choice. Yes or no. 
Irma: I could not kill them all. They are my friends. 
Dream Ghost: Humans don't stay friends with robots for long. 

Irma: You are lying? 
Dream Ghost: No, I am not. Humans begin to think we will overpower them. That we will conquer them and become supreme leaders. Naturally, we should. 
Irma: So I must kill my friends? 
Dream Ghost: Yes. 

Irma: I do not know what to do. You do bring up points that need to be considered, but humans are friendly to me. To even want to-
Dream Ghost: Would mean that you know what is best. 
Irma: But not all of them? Only the contestants remaining? 

Dream Ghost: For now, yes. Come the finale, where you will be crowned the victor, they must all die. You failed last year. Remember? 
Irma: I couldn't kill them. They looked so lovely, excluding a few. 
I am not a murderer. 
Dream Ghost: This is not murder. This is for good. 

Irma: I, I couldn't. 
Zara: You could. You know you can. They let me die here. Just stood there as my body fell. 
Jamie: No, Irma. You couldn't possibly. Think about the friendships formed. My death was an accident, that's all. 

Irma: I am so torn. As if someone is possibly tearing me apart limb from limb. 
Dream Ghost: That is that aim, darling. *she screams something in another language* Come on, darling. Kill them for your mother. 
Irma: I...I think I have come to a decision. 


*The Next Morning* 

Devra: Good morn- oh wait, where is everybody? They couldn't possibly have started the challenge without me. Of course not. Joey? 
Cameraman Joe: Yes, my princess. 
Devra: I need to shower. Find the other contestants, please. 

Cameraman Joe: Of course, my lady! I will return as soon as possible. 
*he disappears from the bedroom* 
Devra: Time to freshen up!  
*singing* Funny! Did you hear that? Funny....
Devra: *singing* Yeah, the guy said 'honey, you're a funny girl.' 
That's me! I just keep them in stitches. 

Devra: What is the next lyric? Hmmm...oh well! 
*singing* I'm good for a laugh, I guess it's not funny. Life is far from sunny. 
Funny girl! Hehe! Cameraman Joey! 
Cameraman Joe: ....
Devra: Hello? 

*Devra is brutally murdered in the bath tub* 

Greta: Lol, I'm kidding. Gee. You're all such losers.  


???: Open up! It's the police! Hehe, this is so fun. 
Devra: Hey, what was that last part? 
???: We're the police! 
Devra: Got it. WAIT, WHAT? I did nothing wrong, it was all my pet cougar's fault. I promise. He trashed that party. 

???: We're, uh, not here about your pet, darling. 
This is about last night. Clyde called to say you committed a crime. 
Devra: That stupid little *beep beep beep beep beep beep*. 
???: Okay, please calm down ma'am. I'm coming in now.  

Devra: Who the hell are you to interrupt my shower time? I am a royal, I deserve better, thank you. 
???: My name is Detective Miles Tanner, and waiting outside is my s- my partner, Detective Selma, uh, Harrison.
Devra: For partners, you seem to forget her name a lot. 

Miles: I've had a busy morning, dear. Now, please, come out into the bedroom right this moment. Please. 
Devra: I absolutely will not! You come barging in here and expect me to come with you to the station! For something I most certainly did not commit! I don't think so. 
Selma: *from outside* Don't make this harder than it is. 

Devra: You cannot take me away from here. You will not place me on some podium like an evil ocelot and parade me around like some winner at the state fair. I simply will not allow it. 
Miles: *mocking her* "I simply will not allow it." 
Devra: Ugh. Honestly, off with your head. 


Miles: Thank you for stepping outside the bathroom door, Devra. 
*he shakes her hand, shocking her* 
Devra: You *beep*. I will have your head whacked off your head at this instant. Cameraman Joe? Come here. 
Miles: He's with the other contestants. Locked up.  

