Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Fourteen, Part One: Hellfire

High Hopes Season 2: Hunt or Be Hunted, Episode Fourteen: Hellfire

Chanel: Hehe! I'm speaking first again! 
Oh, sorry. My bad. Hehe. I, uh, just get too excited sometimes. 
Continue the show? Oh, bye! Oops. Wrong word. I meant to say, hi! Heeeey! 
Irma: Hello, Chanel host. 
Chanel: People! Hehe. 

Clyde: We're called contestants, okay? 
Devra: What he said. 
Irma: For the final three of this reality show, I must say-
Clyde: How about nothing? 

Chanel: Crabbypants Senior is back! Hehe, reminds me of that old guy from last season. OH EM GEE! 
Greta: *over the speakers* Yes, sis? 
Chanel: The people this year are, like, exactly like last year's final people! 

Irma: I wouldn't say I'm an old guy or a lying girly girl. 
Devra: It's cause you're the weird one. 
Irma: What? Does not compute. Weird Asian girl? 
Clyde: I'm not old. Look-

Chanel: You so totally are old! Like, so old! Old enough to be my...my...grandfather! Irma is weird, like whatever. Devra-
Irma: Hold on. Did you move to another location? 
Chanel: I've always been here, silly! You lie, hehe, Devra does. 

Devra: How do I lie? I've been completely honest-
Clyde: Are you sure, dear? 
Devra: I AM A PRINCESS! I can prove it! 
Irma: I am not the 'weird' one. 

Chanel: Hehe! Can we, like, continue this finale thing? My sis told me I needed to wrap this show up so we can head off to the Bahsimas for like, a holiday or something. OOH, PRETTY FOUNTAINS! 
Clyde: Am I blind or did she move? 
Chanel: I didn't move, hehe. 

Devra: Only a liar would 'hehe' after a sentence. 
Irma: Okay, got it. Have you 'hehed' lately? 
Devra: A) That's not a word, and B) I'M NOT A LIAR! 

Clyde: That's what a liar would say. 
Devra: That's what they all freaking say! 
Clyde: Look, I'm kidding. Can we focus on Chanel's swift moving time? 
She's got to be running while we argue. 

Chanel: Yet I don't break sweaties, hehe! 
Explain that, old man! Wait...Old Man Clyde! 
 *Clyde shakes his head* 
Clyde: I can't believe this. 
Devra: Honestly, is she some form of witch?

Irma: I did not come on this show to watch everything unfold in front of my eyes. I'm out of here, or like some humans would say, 'Vamonos!'
Chanel: Dora, is that you? 
Clyde: Her hair is certainly right. 

Irma: I do not need to stay here and mope around with you two. I need to find a quiet place somewhere and think my thoughts away. 
Devra: Don't go too far. The challenge is soon. 
Clyde: Ah, yes. The challenge. 


Greta: *smirking* I'm back! You thought I'd left you all, but nope. I'm here and all is indeed well. Guess what? 
Audience: What? 
Greta: We have a fake real live audience! Just for tonight! Our finale! 

Greta: That's right. Tonight, one of the final three will be crowned....the big shot hunter of season 2! Give me a 'woo'! 
Audience: WOO! 
Greta: They aren't fake at all. Let's move on. Give her a warm welcome! 

Audience: Who the *beep* is her? 
Greta: She's coming, she's coming! Give her time, Jesus.
Audience: Ooh. It can't be her. 
Greta: Please welcome back, for the one hundredth time....

Jocelyn: Me, Jocelyn! I'm back, lovelies! 
Greta: Welcome back. I feel like it's been forever since I saw you. What? Did you style your hair differently? Or maybe...it's the dress, isn't it? 
Jocelyn: Yep. I'm wearing fresh clothes. You guessed it. 

TJ: I don't appreciate the attitude today, Miss Francis. 
Greta: Oh, welcome back T-
TJ: I don't need you revealing my name to the world, thank you very much. 
Can we continue with this finale and crown the winner? 

Greta: No need to be hasty. Jeez, you know how much I hate early finishers. 
Jocelyn: Oh-
Greta: But you are right, Mr Duncan. We should keep going faster and faster. 

