Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Fourteen, Part Two: Hellfire

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Fourteen, Part Two: Hellfire

Chanel: Welcome back, hehe! My name is Chanel Francis and like, after tonight, I'm finally a free woman again! 
Irma: And you aren't free while filming this show? 
Chanel: No! Hehe. 
Clyde: What are you even wearing now? 

Chanel: Chanel has gone dark, hehe! This dress is pretty. 
Irma: I seem to be matching with you, darl. 
Chanel: No, you're not! That dress is hideous! 
Devra: I outshine you all. 

Irma: This dress is the exact same, yet different colours. Don't call it hideous. 
Chanel: I don't have time for this, hehe! Question! What would you do if, like, you were the winner? 
Irma: Wouldn't that be grand? I, I know...I would assist the treatment of robots with a new foundation. 

Devra: My turn! My turn! 
Chanel: Okay, princess! Please, tell us!
Devra: So, like, I'll be building my summer castle soon and I need the cash to truly afford everything on my wish list. Oh, and if you couldn't tell, I'm getting married! 

Chanel: Oh em gee! That's cute! That concludes questions then. The winner is....
Clyde: You can't just skip me, Chanel. 
Chanel: Never say my pretty name with your ugly mouth again, hehe! Hurry up. 
Clyde: I will support my daughter-

Chanel: Thanks, hehe. 
Clyde: I will support my daughter in her future and-
Chanel: Yeah, you're wasting my precious time! I didn't book this whole night, Maud! 
Clyde: My name is Clyde...


Greta: While they sort out their little issues, welcome back to the jury members! I realise your presence here is really unnecessary, but bear with me. Tonight will be important for you. 
TJ: You say that now...

Jocelyn: We haven't even voted yet-
Bradley: Yeah, what's with that?! I want to vote!
Marsha: Moi wansh to vot! 
Ted: Better late than never, Marsha. 

Greta: You want to vote! Hurry and vote now! 
Jocelyn: Aw, me first? Thanks. So, out of the final three, I kinda hate Devra. Clyde's meh, and Irma is a robot, so I honestly don't know. 
Greta: Please, we have all night. 
Jocelyn: Fine! I choose....Devra! 

TJ: That was...unexpected. 
Jocelyn: I couldn't decide between the other two. 
TJ: Alright. Uh, apparently once I was married to Clyde, so I guess...he has my vote. 

Marsha: Moi cennot beleaf the 'ater ees still in the compeshion, boot, luv, moi wheel vot for....Irma! Ma roboot freend! 
Greta: Thank you, Marsha, for that...splendid outburst. 
Marsha: You ees welcomb. 
Greta: Who's next?  

Ted: I am. I also must stick with my gut and vote for the person I trust the most. That person, a dear friend I will cherish for the rest of my life, is...Irma Roboot! You can do it. 
Greta: Words of wisdom from Ted. Thanks. 
Ted: Anytime.

Bradley: Last but certainly not! I thought long and hard about this leading up to my moment here, and I honestly cannot nail down one person. Yet, I trust my love sorry, gut, and therefore....I will accept Devra as the winner.


Chanel: Hehe. The fake votes are in! With only his fake husband willing to save him, Clyde - get the hell off of my show! 
Clyde: I don't think that's how it works- Also, TJ cares! 
Chanel: TJ doesn't care. 
Clyde: Wow, harsh. 

Devra: The lovebirds care! 
Clyde: No, they don't. 
Devra: You know what, Clyde, nobody likes you anymore. No, nobody ever liked you! You're a disgrace to humanity. Do you even? 
Chanel: Get it, girl. 

Clyde: Do I even what? 
Devra: Do you even exist? Are you even a real life human being? No, you aren't. You are nothing but human garbage. You only want the money for selfish reasons-
Clyde: I want to help my daughter-
Devra: You only want to buy TJ for life, don't you? 

Irma: I don't think you can 'buy' TJ for life, my dear. I believe he has his own rights, including the right to be a free man. 
Devra: Don't get me started, robot woman. You're a disgrace too! 
You should leave before I call the police. 
Irma: Uh, okie-dokie. Does not compute. 

Ted: Woo! Go Irma! We are here to support you. 
Marsha: Indead. Moi ees impreasteed. 
Ted: Impressed, love. 

TJ: I find it so amusing that you continue to understand her and chat with her, Ted. She's interesting, I get it, but where is her friendship leading? She's nothing more than a liar. 
Ted: My Marsha is not. 
Marsha: Non, moi not deer to be. 