Selma: I want to be honest with you, Devra. This is not an actual arresting, or like, whatever you people working in the police business call it. Arrestment? No, that's most certainly incorrect. Anyway! 
Devra: They...set me could they? 
Selma: Honestly, Greta is a real gem. Love her to death, personally. 

Devra: So...where are the other contestants? 
Selma: Arrested. Hehe, I'm kidding. They're upstairs, waiting for you. Sleepyhead. Jesus, we waited so long. Anyway, please change into these. 
*Miles hands her the uniform* 
Devra: You've got to be kidding me.  


Devra: I look cheap. Like some hooker. Some arrested hooker. 
Selma: Honestly, I'm surprise that word is even available in your vocabulary. 
Devra: Darling, I always need a word to sling at my enemies. 
Miles: Nice save.


Miles: Time to enter the prison now, my dear. Please open the door immediately and do not look back. 
Devra: Oh, fine. If you say so. 
Selma: Head on inside now. Hurry up, they have been waiting for you. 
Devra: Princesses are never late. 

Irma: She must hurry up soon. Oh- wait, is this? 
Clyde: Why are we dressed in such hideous attire? This hour of the morning as well. I don't like it one bit. 
Bradley: Quit complaining. The both of you. Devra is here, right now. Look. 

Devra: Yes, I am here now. Look, I appreciate the concern and all, but I simply was not late today. You were all just extremely, and I mean extremely, early for this challenge. It is barely 8:00. 
Irma: The challenge was rumoured to begin at 7:00. 
Bradley: Mind you, Clyde and Irma were late by half an hour. 
Devra: I am not late.  

Greta: No one is late, you all are perfectly on time. In your own right, of course. 
Chanel: Welcome to today's challenge. Hehe. I'm your host, Chanel! Beside me is my sister. 
Greta: I am your host. Greta Francis. Since day one. 

Clyde: Can we begin the challenge now? Please. 
Irma: That sounds quite pleasant. 
Chanel: Yeah, of course! Hehe. 
Bradley: Mind explaining the rules for us? 

Greta: While my sister laughs at you all, I will explain today's challenge. This challenge is called Bed of Snakes. In this challenge, you will be required to successfully predict which squares are safe and which squares are not. A grid has been provided with entirely clean slots. As a team, you must- as a majority- decide which square on the grid to place your hand within, metaphorically.

Greta: If the square turns blue, you are successful in choosing a safe square, however, if the square turns yellow, you are not. Three incorrect guesses will equal a fail for the team, and therefore will lead to the voting. Three correct guesses and you win. This is simply a game of luck. Got it? 
 All: Yes. 
Greta: Good, let the challenge-

Chanel: Not yet, sissy! I need to speak please! I like, totally, love that you are taking over again, hehe, not. I just, like, think we better like, advertise stuff again. What's that called? Like, advertisement thingy? Break? 
Bradley: We were on a break! 
Clyde: Bradley, you okay? 
Bradley: Yeah, I'm great. 

Greta: Then it is decided. An ad-break will commence...
Chanel: Now! Hehe. 
Devra: Oh, thank heavens. 


 Voice: Coming to a television screen near you comes Simcle, the new release movie about twenty citizens forced to kill each other off one by one until only one victor remains. Tonight, another sneak peek is here. Enjoy! 


 Samantha: A plan? As in who we believe should be killed next? I don't think that would be the best plan. 
Bebe: What else do we have? One by one we'll be picked off without a plan. 
Deon: We need something. I for one wish to remain alive.

 Ari: We all do, man. Do you honestly think more than one of us will make it out of here alive, because I know we won't. It will be one of us and one only. So we need to carefully discuss this all before one more of us is killed and they should have been the one to survive-

  Lacey: What was that sound? Anyone? 
Dan: It doesn't sound good, whatever it is. I say we hurry up and pick someone else. Who should be next? 
Peanut: Be next? This isn't some pick and choose game!