TJ: Oh you like that, don't you. Faster and faster. 
Jocelyn: I don't think you should be talking about this around me, let alone the entire viewing population. 
TJ: Let the world know I know Greta Francis' favourite...activities in bed. 

Greta: TJ! Cut this shit out-
Marsha: Moi hopees 'ay ain't intrumpting anyteen. 
Aim me? 
Greta: Of course not! Welcome back Marsha Marshall! You look...quite stunning tonight. Any inspiration? 
Marsha: Preencess end teh Froog! 

Jocelyn: I love that movie! *singing* and I'm almost there. People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care-
TJ: -And I almost cared. 
Marsha: Thit wash deeeep. 
TJ: I don't like singing.

Ted: I am most sorry, but production lad told me to enter the set and take my seat. Would you like me to start over and we film another take, Greta? 
Greta: WE'RE FREAKING LIVE. Oh, sorry. 
Ted: No reason to apologize. 
Greta: Welcome back, Ted. 

 Ted: You should not need to apologize for your outburst, Miss Francis-
Greta: No, I apologize. I should not have screamed at you. 
Jocelyn: He said you don't have to apologize-

TJ: Oh damn. Boy looks fancy. Dare I say, handsome? 
Greta: Can you never repeat the phrase 'dare I say' ever again? Thanks. 
TJ: Whatever, your royal highness. 
Jocelyn: Move out of the way. I can't see. 

Bradley: Hello again Greta. Other evictees. World. 
Greta: Welcome back, Bradley Martinez. Don't you suit up well. 
Bradley: Whenever there's an occasion, I suppose. 
Marsha: Certeenlah an occasheen. 

Ted: Well, we are all here now. Aren't we?
Nobody bothered inviting Martin or Fabio. 
Jocelyn: Who are they? Production men? 
Ted: *shaking his head* Other contestants! 

Bradley: How was she supposed to remember them? 
They literally left on Day 1! 
Greta: Fabio left Day 2, actually. 
TJ: What did she even say? 

Greta: Our Marsha translator has tried but with no success. We hired him this morning in preparation, but he's weak. So weak. 
Jocelyn: Cut him some slack. 
Greta: You think you'd be better? No, I didn't think so. Over to my sis. 


Chanel: HEYA! It's me, Chanel! No. 1, obvi. 
Clyde: Hello, Chanel. 
Devra: Yeah, hello. I'm totes excite. 
Irma: That's the spirit!  

Chanel: So, like, I was forced into this dark room to fill you all in on the final challenge. Like, why is this my job? I'm not like the final girl or anything, if that means something. Anyways-
Devra: You're here to announce the winner...ME! 
Chanel: No, hehe. You don't win. 

Clyde: If you're going to spoil something, give me warning. Okay?
Devra: Yeah, like, don't be so stupid and change your mind. 
Chanel: *is super confused* Did you change? 
Irma: Who me? No, of course not. 

Chanel: No, not you. Hehe. Devra, babe. 
Clyde: Oh my, she did. How did you manage that? 
Like, are you a magishan? 
Magic-ian? Magi-can? Mage-ish-en?
Irma: Magician. Performer of magic. 

Devra: I don't know what you're talking about. 
I've been wearing this outfit all day. 
Clyde: Yeah, but not in those colours? 
Devra: You're blind, boy. 

Irma: How about we start this challenge and move past this? 
I am all for that vote. 
Chanel: Hmph. Fiiiiiiine. 
 Irma: You're the host of this challenge. Please. 

Clyde: Can I just go and change the colours of my clothing? 
Chanel: No. One by one, questions will be asked to you; the contestants. The first contestant of the three to correctly answer the question will move one step closer to the win; the first contestant to move forward six spaces will be crowned the winner. However, to make this challenge even more exciting, every question correct means that the correct contestant can move back one contestant one step backwards. If no other contestants are past the start line - after the first question, for example - the move is void and only the correct contestant moves.

Chanel: Hehe, like, everyone understand now? 
Devra: You went so monotonous just then. You sure you're not having a terrible day, Chanel 1#? 
Irma: My overall scan indicates she is not facing any reality show issues or problems. 