Greta: Ugh, I'm getting a headache. Jesus, this show's end couldn't come any sooner. 
Jocelyn: Marsha and Ted can be friends if they want to be, TJ! Gee!
Greta: Can you all shut up for me? 

Chanel: So, like, soon enough we'll know who the winner is! Isn't that like the most... news you've heard all day? 
Devra: Yeah, cause before this I was locked up with these idiots. 
 Chanel: I know right! 
Devra: Such idiots. 

Clyde: So, the philosophical level of hierarchy of the atmospheric pressure can result in one thousand to the power of twelve-
Irma: Yes, however one exception applies. If the philosophical level of hierarchy of the atmospheric pressure tends to gravitate to higher-

Marsha: MOI! MOI! Moi weel win, watsh! 
Ted: Marsha, you've been eliminated. Yet, do you realise the potential this brings? More potential for other reality shows, other opportunities...
Marsha: OH Gee Teddy, moi deedn't think 'bout thus! 
Sighn moi up! 

Bradley: I'll be perfectly happy to forget about reality shows for a while. Sounds perfect to me. 
Jocelyn: You don't want to be my partner for The Most Wonderful Move? 
 Bradley: I am most wonderful with you. 


Chanel: Heya! Don't mind my little potted planties. They are helping me for this next stage of the game, hehe! 
Clyde: Planties? 
Chanel: Yes, Clive. You like hating on me, don't you? Hater. 
Irma: I'm sure he didn't mean to upset you. 

Chanel: Well, he did. Hehe. DEVRA! 
Devra: Yes, your cuteness? 
Chanel: Aww, you're the cutie! It's time to see if you are the lucky ducky to win this game! 
Devra: Please be yes.

Chanel: First, seven points for advancing to Round 2! Yay! You got to meet the fab me! 
Devra: I did! I did! More points please. 
Chanel: No need to be pushy, Devra! 


Chanel: Now, you can have this many! One point for your single point in the final challenge, two points for surviving Round 2, and three points for, like, totally nailing the Round 1 stuff! 
Devra: Yay! Thanks, babe! 


Chanel: Finally, two points; one for winning in a challenge, and another for placing highest in a quiz! 15 points! 
Devra: Oh my, am I the winner now? 
Clyde: No, not yet. 
Devra: You think you'd win? 

Chanel: Who should be next? 
Devra: Me again! 
Chanel: Aw, sorry babe. We already did yours. 
Maybe when you win we can? 

Clyde: Before you ignore me, you should reveal mine. 
Chanel: Gee, lay off. Fine. 
Clyde: No need to be excited. 
Chanel: 0 points! WOWIE! 


Chanel: So, like, three points for just moving to this round and two points for surviving to this finale, hehe! Five points! 
Clyde: Surely that's not all. Really though, why'd I not get seven points for moving to Round 2? 
Chanel: 'Cause you failed hard, Clover. 


Chanel: Anyway! You get five points for not being sent home for LYING to everyone that one time and-
Clyde: I was the saboteur, I needed to-
 Chanel: And one extra point for being the last to enter the second round. 
Clyde: So, how many points? 11? 

Chanel: Yeah, you like, mostly suck. You lose to Devra. Hehe. 
Devra: Oh my god, am I the winner now? 
Irma: You should not forget about me just yet. 
Chanel: But Devra is better, hehe. 

Clyde: I-
Irma: Clyde, look. You shouldn't feel terrible about this-
Clyde: I failed on live television-
Irma: No, you made the final three-

Devra: You should be thanking me. I did help you into the final round after all. You remember that challenge between Irma, Marsha and you? Yeah, that was my idea. 
Clyde: What? 
Devra: You heard me. I helped you. 

Irma: You should be thanking me. It was me after all who won the challenge and eliminated Marsha-
Devra: What? 
Clyde: Yeah, but I bet you scored higher than me. 
Irma: You did wonderful, Clyde-

Chanel: Irma, your turn! Will you beat the highest score currently held by Devra or will you just lose and complain like Clyde over there? 
Irma: Bring it on. 
Devra: In it to win it. 
Irma: Again. 

Chanel: First off, those lovely little seven points for, like, moving to the second round! Yay! So much joy for you, Irma! 
Irma: No need to be so enthusiastic there. 
Chanel: Oh, I was being sarcastic-
Irma: Me too. 

Chanel: ANNOUNCEMENT! Irma, like, totally won the final challenge and earns all six points for her...whatever this thing is called! So, yay for her! 
Irma: Not much of an announcement. The other two didn't. 
Chanel: Let me scream 'announcement' when I want, okay?  