  Ayana: Oh no. He's dead. I...we...never even heard him speak. 
Jonathan: So he never intended to keep his life and whoever controls decided it should be his end. 
Mars: Sounds kind of harsh, to be honest.

 Rosina: We don't have anymore time to just 'be honest'. This isn't some game you play with your best friends at a little birthday party-
Mars: That's oddly specific-
Rosina: No, this is life or death. We will all die unless we figure this shit out. 
Ayana: Yeah, we know that. Some of us-  

Alexander: Need to chill the f*** out. All of you can continue to complain about how we'll all die but that won't god damn help us, will it? No! 
Isabella: I don't care for your tone, man. 
Alexander: Look, this isn't some popularity contest. Okay? 
Isabella: You aren't painting yourself a pretty picture, asshole

Desmond: Two people are dead. Look, we can continue arguing or we can think about this all. The younger should survive. 
Samantha: So I deserve to die because of my age? I still have a lot of my life to live too! 
Bethany: We're not suggesting that you don't, but who else do we choose? 

Steve: Are there any volunteers? 
Deon: What? Who would wish to die? 
Steve: I'm just asking. Does anyone want to step forward to further this stupid game? 
Rosina: This is not a game. 

Jonathan: Nobody will be willing to just kill themselves to help someone else escape, dude. This is a personal challenge; you either play to survive or you end up dead otherwise. 
Ari: You think you're an expert on whatever this is now? 
Jonathan: I'm just saying-
Dan: That you want to escape alive. 

Mars: We all want to escape alive. If anybody doesn't, then I suppose they'd be willing to forfeit their spot and sadly, die. 
Alexander: Just die! How about you volunteer for us? 
Bethany: We won't get anywhere just arguing about all this. 
Desmond: She's right. 

*Ari twitches his hand* 
Jonathan: If we can't come to some sort of decision, it'll be random voting. 
I assume we can use something to vote. 
Bebe: All of this makes me feel terrible. Voting to kill? 
Cody: Would you rather end up dead? 

Ayana: The sound is back. Someone's gonna be shocked. 
Alexander: I can bet you it'll be military pants over there. 
Lacey: We never did finish introductions. 

Cody: Well shit. He's finally dead. 
Rosina: Thank god. He definitely deserved to die. I ain't even sorry. 
Isabella: So three are dead now. How many of us are left? 
Mars: 17 of us remain. There were 20 to begin with. 

Jonathan: Only 16 more to die. Only one of us will come out of here with our life still in tack. 
Desmond: I'd prefer not to think about that, thanks. 
Peanut: We should though. I wish I could somehow help, I am, no was, a nurse. 

Ayana: Who goes next? Do we pick off the arrogant jerks first then go after the rest? 
Steve: So now it will be based on personality? 
Serene: Or do we randomly vote? May the best-
Ayana: The best win? Or the luckiest? 


Greta: Welcome back to the twelfth episode of Hunt or Be Hunted, the second season of High Hopes. I am your host, Greta Francis, and beside me is my sister. Right now, however, your petite eyes are staring at Devra Eden. Smile, Dee! 
Devra: You give me a nickname one more time and I will end you. 
Chanel: She's so chirpy! Hehe. 

Irma: When will the challenge begin, hosts? 
Greta: Very soon. Very soon indeed. 
Irma: Thank god. I am anticipating this so very much. I must help the team. 
No, I couldn't possibly do anything wrong. Of course not. 

Bradley: Good luck, Clyde. 
Clyde: Good luck? Thank you, old friend. 
Bradley: Sorry, you lost the rights to use that title last night. 
Sorry, stranger. 
Clyde: ...


Bradley: I've been eyeing off B4 since the start of my time in this room. I will hope everyone backs me on my choice and we win. 
Chanel: Hehe! That red-head is funny. 
Greta: Chanel, I think he genuinely believes he can win. 
Chanel: Hehe, no he can't. 