Marsha: Ewwies. Thet bee-ach Debra was speekeen. 
Bradley: You still dislike her? 
Marsha: She eels 'ater. You too? 
Jocelyn: No, he isn't. He's on your side. 

Ted: I wish I was still involved with this competition. 
I would be simply marvelous in this challenge. 
TJ: Man, same. 
Greta: You suck at memorizing. I literally told you exactly what I wanted-
TJ: Not here, Greta. 

Irma: Hit us up with the first question-
Chanel: I'm getting there! Question One: Which famous film character did Greta dress as for the first and fourth episode of HoBH? 
Irma: Easy. Princess Leia, Star Wars.  
Chanel: Is this roboot cheating?

Irma: I promise I am not. 
 Devra: If she was cheating, her skin would turn red. She's like #RobotProblems. 
Clyde: #RobotProblems? That's a bit cruel. 

Chanel: You're a bit cruel! Hehe.
Clyde: I-
Chanel: Next question! Question Two is: Who won the very first challenge for Round One of HoBH? 
Devra: Well, that was not me. It wasn't Clyde, poor loser. 

Clyde: Hey! I'm not a loser! I...I...
Devra: You never won a challenge, buddy. 
Deal with it. 
Clyde: I'll win today. My guess is...TJ! 
Chanel: Incorrect, hehe. 

Devra: Your turn, Irma. I'll let you guess incorrectly before me. 
So I can watch you cry. 
Irma: Robots cannot cry. Water would ruin the systems.
My guess is....Ted! 
Devra: Note to self: Find a bucket of water somewhere. 

Chanel: Like, you're only halfway with that answer. Like, two people actually won! Hehe. 
Irma: Oh, uh....Jamie! 
Chanel: She's dead. Hehe, I'm sorry. CORRECT! 

Irma: That comment will be ignored for the good of my advancement. 
Two steps closer to the finale win. 
Devra: I'm on to you, lady. 
Irma: On to me? 
Devra: I will beat you. 

Chanel: Like, drama is interesting and all, but...we need to finish this challenge. 
Clyde: Next question. Bring it. 
Chanel: Question Three is: What colour is Jocelyn’s swimsuit, as seen first in Episode Two: Zero to Hero?

Jocelyn: Hello boys! 
Bradley: Don't give them any ideas. I don't...I don't want you straying from...me. 
Jocelyn: I'd never leave you, baby. 
Bradley: Good. Don't. 

TJ: Is that really a healthy relationship? 
Ted: TJ, stay out of it. 
TJ: No, daddy. I demand to know if their relationship is healthy
Greta: Did you just want to trigger me? 

Bradley: Of course our relationship is healthy! We're healthier than ever really! 
Jocelyn: What he said! 
TJ: That's all I needed to hear. Hear that, G? 
Bradley: Who is G? Oh....

Jocelyn: Can I...go and change again now? I feel uncomfortable in this on live television-
Greta: You seemed fine in your underwear in the past. 
Jocelyn: I thought that wasn't filmed! 
Irma: Gonna guess with Blue?
Devra: I'll go with yellow....like a duck shirt a robot I know is wearing.
Irma: Nice save, Debra. 
Devra: You wanna die- 

Chanel: Like, blue is totes incorrect! But, like, yellow...uh....
Devra: Just tell me I'm correct. 
Chanel: You are....not incorrect! Hehe. 
Devra: You plumming-

Irma: I...I was incorrect...I cannot believe-
Devra: Oh, I love you, Irma. 
Irma: Get this foolish camera out of my face! 

Chanel: So, like, ready for another question? 
Clyde: I mean I totally am! 
Chanel: No one cares about you, Clyde! Answer a question for once! 
Tiger: No offense, Penguin, I know you try. 
Chanel:  Question Four is: Name at least one of the earlier guesses of what TJ’s real name is.

TJ: I bet you had such a field game guessing. 
Ted: It would have been helpful if you had told us prior, TJ. 
TJ: Oh give it a rest, oldie. 
Bradley: Hey, man. Chill out. 

Greta: At first, I just enjoyed annoying you. Pretty easy, really. 
Your type, always caring what others think of them. 
Marsha: Oh snep. 
Greta: Then, when I started to stop wanting to annoy you, it became more of a longing thing. Now, I finally know...