Chanel: Add all your other points too and look! OH MY GOSH! 19 points! Two points for moving to round 2; one point for scoring highest in one quiz and one for winning a challenge; and, last but not least, two points for moving to the second round second out of the final three!

Chanel: Like, good job, Irma Roboot! 
Irma: I WON? Yes, I won. I would like to thank Devra and Clyde, and of course every other contestant this season. What a thrilling ride! Thanks to the people who created me. Couldn't have been here without your help. 

Chanel: Like, maybe we are matching? 
Irma: Thank you for tonight, Chanel. I couldn't have been here without you. 
Chanel: You mean it? OH MY GOSH! 
Irma: Yes, you is important. 

Devra: I didn't win. I can't believe it. 
Irma: You're a winner in my heart, Devra. The runner up too. You'll always my queen, of course.
Devra: *whining* I wanted to win though. 

Clyde: I am over the moon to see you win, Irma. You truly deserve this, out of the three of us. You are an absolute winner. 
Irma: You aren't a sore loser anymore?
Clyde: I was never a sore loser...

Devra: SO YOU WERE CRYING BECAUSE I WAS WINNING? I see how it is, Clop. You want to mess with this queen, be prepared to let it all go and prepare for hellfire, my friend. You've got a freaking friend in me, peasant-
Clyde: Oh, now there's something there, huh? What's this? 
 Devra: In a minute, you'll be experiencing a whole new world of pain. 

Clyde: You know, you were almost there. Maybe if you won the final challenge, maybe you could go the distance. No, no, more like you went from hero to zero. Not zero to hero at all. 
Devra: Oh, be our freaking guest! This whole competition, not once were you good company. You would try everything to 'whistle while you work', but uh uh, you plain suck. 

Chanel: This has been such a, like, beautiful night! Hehe. 
Irma: Now it has become even more splendid! Shall we head to some after-party?
Chanel: Hehe, sis has plans for one right now! Don't tell anyone else. 

Devra: I can't really see you, but I know I hate your ugly outfit. When it all first started, I thought 'Hmm, he'll take a hint and leave early' but no, evil plays fast
Clyde: You make it seem like I'm staring down the barrel of a gun! It's always second star to the fight with you, maybe even first. Just bye Felicia

Chanel: Those planties are my faves! Don't you just love them? 
Irma: Yes, I do. Mind if I sneak a closer peek? 
Chanel: Just don't, like, hurt my babies. 
Irma: Oh, I would never! 

Devra: Just, please, delete that conversation between Flop and I.
I need some time to calm down. 
Chanel: You look beautiful, Devra. Just saying. 
Irma: You know, before this, I did believe in a thing called failure, but now I can see my life is...brilliant!

Devra: I'm back! 
Chanel: Like, hehe, you didn't even leave!
Devra: Your sweet comment like perfectly helped me! I'm so much more happier now. You are amazing, Irma! 
 Irma: You too, Devra!

Devra: May we please chat, Irma? 
Irma: Of course, my queen. Would you prefer if I sat down beside you once more? 
Devra: Yes, please. 
Irma: Chanel, I'm afraid I will chat with you later. 

Devra: I wanted to apologize to you for my behaviour towards Clyde only recently. It was out of line, and I only have myself to blame
Irma: I understand. You are very genuine to not be blaming him too. 
Devra: I mean, he needs to stop being such an F major too. 

Irma: Thank you for attempting to apologize, your highness. 
Devra: Attempting? I did apologize...
 Irma: I know, thank you. 
Devra: Don't disappoint me again. 

Clyde: Ah, what a pleasant day has been! 
Devra: You placed third, idiot. 
Clyde: I won't dwell on the past. I will focus on the future! 
Chanel: Only you, Clode. 


Marsha: YAY! Shi win! 
Ted: We are all proud of our Irma. She did a fantastic job out there in the final challenge. 
 Marsha: Moi theenks she deed deserrtve it. Yay-ie. 
Ted: She did deserve it. Out of the three of them, she truly shone. 

Greta: Hey, can the two of you stop kissing?
Bradley: Let us kiss in silence, please. 
Greta: Oh, I'm sorry. I'll just let this episode of Jocelyn and Bradley: 24/7 continue. 
Jocelyn: Shh. 

TJ: Ugh. I hate these two kissing. No, I hate kissing. 
Ted: You do not hate kissing. 
 TJ: When these two kiss, then yes. I hate it. 
Greta: Oh, I definitely agree there. 