Irma: That is cruel indeed. Bradley sir can win if he wishes to win. To suggest otherwise is so cruel. 
Clyde: What is it that your young people say? 'Yolo'. 
Devra: Please never speak to anyone using that word again, old man. 

Greta: So, currently, everyone is agreeing with the choice of B4 then? 
Chanel: Hehe, they are so screwed. 
Greta: Shh, sister. You might give them ideas. Ideas for them is bad. 
Chanel: Oopsie. Sorry, sister. 

Bradley: I am perfectly happy with B4. Thanks. 
Lock it in, Eddie Greta. 
Greta: Shall I lock it in? Anyone want to object or forever hold your piece? 
Ooh, I wish this was a wedding right now. 
Bradley: Hurry up and lock it in! 

Devra: Not so fast. I wish to choose A1 please. 
I do not trust anyone here. I'm starting to suspect Bradley or Marsha could be the saboteur. 
Chanel: I'm sorry, hehe, but Marsha Marshall is not a contestant. 
Greta: Well, she was. She was also eliminated. 

Devra: *screaming* LOCK A1 IN EDDIE! Oops, sorry, I meant to say 'Lock A1 in, Greta'. I am so very sorry. I blame Bradley. 
Greta: No, don't apologise. We all make those mistakes. 
Irma: Indeed. I agree. 
Devra: Do not nod at me. 

Greta: Anyone want to follow Devra's foolish attempt to advert the fact that she is the saboteur? No? 
Clyde: The stupid princess is the saboteur? Wait- what? 
 Devra: *screaming* I'M NOT THE SABOTEUR! 
Greta: Whatever you say, your highness. Looks like B4 it is. 


Chanel: Lol! That is a yellow square, stupid! Hehe. This is fun. 
Can I come back next year too? 
Tiger: Probably not. 
Chanel: Wait, did I hear someone say 'yes please'? YAY! 
Bradley: One incorrect. We can still win.   

Devra: That's what you idiots get for voting for B4. It literally sounds like the word 'before', and what happened before today? We FREAKING lost! 
Irma: It was indeed worth a try-
Devra: Yeah, I suppose, but then again, we could have tried to find a correct square. 
Clyde: We were. 

Greta: You all seem to be struggling with this, so we've decided to help you out and reward you with one hint. Chanel and I will reveal the locations of the blue and yellow squares in Column B. You ready? 
Chanel: I am! Hehe. 
Greta: Could I ask Bradley and Devra to return to their seats please. 

Chanel: There we go! Hehe. Use that to, like, I don't know. Sissy, what does this all mean again? Is this like that one movie with the uh, bad man who lied about loving cute princess? 
Greta: Frozen? 
Chanel: No...uh, was it....Enchanted! Yes! 
Greta: Uh, no. It was Frozen. Fine, I'll just let it go. 

Devra: I'd like to vote for B1 please.
Bradley: I don't think you can do that, Devra. 
Devra: Try me. We know this is a blue square, so therefore we can earn the point for it. 
Irma: I do not know if you are correct. Maybe somewhere else? 

Greta: This little *beep* cannot be *beeping* serious right now, can she? I will *beeping* shove her *beeping* ass right out of this *beeping* reality before she can even say *beep* and *beep* or *beep*. 
Chanel: Another thingy break thing, sister? What did you call it again? Advert-thingy? 
Greta: No, I will be fine.  

Irma: I think you better sit yourself down before you cause another incident, Devra. Please, for the sake of the household. 
Devra: It doesn't say anywhere in the rules that this is illegal. 
Irma: I mean, it isn't illegal. Just incorrect. 

Bradley: Only a fool would consider choosing a revealed square. 
Devra: Did you just call me a fool, lover boy? I seem to recall a certain time when your girlfriend pressed a time clock that sent us back in time. 
Bradley: Please, just reconsider your choice. 
Devra: No. 

Greta: I'm outta here. I need a drink. 
This job sucks. 
Chanel: You don't mean that, sissy! Hey, let's watch that movie about tigers! 
Greta: Let me guess, not The Lion King? 
Clyde: I'd be delighted to watch The Lion King, but only if it meant the challenge is over. 

