Thursday, December 1, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted: Epilogue


Below her feet, the town seems like a million dollhouses and puddles of water. Her name is Marsha freaking Marshall. She may not have defeated all contestants to be crowned the literal best of Season Two, but she didn't kidnap anyone. She isn't a princess, sure, but she is an independent woman. No children. No lying about her name. Unedited Marsha.

One month has passed. One singular month for all of the contestants - minus two or three - to become so distant from one another in their own attempts to understand life here in...this weird 'Sims 3' world. Ted Pleasanton, missing his wife dearly, hides his depression inside and casually reads the newspaper each morning atop the highest peak in town.

Two have not seen one another since their enjoyable spa day that one day. Close friends, sure, yet it was stress and anxiety that did draw them apart. Ted searched for a way home for a few days, yet his optimism faulted, and Marsha didn't bother and bought an art gallery.

*The athletic man trips* 
Marsha: Eww! Geet your hinds awahy from moi! 
Athletic Man: I...I apologize, ma'am. Didn't mean to startle you. 
Marsha: MOVE!

*He struggles to find his footing* 
Athletic Man: If you could help me-
Marsha: Geet your ewwie facie away from moi! Moi deesn't want kiss! 
Athletic Man: I...I don't want to kiss you. Uh, no thanks.  

*Ted lowers the paper* 
Ted: Is that? No....what would she be doing up? 
Marsha: Run awah 'ettle boy! 
Ted: That must be her!  

Marsha: What does 'ur mumeh think 'bout these, 'ater? 
Athletic Man: Uh...she would rather me not kissing you, ma'am. 
Marsha: Ewe the worstest 'ater, buoy. 'Ate ewe. 

Ted: Marsha Marshall? 
Athletic Man: Is that your husband? 
Marsha: Whet? *she turns her head* TEDDY! OH EM GOSHIE! 
Ted: Good-morning, Marsha. Athletic man. 

Marsha: Don't tack to heem, Teddular. He ees an 'ater too. Leek fake preenciss, Debra. 
Ted: It's wonderful to see you, Marsha. How have you been? 
Marsha: Moi hash been fine, tanks. Ewes-self? 

Ted: You know me, oh all grand each and every day-
Marsha: Ushually-
Ted: Yes, Marsha. Usually. I have indeed struggled, but there is not much for me to do to escape back to my home, you understand. 
Marsha: Moi feels ash much. 

Ted: I have indeed missed you, Marsha. Sadly, I never decided to visit you down at your new gallery - how is that developing, my dear? 
Marsha: Such wondeerfil. Much pleashear. No, Teddy, do not feel shorreh for net visiteen. 
Ted: I should have. 

Marsha: As moi ounce sid, 'No do tigur when yu're pussycat.' Tedularson, no ned to beh worr-ed 'bout moi. 
Ted: I must visit tomorrow then. Or better yet, today! I will cancel all of my plans! 

Marsha: Ewe wood?
Ted: Yes, indeed. I would gladly join you to your wonderful gallery. I assume the place is very Marsha-styled to your liking? 
Marsha: Oh yesh! Veirly moi. Moi cannot waight for ya to viseet. 
Ted: You do always impress me. 

Ted: You never explained why you were up here this morning, Marsha? 
Marsha: Moi deedn't? Oh. Moi mesees Irma, non?
Ted: I know, love. I miss her too, yet she betrayed the others. 
Marsha: Moi know.


Devra: Welcome, my peasants. As you know, you must address me as Queen Devra of the Eden. I am grateful to witness you all here with me for this gracious event. Yes, you do remember correctly. Tonight, my darlings, is one night you will never forget. Tonight we dance. Now, kneel before your queen and confess to any and all sins. Please.

Diamond: I like, have a question? 
Devra: You, like, just asked one, my peasant. Speak? 
Diamond: Oh, sorry. Oops, sorry, your majesty. 
My question is, like, so so important! 

Devra: Speak, my child. Please. 
Diamond: Oh, right. So, like, what happened to everyone else from season two of High Hopes, 'cause, like, there's been no news from anyone? 
Devra: I'd be praying no one would discuss the topic. 

Adrienne: Yeah, what happened? 
Carson: She won't tell if you continue to bother her. 
Devra: Silence, peasants. If you would like to know, my answer is simple. It has been days since I spoke with any. For all I know, the union that was Hunt or Be Hunted has long since disbanded. 
Wade: But what about Bracelyn? Jodley? 

Devra: You mean Bradley and news has come. I could not tell you if she has woken or if Sleeping Beauty remains in her death-like slumber. 
Izzy: D-Your majesty? *Side note: This occurs post-The Mole.
Devra: Izzy, is that you? Come here.