Irma: The winner is here! 
Marsha: Yesh! The weener! 
Irma: Yes, Marsha. Just don't pronounce it like that anymore. Please and thank you. 
Greta: Please come and take a seat, Irma. 

Marsha: Irma! Congrats to ewe, cingrats to ewe! Ewe winneer, ewe winner! 
Irma: Thank you, Marsha. It means a lot for you to say all of this. 
Marsha: No probleems! 
Irma: Come, let's sit down. 

TJ: I wish I had won. I blame you Bradley for all of this. 
Bradley: It's not my fault you stormed out, my friend.
TJ: Hey bro! Chill. 
Bradley: I'm not lying, man. 

Devra: Here I am boys! The runner up! 
Jocelyn: Hello, person who kicked me out of the game. Nice to see you here. 
 Devra: I have decided to apologize, considering you voted for me. 
Jocelyn: Thanks. 

Clyde: I'm here! The second runner up! Time! 
Greta: We aren't partying with you around, dad. 
Clyde: Please no. 

Greta: Contestants, congratulations! You did it. Officially, this reality show is completely finished. We know our winner, we know our runner ups. We know our wonderful jury. Thanks for this. 
Irma: What a wonderful turn of events. 
 Devra: I must agree. Thank you for tonight.

Chanel: Like, that's a wrap! 
 Greta: Not yet, Chanel. 
Chanel: Why not? We've finished everything. Don't tell me we have to say here for longer? My feet hurt...
Ted: Mine too. I suppose I'm just old. 

Greta: The after-party will begin shortly, but we need to finalise some things before hand. Meanwhile, why don't we give another round of applause for Irma? FAKE AUDIENCE! 
 Audience: WOO! GO IRMA! BOO CLYDE! 
Clyde: What the...hell, Greta? 

Greta: I don't control the audience, Clyde. 
Devra: I am disappointed they did not mention me. 
Greta: Happy now, Devra? 


Irma: Hello, world! I am the winner. My plan is finally in motion. This is one step in my grand master plan for success, and soon I will be the most successful Roboot in the world. Far more successful than my mother or any of the other Roboot ones in the world. The board has been alerted my win already and has informed me of the most perfect news-
Devra: Irma? 

Devra: Here you are. Come out of here and join us for the party. Please? 
 Irma: Oh, I must have lost track of time. 
Devra: Oh, of course. Come on, we don't want to disappoint. 
Irma: Coming. 

Devra: I'm glad I could talk to you in private before hand. 
Irma: What is it, Devra? 
Devra: Something is happening with Greta. She seems so...distant all of a sudden. Hasn't really truly 'spoken' to all of us. 

Irma: I am sure she will be perfectly normal once the party has started. 
Devra: I am sure you are right, Irma. Is it her-
Irma: Perhaps. 
Devra: I hope she is indeed okay. 

Irma: What are we still doing standing here? Let's head out for the party! 
Devra: Now you are talking my language! 
Irma: Come now, runner up. Let's party!


Bradley: *from a distance* Here she is! The winner of the night! Let's party. 
Jocelyn: I'm thirsty. I need something to drink. 
Irma: Here, let me come with you. 

Greta: Why'd they ask to meet in here? Surely there could be somewhere else, aka any other room while the guests partied. Hello? 
??: Is that you, Greta? We are this way. 
Greta: This way? Can you give me more. 

Greta: *whispering* Am I doing what is right? I could never know. This is what I think is right, and these people are not bad. They will care for this reality show like a baby, surely. I just...can't host anymore. 

Devra: THIS IS MORE LIKE IT! Turn up the beat! 
Irma: Jocelyn, how is your drink? 
Jocelyn: Oh...uh...perfect, Irma. 
Marsha: IRMA! Come een furtier. 

TJ: Did anyone see where Greta disappeared to? 
Bradley: Don't worry about her. Come on, man. Let's enjoy tonight! 
TJ: I suppose you are right. Let's enjoy! 
Bradley: That's the spirit! 

Jocelyn: I'm starting to feel...uh, I don't know...faint? 
 Ted: Are you okay, Jocelyn? 
Jocelyn: Yeah, I think so. Just a head flush. 
Ted: As long as you feel okay. 

Marsha: Lookie-
Devra: If you came here to yell at me or call me a hater, please. Let me enjoy tonight-
Marsha: Non. Moi wanteed to say sometheen-
Devra: I am not sure I really care. 

Bradley: Turn up the music! Where is the music when you need it? 
Clyde: I thought we were waiting on Chanel and Greta for that? 
Bradley: I don't know where either is. 