TJ: And you won't tell anyone else, will you? 
Greta: Why would I want to hurt you, baby? 
Marsha: Babeh? Where? 
TJ: Good. 

Irma: Uh, Tyler Jackson. Most likely incorrect. 
Devra: Teagan James, please? 
Clyde: Theodore James? 
Chanel: You're, like, all wrong. 

Devra: Thomas James. Please, please, please be correct! 
Chanel: No, sorry. Hehe. 
Irma: Teresa Jane? Ha, I am sorry, Tee-Jay.
Chanel: Hehe, that is so funny! 

TJ: TERESA JANE? Who do they think I am, some pathetic little girl? 
I am not a little girl. 
Jocelyn: I think it's a beautiful name-
TJ: I don't care what you think. These people are monsters.

Ted: These people are just guessing. The real person you should be blaming is the host, who called you names. 
TJ: The host? I can't blame her. She'd sue me! 
Greta: True that. 

Chanel: Like, keep guessing! Apparently, TJ is, like, crying over...what's that thing? Spilled juice? 
Clyde: Spilled milk? 
Chanel: Oh shut up Clyde! No one cares! 
Clyde: *sighs* Jesus. 

Devra: I'd prefer if you didn't talk about the plumming lord and saviour with that tone of voice, young man. 
Clyde: I'm older than you. Also, my next guess is Travis Jake.
 Chanel: So incorrect.


Greta: So, who wants to play a game of our own? 
Maybe...charades! Or...guess who! 
Marsha: Guess woo. Fighve fingees. Too feets-
Greta: Marsha Marshall. 
Marsha: YESH! 

Greta: Anyone else want to play something? Speed up tonight? 
Jocelyn: I...I'd rather watch this challenge. 
Ted: Yes, I would too. 
Greta: You're all no fun.   


Chanel: Hehe. No one is guessing any! Let me give a clue: 
 Of the six possible answers, three include the word 'junior'.
Of the six, one begins with the name of a Norse god.
Of the six, one ends with a word that rhymes with the last name of the fictional 'evil' family in Cinderella. 

Devra: Ted Junior. 

Chanel: No. Try again laters! 
Irma: Thor Jermaine? 
Chanel: Like, you are so close. Like this close. 
*she gestures with her hands*
Clyde: Tyr Jermaine Jr.

Chanel: Clyde, you're wrong again. Make up your mind already. 
Clyde: Why are you targeting me? 
Irma: Let me guess. Hm...Theodore Junior. 
Chanel: So sorry, Irma. You are, like, wrong! Hehe. 

Devra: The answer is....Tiger Junior. Am I right or what? 
Chanel: No, that's so silly! Of course not! 
 Clyde: Is the correct answer Týr Jermaine Jr? 

Marsha: Hehe, ideeit. 
Ted: Marsha! Stop that. It's not nice to bully. 
Marsha: Moi ees not a bulleh. Debra ees.
Ted: Devra is not either. 

Chanel: I'm bored! This is boring, especially when you don't know the answers! 
I give in. Can we, like, skip this question? Please...
Greta: *over the mic* Sure, sis. Consider this question skipped. 
Chanel: Yippee! Next question!

Clyde: Which is? 
Chanel: I'm getting there, Clyde! Question Five is: During Marsha Marshall’s White Legging Party, the first group musical number occurs. Which Disney song is this? 
Devra: Easy. Hakuna Matata. 
Irma: Nope. Be Prepared. The Lion King. 

Chanel: Yippee! Move ahead, please. Bye bye, Devra!
Irma: Mwhahahaha. 
Chanel: Okay, enough, Red Devil. 
Irma: I do not know what you are talking about. 

Devra: I just wanted to win, okay? 
Chanel: Well, hehe, sometimes you can't. Hehe. 
Irma: Don't 'hehe' at her. She doesn't need it. 
Devra: Aw, thanks. 


Chanel: So there's the end of Question Six. Well done Irma. 
Clyde: Why is the camera on me? 
Chanel: You're answering the next question! Question Seven is: What did Devra bake while the other contestants waited in solitary? 
Clyde: Ah! A...strudel! 