Izzy: It's me, baby. How you holding up? 
Devra: I am doing fine, thank you for asking. It is hard to rule over a court but this size matters nothing. Five people? That is a piece of cake that I would not dare to eat. Let them eat it. 
 Izzy:  *laughs* 

Devra: IZZY GIRL! 
Izzy: Let's par-tay, lady! I can't remember why I even stayed as Isabelle Goode for so long. 
Devra: Izzy like totally is amazing! I love her! 
Izzy: *whispers* You love me? 

Devra: Like my own little flirtatious princess! 
Izzy: Shit, I love you like my own mother! 
Can you adopt me, 'cause the woman who birthed me better be rotting in hell by now! 
Devra: Hey, are you drunk?

Devra: My kingdom, I honour Izzy Fleming today with knighthood, 'cause she is simply the greatest human being in the world. Besides myself, of course! Hehe. 
Wade: So is she Sir Izzy Fleming now? 
Devra: No, you peasants. This is...Dame Izzy Fleming. 

Izzy: HELL TO THE NO! I'd rather boil myself alive than be a freaking dame, baby. 
Devra: Lady Izzy Fleming? Madam Izzy Fleming? 
Izzy: Neither please. Hehe.
Devra: I KNOW, I KNOW! Princess Whore of the Eden Kingdom, Izzy Fleming! 

Izzy: YAS QUEEN! Oh my gosh, literal queen! 
Devra: I am the literal queen. Peasants, bow down before me. BOW, PEASANTS! 
Adrienne: We're bowing! *she lowers herself to the ground; whispers to the others* 
 If you want to live, bow! 

Diamond: Like I cannot bow any further!
Devra: Thank you, my peasants. Get up, please. 
*all the peasants sit up* 
Carson: Still don't understand why we're in this random house? 
Wade: Don't question it.  

*he knocks on the door* 
Devra: Izzy, my love, open the door! OPEN THE DOOR! 
Izzy: Fiiiiiinnnne.
Devra: Thank you, my princess. I will purchase the biggest tiara for you that I can find! 
Izzy: I don't want that!  

*Clyde enters* 
Clyde: Devra, I need to speak with you. Please-
Izzy: Devra? Please address her correctly, old man. Hehe. 
Clyde: Your majesty?  

Devra: Izzy, this is Clyde Stoners. We competed together on that reality show. He placed third, hehe! 
Clyde: You completely changed this place. Stole various items from the house for your...throne room? 
Devra: I didn't steal anything. Borrowed, yes. 

Clyde: This rug looks new-
Devra: It is. What would you like from me this beautiful day, Clyde? 
Clyde: Right. Sorry for the intrusion, but I have finally caved in. I'm searching for a way home today with or without you. I need to see my daughter. 
Devra: I cannot leave my kingdom-

Clyde: This isn't your kingdom, my dear. This is a fake kingdom you constructed to feel peace, but you know that your home is with your parents. 
Devra: I may never see them again-
Clyde: You can, if we can locate Irma or her portal. 
Devra: She disappeared...for good. 

Clyde: Look, I'm not suggesting you walk with me in your heels down the hilly mountains of this town, but if you truly want to return home, you'd come with me. 
Devra: I...I...I do wish to return home, but-
Clyde: But, there's no real way for you to come here again. 

Clyde: There is your choice, Devra. You can remain in this land, with your fake kingdom and fake peasants can come with me to find the portal home.
Devra: Could I sleep on it? Pretty please...
Clyde: I'm not waiting around for you then.
Devra: Please-

Clyde: You're either coming now or you aren't, Devra. 
Clyde: Hey, calm down. Calm-
Devra: I'm calm, and I think I have decided. Like, let me change.

Clyde: I'm glad to hear it, Devra.
Devra: We're not friends or anything now, Clyde. I just don't like these peasants very much. They complain all the time. I'd prefer to be princess with my parents. 
Clyde: Well, let's find home. It won't be easy, but we can do it. 

Devra: Whatever you say, loser. 
Clyde: Ouch, harsh. 
Devra: I know I left some clothes in here a few days ago. Hold on, wait for me! 
Clyde: I'm waiting. I won't be leaving without you, I promise. 

Diamond: MY QUEEN! NO! 
Cory: Eh. I can leave now, I suppose. I booked a plane ticket for tonight anyway. 
Planning to enjoy the beach or something. 
Clyde: You enjoy that, peasant. Ooh, that's fun! 
Diamond: Don't, like, get used to it! 

Devra: This is your chance to find home, Devra. You could see your family again...your castle...the kingdom you love. Damn, I look hot! I wish Brendan was here to see me like this, maybe he'd propose again? Hehe. 
Clyde: Devra? How are you going? 
Devra: Coming, old man! 