Ted: Something feels off about this 'party'. 
TJ: Wait...what is that over there? 
Irma: Do you mean by the odd little potted planties? 
TJ: Yeah. Look, that ain't okay looking. 

Greta: *whispering* Surely what I am doing is for the best...for me, at least. My sister seems won't mind either; she'll be happy to leave after tonight.
I just...just don't want to watch this all end in shit. 


Irma: This is what the board warned me about. 
Ted: The board contacted you, Irma? Do they know you won? 
Irma: Yes, they do. 
Marsha: What deed tey say 'bout these? 

TJ: I don't even want to look at it. Nothing seems great.
When is this party starting? 
Devra: I do not think there is much hope for a party. 
Clyde: Maybe one of us should head out to find the host? 

Jocelyn: Ooh. I feel so much better now. That's weird. 
Ted: Miracles, correct? The mystery of the human body. 
Jocelyn: I...I think it was...nothing more...
Ted: Your speech is slowed. 

Devra: Irma. What are you exactly doing over there? 
Irma: Inspecting the portal. 
Devra: How do you know this is a portal-
Irma: I assumed, Devra. What else could it be? 


Chanel: Where did everyone go? I suppose I'll be dancing on my own, hehe. 
Hehe! Hehe. Hello? Where did everyone go? 
Greta: *prerecorded message* I'll be back in one moment, sis. Stay put for me, okay? 

Chanel: Fine. I'll just watch, like, a movie. Please sis? 
Chanel: Hey, sis! Answer me. Fine, I'll just watch it. 
Yay! Opening credits!  

Chanel: What is this movie, like, about? The title had like diamonds in it, so I like, fell in love. I thought it would be, like, extremely girly, hehe! Why is this movie in black and white? That's like, the worst idea in human history! It's, like, so dull now! I hate it!

Chanel: OH MY! IT'S A DIAMOND! Oh wait, I can't even tell what colour it is, hehe. Stupid, stupid black and white! I hate it! Like, what if they wanted to wear bright pink! They can't, because the film people are... what's the word?  Inconsiderate! Hehe. Where is Greta?! Ugh. 

Bradley: Hey, Irma. What are you doing? 
Irma: The board wasn't warning me. They were informing me. 
This is the chance I needed to finally achieve the goals. 
Jocelyn: What...goals? *she staggers* 
Irma: You will see.  

The moldy air surrounds them in utter darkness. Without a trace of natural or unnatural light, the only presence of joy once drained from their lifeless bodies. Now time is seemingly frozen in time yet moves at a steady pace. Moments earlier, the sudden shift could have been spectacular. Yet, nobody moves to clap or to scream in wonder. 

Devra: Clyde...what the hell is happening? 
Clyde: *opening his eyes* I...I don't know. 
Devra: My stomach...jesus.

Bradley: Joce...are you okay? 
Bradley: Jocelyn. Hey, wake up for me, okay? Jocelyn. 

???: I'm glad some of you could join me tonight. It's been a pleasure, honestly. 
Thank you for coming. I couldn't have done it without you. 
Devra: *clutching her stomach* Who....who's there? 
Clyde: I 

???: Well, does she? Does she know who is entirely there, because I would be suspicious if she did. I'm afraid you all had been fooled. 
Bradley: Joce...wake up for me. Jocelyn? 
Devra: Is...TJ waking either? 
 Bradley: TJ! Bro!


Irma: Hello, former contestants. This is your winner speaking. Please remain seated until the flashing sign above your heads has faded. Your pleasant journey begins now. 
Clyde: Irma...where are we? 
Irma: Welcome aboard Air Irma Roboot. Destination: Total and Utter Domination. 

Bradley: What...what did you Joce? 
Irma: She was thirsty. She sipped at the drink. None of that forced. 
Clyde: That...portal. Did we? 
Irma: Was not a time travel machine, no. Yet we are here once more, in a land called Sims 3. 

Devra: Why couldn't you...accept the...title?
 Irma: The board doesn't care about pity titles and silly prizes. They care about righting wrongs and preventing future disasters. 
Devra: And this is a right? 
Irma: It prevents a wrong. 

Irma: I wouldn't bother with screaming. We're underground, and in the dark. 
Nobody hears your screams down here. 
Clyde: Devra...sit down....
Devra: *mumbling* I...I don't want to...give up. 

Bradley: WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER? I know you did something. 
Irma: I told you the details. She sipped at the drink-
Bradley: So you poisoned her? WHY? 
Irma: I am sorry, Bradley. This is out of my control. 