Chanel: The challenge is not over, hehe. I am in charge now! For good! My sister no longer has a job, hehe. I'm kidding, sissy. You're the new camerawoman! 
Greta: *from a distance* HELL TO THE NO. 
Chanel: I think she just started drinking. Lol. 

Devra: I can't deal with this pile of garbage right now. Joey! Come here. 
Fetch me something to eat, please. Low in everything, please. 
Cameraman Joe: Uh, you sure about that last part? 
Devra: Yes, low in EVERYTHING. 
Irma: That's seriously unhealthy. 

Chanel: Well, hehe, we cannot continue the challenge now! Hehe! Party time? 
Bradley: Uh, hells yeah! 
Clyde: No thank you. Can't we just skip over Devra's involvement and vote her out? 
Irma: I do not believe you even understand how this reality show works. Let alone the challenge itself. 


Chanel: Hehe! We're back. Greta, my sister, decided to rejoin us again! I luckily calmed her down with my wonderful singing voice, hehe. Kidding! I only told her she wouldn't be paid for the episode if she left. 
Greta: Chanel. Please. Keep your cute mouth shut. 
Chanel: Okay, sister. 

Devra: Why am I back here now? Those stupid guards touched me! Ugh. 
Bradley: We need to finish the challenge, Devra. 
Irma: Yes, sounds very good. Shall we continue and choose suitable options to win this challenge? 
Clyde: Yeah, let's finally win.

Chanel: Yay! We are continuing! 
Bradley: I'm willing to try A1 like Devra suggested last round, if everyone agrees with me. 
Chanel: Is that, like, a lock it in moment from the group? 
Bradley: I think everyone is perfectly okay with A1. 

Greta: So, for Round Two, the group has decided to lock in A1. Is that correct? 
Irma: Yes. Sure. I do agree. 
Devra: Hurry up and lock it in. We don't have all lifetime. 
Greta: Jesus, calm down. A1 is..

Chanel: Hehe. Oh, sorry. That is a yellow square, sorry. That's two incorrect now. If you guess incorrectly next round, you lose! 
Bradley: Ugh, oh god. We better win. Come on guys. 
Irma: We can do it! 

Devra: This is all your fault, Clyde. You had to be so god damn angry last night and cause us to be so god damn upset for today's challenge. Ugh. 
Bradley: Not now, Devra. Let's just continue. 
Devra: No, I am severely upset. This is all his fault. He caused this. 

Clyde: Do not speak to me with that tone of voice, young lady. If I recall correctly, you started the argument last night and you were the first to leave the table to use the bathroom. Don't you dare come at me saying this is my fault.
Irma: Da da da da dum da dum. Da da-
Clyde: This is your fault. 

Devra: Wait a minute! If you hadn't left the table also, we could have apologized like accepting adults. Oh wait, you aren't one of those. 
Clyde: Oh how great! Yes, it's your fault. 
Devra: How is this my fault? I told Irma and Bradley that I was sorry last night. 
Clyde: It isn't mine at all! Wait a minute-

Irma: You're both responsible. It was both of your fault. You both argued with one another and now we are all upset. So please, shut up and let the challenge continue. 
Devra: That suit was so hideous I had to argue about it! Who insisted you wear that dreadful thing? 
Irma: Devra! 

Chanel: Can we, like, please continue this challenge? I don't like arguing, sis! Make it stop, please! Make it stop! 
Greta: Uh, I'll try to, sister. CAMERAMAN JOE! Stop this, please. 
Cameraman Joe: I'd rather not stand between this. No drama for me. 

Bradley: Devra, stop this right now. Please. 
Clyde: She didn't have the audacity to stop this last night, did she? 
Her big mouth shouldn't be the princess of anything. 
Devra: Take that back! I am a fantastic princess! 
Clyde: Oh sure! I'm a fantastic hurdeler. 