Chanel: You're wrong, Clyde. 
Irma: Not sure, I think maybe it was a cake? 
Chanel: No, sorry. Keep working on this!  
Irma: Okay, will do.

Devra: My mind is rough. Um...muffins? 
 Chanel: No, incor-
Devra: Sugar cookies. 
Chanel: Uh. Uh. Sis. Help. Me. 

Chanel: What do I do? This wasn't a part of the rules, sis. Did you not, like, plan for this? Are you kidding me, sis? 
TJ: Yeah, are you kidding me, sis? 
Chanel: You're not related to me or Greta, T- 

Greta: -You need to calm down, Chanel. Breathe. 
I'll sort all of this out, yes. It's just a slight misunderstanding and no one is at fault at all. 
Marsha: Shouldn't Debra bee at filt? Shee deed eet. 
Greta: Yes, she reacted slightly...differently, but she didn't know. 

Chanel: So, you like, won't report me to my parents? 
Greta: Sis, we aren't children anymore. You know the problem, here is the solution. Give her the point. 
Chanel: But she cheated! 

Greta: She didn't exactly cheat, just skip a rule. It would cheating to give anyone else the point, or to not give her the point for the correct answer. 
Chanel: Okay, fine. She can have it. 
I didn't want it anyway. 
Greta: You alright now? Do you need something to eat? 

Jocelyn: I need something to eat. 
Chanel: Oh, hey! My name is Chanel! I'm like, in love with your dress. 
Does it come in pink? 
Jocelyn: IT DOES! You would look...fabulous in it. 
Chanel: I would. 

Bradley: I don't get the hype about dresses-
Ted: You fan over suits all the time-
Bradley: No I don't! 
Ted: Don't lie to me boy. 

Greta: Are you okay now, Chanel? Think you can continue the challenge for me. 
Chanel: Yes, I can. Hehe. Drink, please. 
Greta: Here you go. *she hands her the water bottle* 
Chanel: Thank you!  

Devra: Where the hell did she go? I just want to win this challenge! 
Hurry the plum up. 
Irma: Be patient, my queen. 
Clyde: My queen? This is a common peasant girl. 
Devra: Off with your head in a minute. 

Chanel: Goodbye sis! Have fun with these people! 
Greta: They won't play any games with me! 
Marsha: Moi pleyed with ewe just beforr. 


Chanel: I'm back, contestant people! Like, I think I looked so prettier out in that room than in here. It's too dark in here! I don't like spiders. 
Clyde: Thank you for that information-
Chanel: I don't like your stupid boy attitude today, Clyde! 
Devra, you can move now.

Devra: Can I move the robot *beep* back to the start yet? 
Chanel: You can't move anyone. You kinda cheated. 
Devra: I didn't cheat though. 
Chanel: You only kinda did. 

Devra: Why don't you disadvantage Clyde for cheating? 
You hate him already-
Irma: Devra, don't give her ideas! 
Clyde: Yeah, don't give her ideas! 
Devra: I do what I want. 

Chanel: Can I, like, dis- what is that word, sis? 
Greta: *over the mic* Disqualify? No, you can't. 
Chanel: You're no fun. Question Eight is: Before Jocelyn left the competition after her elimination, she gifted Bradley what?
Jocelyn: Bradley-
Bradley: Yes, Jocelyn. 
Jocelyn: I have a confession to make. I have been feeling this way for so long, and I wanted to tell you first-
Bradley: Are you...breaking up with me? 

Jocelyn: No, of course not! Bradley Martinez, will you...accept this rose? 
 Bradley: Of course, baby. Is that all you wanted to say? 
Jocelyn: No. We...we should actually get married today. 
Bradley: Joce...

TJ: Are those two really considering marriage again? 
After last time...
Marsha: Moi theenks eet is fun! 
TJ: Greta, you have that wedding dress handy-
Greta: I'd love to see you wear it. 

Jocelyn: So is this a yes then? 
Bradley: It's a selfie. What else do you think it means? 
Jocelyn: Oh, Brad! 
Bradley: Oh Janet Jocelyn! 

TJ: I hope I'm never in a relationship like theirs. 
Greta: Are you sure, baby? 
Ted: Would you someone like to carefully explain everything happening? 
TJ: You don't want to know, grandpa.