Devra: I'm ready. Let's go. 
Izzy: Damn, gurl. You looking sexy as all hell! 
Devra: Thank you, my princess. Sadly, you will no longer be my princess. This court is officially disbanded. My peasants, GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE! 

Clyde: So, we are ready to head out then? 
Devra: I am ready, Clyde. I will not stop until I have found that bitch Irma and have ripped out her throat with my bare hands demanding to know the location of the portal. 
Clyde: Please, just don't kill her before we know where the portal is located. 


TJ: Greta? Are you awake? 
Greta: *shaking her head* Barely, I suppose. 
TJ: Okay. Just wanted to comment on how hot our sex was last night. Oh, and this morning. What was it, like 3:20? 
Greta: Try 3:12, baby. 

TJ: I can't believe this is all happening, really. Landed the most attractive woman there for Hunt or Be Hunted and she doesn't hate me. 
Greta: Who said I don't hate you? 
*he shakes his head* I'm kidding! 
TJ: I know, I know. Thanks for this house, too. It's...stunning, like you. 

Greta: Stop it! Stop it, Timothy! 
*she laughs, while he kisses her* 
TJ: Let me kiss you before you cough all over me. 
Greta: Hey! I'm ticklish, okay? Stop it!  
TJ: You don't really want me to stop... 

Greta: No, you are right. Never stop, baby. 
TJ: *laughing* Okay, baby. You know, I am so glad I signed up for that stupid reality show. 
Greta: I am...*he kisses her* glad I decided to host. 

TJ: This shitty gardening show again! 
Greta: I like it sometimes, baby. calms me down sometimes, hey. This older woman just watering her plants and whistling. It helps. 
TJ: *he smiles* You can keep watching, baby. Only for you. 

Greta: Thank you, Timmy, for all of this. I know I bought the house, and I bought the television, but I couldn't buy you. You are...irreplaceable. 
TJ: You are too, baby. *he kisses her hair* I am so grateful you finally stopped trying to guess my name. 
Greta: I try. 

TJ: Okay, I have finally had enough of that old woman's garbage. It's like two months away from Christmas and here she is, whistling 'Jingle Bell Rock' like she's Mrs freaking Claus. No thanks. 
Greta: I don't need her anyway. I have you, baby. 
TJ: I have you too. 

*A news reporter appears on the screen* 
Greta: The news? Really, baby? Nothing else exciting on? 
TJ: Nope. Not really. 
News Reporter: Exciting news! The third season of High Hopes has officially began production! With the apparent departure of Greta Francis, what will the new hosts have in store?  

Greta: Look, I can explain-
TJ: Explain what? That you sold the reality show to someone else because you couldn't be bothered caring for it anymore? 
Greta: Exactly. I wanted to be with you, baby. Here, with you-

TJ: And these new hosts? Do you trust them and did they promise to only produce a high-quality reality show? 
Greta: They're old friends, TJ. Nothing to worry-
TJ: Nothing to worry about? You don't know that. 

Greta: I do know that! Miles and Selma are reliable people who have assisted me throughout this season of High Hopes. I knew I could trust them with the third! 
TJ: When did they start to become close? When you started hosting? 
Greta: That doesn't matter! They're not terrible people, TJ! 

TJ: I just think...I don't trust High Hopes ever since the Irma incident. 
Greta: Tiger trusted me, and sure, I accidentally caused two trips to this land, but look at season one! Nothing is perfect! 
TJ: Driving a car into a pool is nothing compared to the deaths of two contestants! 

Greta: Accidents happen, TJ! 
TJ: Stop calling me TJ, Greta! You know my real name and you're now refusing to use it! 
Greta: I'm sorry, Timothy. I just...I know you're angry, but nothing bad will happen. 

TJ: You're just saying that, Greta. These new hosts only became closer when they realised you could secure them a reality show next season, don't ignore that. 
Greta: I've known them my whole life, Tim! 
TJ: Yeah, and I bet they didn't seem shady. People can lie, baby. 

Greta: Would you have preferred if I hosted next season myself then and left you behind in the ashes?
TJ: I doubt you would have left me behind. I would be there to help, maybe. 
Greta: I didn't want to host another season, Tim. I-

TJ: I just can't believe you didn't come to me first! 
Greta: This is how you would have reacted; I know that. I didn't want your harassment! 
TJ: So you lied to me and pretended everything was perfect and normal? 
Greta: Everything is! 

TJ: Why didn't you just cancel High Hopes? Hide the evidence in a secret vault to be forgotten forever? 
Greta: They wanted the reality show, Tim! Sure, the idea to cancel the show had crossed my mind-
TJ: Then why not just cancel it? 