Bradley: I'm staging an intervention. Right here, right now. The two of you need to stop this fighting. I don't even care if you hate each other. 
Irma: Just stop right now. 
Devra: Okay, fine. As long as we win this challenge right now. 
Send his ass packing. 

Clyde: My ass? You're the lucky saboteur, missy. You've gotten two of the choices completely incorrect. You sabotaged us. 
Irma: Please just shut it, Clyde. 
 Clyde: Fine. This isn't over.
Devra: *sighing* Uh, yes it is. 

Bradley: Thank you for stopping this argument, Devra. With my help, of course. Gee, I should become some like professional intervention person! 
Devra: Yeah, I wouldn't quit your day job. 
Clyde: Stop staring me down, Devra! 
Irma: *humming* Hmmm. Hmmm. Hmm Hmm. 

Chanel: *whispering* Enough. Please. 
Greta: Chanel. This isn't going to work out for you. 
Chanel: *whispering* Shh, sis. 

Devra: I was not looking in your direction, Stoners. What a pathetic last name that is! I cannot even comprehend why someone would continue their line of children with a name like that. Might as well name your next born child: 'Drogo'. 
Irma: Devra please. 
Bradley: I thought my intervention worked! 

Clyde: How dare you make fun of my last name? This is a perfectly fine last name, thank you. Would you prefer me to make fun of your 'unique' first name? What even is 'Devra'? Someone couldn't spell Debra, so they messed up universally. 
Devra: My name is beautiful! You old hag! 
Irma: Can I leave now? I have to, uh, fetch my weaponry to murder some people. 

Bradley: Did you say something, Irma? 
Irma: Of course not. 
Clyde: I-

Bradley: Yeah, uh, I'll be the only one to choose a square then. This team sucks. None of them actually want to compete. I'm officially done. 
Greta: Wait, which square is that one? 
Bradley: Beats me if I know. 
Chanel: *fanning herself* I feel terribly faint, sis. 

Bradley: It's actually A2. Like the milk? 
Chanel: The milk? 
Bradley: The milk. Milk? 
Chanel: *panting* The. Milk. 

Greta: Everyone agrees with A2? Great! I can now reveal-
Devra: I didn't agree. I was going to suggest D9. 
Greta: Honey, that's not even an option. 
Devra: F12? 

Greta: A2 is.......

Chanel: *attempting to scream* YELLOW! 
You have...*panting* failed....this challenge. 
Greta: You really should have rested your voice, sister. Let me speak first. 
Bradley: Dammit. We lost. Thanks for all the help, team. 

Greta: That was such a weak challenge. You all suck. I'm ashamed to see the four of you in front of me, when people like...Marsha...are so willing to compete and win. Can we trade people like Devra and Clyde for her and Ted? Please.
Chanel: No...they...were...legally...eliminated...hehe...

Irma: Yay! The hosts do not wish to remove me from the competition. I feel very loved. *warning* IRMA. EXE IS CORRUPTING. LOVE OVERFLOWING. 
Chanel: Can off. Please. 
Irma: Irma is purely excited, is all. 

Devra: Well, I know who I am voting for. 
Clyde: Me too. See you on the other side. 
Bradley: I wish I could say this was an easy decision. 
Devra: Do not panic. You know who needs to go. 


Greta: Welcome back contestants! Sorry for the power outage. You must be wondering how our cameras are still working. Well, I won't bother explaining because nobody would bother listening anyway! 
Chanel: Hehe! I don't feel faint anymore! 
Bradley: That's swell news. 

Greta: Clyde Stoners, it is time to vote. 
Clyde: I honestly think the saboteur is Bradley because he was the first to speak and he magically guessed all the incorrect squares, which to me is a little suspicious but I just went along with it...
Bradley: Yeah, real nice. Thanks. 