Bradley: Jocelyn...please, wake up for me. Please, Jocelyn, just be here for me. Wake up. Please, Jocelyn. 
Irma: Again, she sipped-
Bradley: You didn't need to poison her-

Clyde: Take us...back. to my daughter. 
Irma: In due time, my friend. Yet I couldn't let you interfere with my grand plan, oh no. 
Clyde: wouldn't to call...anyone. 
*TJ wakes* 

TJ: Look, Irma, this bullshit needs to end. I don't care if you think you're the ultimate Marvel villain in the next Avengers movie, all I care is that you shut the hell up and let us leave this hell hole at once-
Irma: I appreciated your spice, TJ. I did. You reminded me of an older board member; the first one to...leave once I managed to take charge. 

Devra: I...I'm sorry, Clyde. For anything I said to you...ever. I am sorry.
I don't want to die knowing you hate me. 
Clyde: Thank you, Devra. I'm sorry too. I know it's not much, but I don't hate you. 
Devra: Thank you. 

Devra: I never lied to any of you, you know. 
Clyde: I know. I knew you were a princess the moment I met you. 
Devra: *muffled* Clyde...I don't want to die here. 

TJ: You can't take away everything from us. You can't just poison Jocelyn. 
I know, I know. You wish for world domination. Maybe it isn't right for you?
 Irma: Of course it is right for. I was first created for this sole reason. 
Bradley: Bring her back, please. Joce...

TJ: Look, I never liked you. I'll admit that. You seem snobby, entitled, like a piece of-
Irma: No need to be too honest, mister. 
TJ: No, I want to be honest. I swear to god that once we escape this...trap...we will call for someone to collect you and you will never come back. 

Clyde: This won't be where we die, Devra. I promise to you. 
Devra: *mumbling* How can you even be certain? You don't even know this woman. 
Clyde: Someone will save us, Devra. 
Devra: I hope so. 

Irma: I do doubt that someone will save you. Anyone who knows where you are is down here with you-
Clyde: Where are Ted and Marsha? 
Irma: They...did not survive the trip. 
TJ: You're lying! 

Bradley: Did you poison them too? The only two friends you formed in this reality show? I bet it was an accident too. I hope you-
Irma: You hope I what? Cry and cry until I starve myself to death? I am indestructible. 
Bradley: Someone will destroy you. 

Irma: I wouldn't be sure about that. Nobody knows that I am here, nobody knows we are here. This is...our secret. 
Devra: I...I don't die here.
Clyde: We'll be okay, Devra.
Irma: Where was this friendship earlier? 

Devra: *holding in tears* I...I don't want to die when people hate me. 
Irma: Ooh, interesting concept coming from you, Devra. 
Bradley: This whole thing is interesting coming from you, Irma. This is not who you are.

Irma: You know who I am, do you? You, Bradley Martinez, know exactly who I am? You think I revealed every single personality trait while competing? 
Bradley: I didn't think you were such a...horrible person. 
Clyde: Bradley-
Irma: No, if he thinks I am horrible, let him. 

Bradley: I think you changed, and not for the better. Where did the Irma Roboot go who helped Clyde with his sleeping issues? 
TJ: Where did the Irma go that was so passionate about support? 
Irma: The board doesn't support that Irma. The board-
Devra: *mumbling* The board sucks. 

Irma: What was that, Devra? Speak louder when you wish to insult the board. 
Devra: *on the verge of tears* I...someone needs to save us soon. 
Bradley: Someone will, Devra.
Irma: You all seem so convinced someone will find you. Nobody will. 

Irma: We are underground. In an unknown location in a world where nobody would know you are here. 
Clyde: Somebody would know we are here. Last time...Bart was here. 
Irma: That was in the past. In the present, he remains somewhere else. 

Bradley: could have simply accepted the win. 
Devra: I would have. More money for my castle. 
TJ: You won and yet that was not enough for you. No, never enough. 
Irma: You all do not understand. I need this. 

Clyde: No, I do not understand that. You need to hold us hostage?
Irma: You would disrupt my plan...
TJ: Which is? 
Irma: World...*BANG!* Ugh....Jesus Christ...

Irma: You really think shooting me would kill me? 
Greta: Oh, I didn't want to kill you. I'm not a murderer. 
Devra: Thank god. *crying* She...she 

Greta: I couldn't let the entirely of this season go to waste, after all, I did enjoy the presence of most of you. *she winks* Yet I wouldn't kill anyone. 
Irma: I...I will...kill you next...
Bradley: Greta, please. Jocelyn won't wake up. 
Greta: Irma will help us. 