Devra: The answer is a song. I remember it all like it was yesterday. She screeched with her voice - I believe the song was Anyone Who Knows What Love Is - and she would not stop. Or was that my nightmare from last night? 
Irma: I had the same dream, but it was very beautiful! 
Clyde: Yeah, I didn't dream last night. 

Devra: You better say my answer is correct and let me win. 
You better.
Chanel: I can't cheat, hehe. You are...incorrect! Hehe. 
Devra: Guards! Off with her head! 

Chanel: No, not my gorgeous head! This is too beautiful to simply chop off! 
I promise you can have your own spin-off show after this season! I promise. 
Devra: I...accept. Thank you. 
Chanel: No...thank you. 

Clyde: A...guitar! 
Devra: Yeah, she just gave him her guitar. The same guitar she didn't have for the entirety of the show. Bravo, Clyde! 
Irma: Stop disrespecting Clyde. She hid that guitar from you, you know. 
Devra: Scared I'd break it? 

Clyde: Am I correct though? 
Chanel: Sadly, no. 
Devra: Is it a freaking violin? 
Chanel: It's not an instrument of music, but of...love! 

Bradley: Look, I really need to pee...like, right now! 
Ted: I'm starving. I perhaps should have eaten before the filming. 
I thought we'd have breaks! 
Bradley: Surely I can go to the toilet. 
Ted: I'd eat anything...only humane things, please. 

Marsha: Moi feels wondeeful! 
Jocelyn: Personally, I agree with Marsha. I don't feel horribly at all, really. 
Especially since, you know, my wedding is today-
Bradley: Yeah I'd rather not piss in my suit. 

Greta: I need to take a walk outside. I need a breath of fresh air. 
TJ: Greta! Who's going to make sure we're not alone? 
Greta: You'll be fine, TJ. I promise. 
Ted: Yeah, I need some food in my stomach now. 

Chanel: Smile! 
Irma: Is the answer....a hat?
Chanel: I'm taking a selfie! You're in the background! 
Not you, Clyde. Not a hat, either. 
Clyde: Hmmmm... a lyric/poem/song book?

Chanel: No, Clyde. I told you that you are incorrect. 
Clyde: I will earn this point, just watch! 
Devra: Nope, I will. Best answer yet: her phone number. 
Chanel: Dammit, you interrupted my live stream. You're wrong too. 

Irma: A guitar was close, But it's not a musical instrument....
It's not a song so maybe.....
Did she gift him her heart/undying love?

Chanel: Thanks for the para, sweetie, but uh uh! 
Irma: I'm out of ideas on this one. 

Clyde: Her jacket?
Chanel: You're wrong again. Keep trying and maybe you'll be...close. 
Devra: A valentine/love note. 
Chanel: My followers hate your answers! Hehe. Try again. 


*Meanwhile outside.*

??: Greta. I'm glad you could make it. 
???: We were starting to wonder if you had forgotten about the deal we had set to you. 
Greta: No, I remember. I need to chat. 

??: Chat away. Please, we are here for you. 
Greta: Thank you. I appreciate that. I...I just want to know that everything will be as expected once I hand you over the deal. I...I do not want to panic at all. 
???: You will be safe in this deal. No problems will be public. 

Greta: Do you promise me on that? I want to know that in giving this to you, I am not regretting anything. At all. 
???: As we said, you will be safe. We promise. 
??: You can live your life without fear of any chaos. We promise you that. 
In a year, you would have been glad to murmur 'deal'. 

Greta: I will be glad to murmur 'deal'. Got it. Thank you for this opportunity. 
I don't think I could have truly lived my life without it. 
???: No, thank you. This is the opportunity of our lifetime. 
 ??: You will never regret this, Greta.


*Three Months Later* 

 Woman: HELP ME! 


That concludes Part 1 of the finale episode, Hellfire. Stay tuned to find out the winner of Hunt or Be Hunted! Will it be Irma, Devra or Clyde? 

What will happen between Jocelyn and Bradley? Will Ted find the food he is begging to find? Will Chanel's followers like anyone besides Chanel? 

Find out soon. 


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