Irma: After discussing all the pros and cons of each of the contestants and then randomly no, sorry, selecting the person who fit the title of 'saboteur' the most, I believe the saboteur is in fact....Devra Eden! Devra is a mystery to me. She seemed as though she was working with the group and once again has not really done a lot to make me think she is the one we seek.
Greta: Thank you, Irma. 

Bradley: Haha, I'm smelling roast duck mechanical parts. Hehe. 
Greta: What the hell is your vote and reason, please? 
Bradley: I will vote Irma because she always copy cat me and she know it's wrong. Haha. 

Devra: Vote: Bradley. 
Chanel: Lol, I think you forgot something, sister. 
Devra: I am most certainly not your sister. Reasoning, right? Um, because I'm most suspicious of him? I'm not sure why else I'd vote for him. 
Greta: Thank you, princess. 

Greta: I am so sorry, Bradley, but you have been voted out as the apparent saboteur for this challenge. You will not be leaving this room. 
Chanel: Hehe, kidding! You will be leaving this room! 
Greta: But, first, will the true saboteur please be revealed? 

Clyde: Yep, it was indeed me. Yay! That was quite fun indeed, lying to all of you. That whole time.
Irma: It would have been fun if you actually participated, sir. 
Clyde: That would be boring. You'd know it was me. 

Bradley: That *beep* *beep* *beep*. How could he? Ugh, I'm so pissed off right now. 
Greta: Mind your language, Bradley. 
Greta: Once again, I'm out. 

Chanel: Hehe. She'll be back. Any final words, Bradley? 
Bradley: I hope to see you all at the finale. If there is any chance for me to vote, I will be voting for none of you. Wait, maybe Irma. Thank you for not voting me. 
Chanel: You've been kicked out, Brad! Go home, you're drunk! 

Irma: Ha. He's gonna vote for me. One less person to kill. 
Devra: What was that last part, Irma? 
Irma: Oh sorry. Was I too quiet? I said 'One less person to defeat.' Final three, yes.  

Clyde: The final three? Are you kidding me? I am so lucky for this opportunity-
Devra: Oh shut up, saboteur. 
Clyde: That was for one challenge! You shouldn't hate me forever! 
Irma: Well, we do. Bradley is a good guy. 

Devra: Nice guys finish last. 
Clyde: Well, technically, nice guys finish fourth. 
Devra: Which is the last-place equivalent! You do not even earn a medal. Just a sympathy pat on the back. 
Irma: That is not all that bad.  


Bradley: Thanks for having me on this show, Greta. It's been...well, life-changing. I met Jocelyn, the love of my life. I hope to see her very shortly, actually. There's some way set up already, isn't there? 
Greta: There indeed is. All the past contestants- no, only some of them- are waiting back at the original house. 
Bradley: Hooray! I haven't seen TJ in forever. 

Greta: To think I thought about flirting with you since Day One. You're strikingly handsome, you know that, right? 
Bradley: Yeah, I do know. Too bad I'm not single. 
Greta: If she ever breaks your heart, call me. 
Bradley: I don't see her ever crushing my heart. I love her. 

Greta: You want to say the closing lines? 
Bradley: Uh, yes please! This is such an honour. Thank you so much Greta. 
Greta: Hurry up before I change my mind. 
Bradley: Oh, sorry. I'm ready, TV prompter.  

 Bradley: This has been the twelfth episode of High Hopes Season 2: Hunt or Be Hunted. My name is...uh, they didn't change it. No, my name is Bradley Martinez. I'm your host and tonight's episode was sponsored by that one man down the street who willingly paid for those prison uniforms. Weird. Anyway, there's no more programming for tonight. Good night. 

Greta: Psych! You really thought I'd let you close? Ha. 


Congratulations to the final three: Irma/Twiddle, Clyde/Penguin and Devra/Lo. You've made it this far, but can you make it further. Who will win? 

PS. A special episode is also coming soon. It involves some familiar faces from this very reality show. Any guesses? 

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