Greta: Won't you, Irma? 
Irma: Please...this is not how it should be. I should...I should...
TJ: I wouldn't hate you for killing her, Greta. 
Greta: Oh, I'd hate myself. 

Clyde: I...I never want to see her again. 
Bradley: After what she has done...I can't believe it. 
Greta: She will be locked up for good. 
TJ: Greta-

Devra: *crying* Greta...thank you so much...
Greta: I couldn't let anyone die here. This is my mistake, and I should never have let a robot on the reality show. I didn't know the risk.
Devra: I...I didn't want...didn't want to die here. 

Greta: None of you are dying. Well, maybe slowly each day- No, never mind. Tonight was supposed a wonderful night for each and every one of you and I should have never left you alone with Irma. My fault. 
TJ: Hey, don't blame yourself. 
Greta: No, I am the host. 

Bradley: Where did Irma go? 
Greta: I rested her against the wall just outside the cell. The exit elevator isn't far from there. I rested one of my heels there. 
Devra: Please tell me she will never escape again. 
Clyde: I hope she can't. 

Bradley: I just hope Jocelyn will be okay. 
Greta: She won't wake? 
Bradley: No, she won't wake. Not once. She...she was feeling faint back at the party, but she...she said she was fine. I should have listened. 

Greta: You didn't think she would never wake again, Bradley. Don't beat yourself up about it.
Bradley: I can't believe Irma would do this. She was always-
Greta: The key word is 'was'. Is everyone else okay? 

TJ: Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. 
Greta: TJ. I'm so glad to see that you are okay. I didn't want to see you any other way. 
TJ: Thank you for saving us, Greta. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. 
Greta: I'm glad. 

TJ: Greta-
Greta: No, TJ. I'm so sorry. I acted so stupidly and I apologize, but I like you. Sure, you can be a mess sometimes and we are so different, but maybe we aren't. TJ-
 TJ: Call me by my real name. Please? 

Greta: Oh, Timothy Jacobs! 
TJ: Yes, Greta Francis. 
Greta: I...I really like you. Will you-
TJ: Will I marry you? Not yet, baby. 

Devra: You know, you two lovebirds could always let the two of us out of here before you proceed to the nearest chapel. 
Clyde: I think they are sweet together. 
Devra: I am the future queen. I am more important. 
Clyde: I missed this Devra Eden. 

Greta: Okay, I'm coming. I apologize once again, Clyde. Devra. This shouldn't have happened; not tonight. 
Irma: *groaning* Ugh...
Clyde: At least you saved us. I thank you for that. 
TJ: Yeah, thanks, baby. 

Greta: There you go. Let's all head upstairs and back to the house. 
I'm sorry for not saving you all sooner. 
Devra: No, no need to apologize. You saved me. Thanks. 
Greta: I've probably been a terrible host. 
Clyde: You have been amazing. 

Devra: That bitch is gonna pay. Where the hell is she again? 
Greta: Don't do anything stupid, Devra. 
Devra: Where the hell is she? TELL ME! 
Clyde: She's around the corner-

Devra: WHERE THE HELL IS SHE? How the hell did she escape? 
Greta: Escape? She couldn't have...Bradley was watching the exit-
Devra: Not well enough, apparently.
TJ: Is there another exit, maybe? 

Devra: I will find her. I will never stop searching for her. Once I find her, I will end her. Finish her. She will never breathe again. Oh, I will find her.


The princess slept for years and years, and not once did she wake. Not when chirping birds rest on her windowsill and sing tunes of joy. Not when vines crawled upwards towards the sky and cracked the sandstone bricks with each tight squeeze. Not even when the handsome prince kissed her soft lips...

Bradley: When will she wake? 
She will never wake for me, will she? 
I wish for her to kiss my lips back yet she never does.


Clyde: *whispering* They must be somewhere here. Maybe alive, maybe dead. Who could tell?
Greta: Clyde, I doubt she killed them-
Clyde: You didn't know what she was capable of...
TJ: Murdering her close friends? I don't know. 

Clyde: Oh lord, Marsha. Ted. Oh my god. I can't believe it. 



Marsha: Theese so relraxeen! Moi ees enjoyeen all of thiss, Teddular.
What a thoughmull geture! 
Ted: Yes, Irma is lovely. Transport us to this wonderful world and treat us to something fun for supporting her to win. 
Marsha: Thoughtfill. 

Ted: Yes. I wonder where all the other contestants ended up? Did she give them different treatments or did she not invite them? I cannot tell. 
Marsha: Hmmmy. Sumwheen else ees here. 
 Ted: Who? Where? Who is here, Marsha? 
Marsha: Behind ewe. 

*Ted turns his head* 
Ted: Clyde Stoners! You arrived! 
Marsha: Why 'e look soh unhioppy? 
Ted: I am unsure. Maybe he was forced to be the masseuse?  

Clyde: What? I can't believe the two of you were just sitting here happily while everyone else was fighting for their lives. I just cannot believe it. 
Ted: What are you talking about, Clyde? 
Clyde: I'm talking about the 'lovely' Irma.

Marsha: Irma...she ees loverlee. Are ewe queteenon that? 
Clyde: Yes, and you would have to be naive to ignore all of this. 
She locked us up in the basement. Threatened to destroy us. 
Ted: Clyde? You are scaring me. 

Clyde: I can't believe this. From the both of you, to be sitting here happily and acting like our disappearance is normal! You didn't think this was suspicious? 
Ted: Clyde, you shouldn't yell at Marsha. She did not know-
Clyde: Greta saved us, luckily, but now I know to never trust the both of you.

Ted: Clyde, you're overreacting-
Marsha: Moi deedn't no. Stop yelleen at moi! STOP EET! 
Clyde: Jocelyn won't wake up. Devra ran straight for the bathroom and has yet to return. I may never see my daughter again. 
Marsha: Maybee ewe not over-reacheending? 


Tears tumble down her cheeks. Her glance never focuses on anything other than the bleak ceiling of the bathroom. Her hand remains atop her chest, her blonde hair stroking the pores of her skin. For no single noise or movement awakes her from the dream-like stare. Nothing could. 

TJ: Greta...what did you want to talk about? 
Greta: Oh. This is important, Timothy. I...I'm making a decision that maybe one day I might regret, but right now, I know it is what I want. 
TJ: You don't need to tell me any of this if you don't want to. 
Greta: I want to stay with you...

TJ: I want to be here with you too, Greta. I admit this is all different for me, but I don't mind different sometimes. I just know...that night was the best ever. 
Greta: I agree, baby. The best night ever. 
TJ: If this decision is what you think is best, then I don't stand against you. 

Greta: Thank you, TJ. I'm sorry, Timmy. 
TJ: I like it. Please, call me Timmy from now on. 
Greta: I need to change out of this wedding dress, Timmy. I need to attend to some business before we...oh, you know. 
TJ: I do know. *wink* 

Bartender: Excuse me, ma'am? Would you like anything to drink before close? I'm afraid we will be closing in half an hour. Ma'am? 
???: No, I would rather not. 
Bartender: As you wish, ma'am. Have a perfect night. 

???: I'm afraid I will not. 
Bartender: And why is that, ma'am? You seem to be dressed for an occasion, surely? Did you have a failed dinner date, perhaps? 
???: Oh, no. You are closing the pool. I only wished for a pleasant swim. 
Bartender: Oh, you should have come earlier. 

Irma: Yes, I should have. Alas, my prior plans fell through. 
Bartender: I hope you enjoy the night, ma'am. I must be going now, close up the bar. 
Irma: Oh of course. Say, how would you feel if I returned tomorrow? 
Bartender: I will see you tomorrow then. 


The view twinkled like the stars twinkling in the sky. Each little house and each little home reflected like a bright diamond among the sea of green shrubbery and flowing rivers of sapphire. Yet, standing tall above all of the town below, she could only feel like an ant. A miniature creature under the crushing leather boot.

Miles: Greta. Thank you for meeting us here. 
Greta: Where else would I meet you than above the world I once loved? 
Selma: We appreciate that you came to us on the night of the finale. Your punctuality won't be forgotten. 

Greta: You promise you will care for this show? Maybe it wasn't my baby to begin with, but it has blossomed like it was mine. Please? 
Selma: Yes, we will care for it. You don't need to hesitate there. 
Greta: Thank you, Selma. The both of you have been very supporting during this reality show. 

Selma: We have high hopes for our turn in the hosting seat. 
Greta: I see what you did there. 
Miles: Yes, my sister is right. If everything goes to plan, our season will be the most...realistic...of the three seasons so far. 

And yes, in some ways, Miles' prediction can be considered correct. The third season of High Hopes would most likely become the most realistic of the three, because the season does not involve fake challenges or fake targets.

No, the third season of High Hopes was to be dramatic and horrifying. The third season was to be...a true game of last survivor. 

-End of Season Two-