Greta: I guess I made a mistake then, huh. 
TJ: Greta...I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'm sorry-
Greta: No, I made a mistake. I should be the one apologizing.
TJ: Greta! 

TJ: Greta! 
Greta: Leave me alone, please. I...I just want to be alone.
TJ: I'm sorry, okay. I shouldn't have screamed at you like that.  
Greta: No, I'm sorry. I'll live with this mistake forever. 


Selma: We're finally here, brother. The circus. 
Miles: We did it. After so many years trailing behind Greta, nudging her to sign on as host for High Hopes, we did it. We are the hosts now. 
Selma: Imagine the guilt she shall feel once the fun begins...hehe. 
Miles: Oh, I shall. 

Miles: This will all be perfect, Selma.
All perfect. I cannot wait. Selma? Where did she go? 

Selma: It was simple, truly. Once she began to host the show, we simply slipped into place as her trusted producers, people who would assist her in the climb towards the finale. Throughout the show, events triggered her towards handing the third season safely into our hands. You think that rock magically appeared in the middle of the pool area?

Miles: This is all so perfect for our season, sister. When will the contestants arrive? What news of our murderer? 
Selma: Coming soon, my brother. All according to plan. Our murderer is very excited. 


Clyde: Devra-
Devra: What?
Clyde: You've just been quite silent lately, that's all. Just wanted to check up on you. Are you okay, is all? 
Devra: Never been better, Clyde. Never been better.  

 Clyde: I promised that we would find a way home somehow, didn't I? I tend to keep my promises. 
Devra: Good then, because I will be keeping mine. If you don't send me home-
Clyde: I rather you didn't finish that sentence, Devra.

 Clyde: There's no use searching just the two of us. I know who I can call for help. 
Devra: As long as it isn't Irma- actually, on second thought, bring her here and the battle is already won. 
Clyde: I...I don't have any way to contact Irma.

 Devra: Well that's convenient. I bet she doesn't have any forms of social media either, or any email addresses, or even a simple postal address. I bet, and correct me if I'm wrong, she probably doesn't even own a mobile phone! 
Clyde: *on the phone* Hello! It's Clyde. I know we haven't spoken in so long, but-

 Clyde: We need your help. I hope you will be willing to help the both of us out...oh, it's Devra and I...yes, she's not dressed in her queen ballgown, she's wants to return home. She's truly wishing to return home...after tearing out Irma's throat, apparently.

 Devra: Why did we start walking this way anyway? There's just a bunch of hills and trees and maybe three houses? You think she found the cash to purchase a Hills mansion? Sure, she did win Hunt or Be Hunted, but they never gave her the prize money-
Clyde: Thank you! Devra appreciates your agreement to help. See you soon.

 Devra: What was that? Did you just speak on my behalf? Ugh. 
Clyde: I better hang up and catch up with the princess, but I will see you soon. 
Okay, goodbye! *he hangs up* 
Devra: Hurry up, Clyde! 
Clyde: Coming!  

 Devra: You don't seem to be coming, pal. Do you want to find Irma now or what? Would you rather return to my fake kingdom for a sit down and a spot of tea? I can arrange that; a piece of cake too. 
Clyde: I'm not as quick as you, Devra. 
Devra: You'd think you would be faster to catch Irma.

 Clyde: It's not like we know where she is. She could be anywhere, going too fast wouldn't exactly catch her. 
Devra: Look, old man, once it is dark, I'd rather be inside thanks. If we continue slowly, we'll be on top of this hill when the clock strikes twelve.

Clyde: This isn't Cinderella. 
Devra: Did you ever consider my needs? I don't want to be searching for her for the rest of my life, Clyde. 
Clyde: I wouldn't either, and if you'd turn around, you would realise I caught up. 
Devra: You did?  

 Clyde: Here I am, your majesty. 
Devra: Finally. Now, where shall we search next? Considering she isn't hiding behind one of these trees or she didn't seem to paint herself green to blend in with the grass, I suggest somewhere else besides this random hill.
Clyde: I hadn't thought that far ahead. 

 Devra: You mean to tell me you forced me into the wild to simply roam around a stupid hill for five hours and hope that maybe - just maybe - Irma would hear the sound of our feet and just magic herself in front of us? 
Clyde: I...I didn't expect you to agree, I suppose. 
Devra: Yet I did! You even invited some people to help us! Who...who did you invite?

 Clyde: Well, I called Ted. He was with Marsha. Both agreed to join us. Devra, they want to head home too. 
Devra: They are traitors. Most likely working with Irma to poison us. When we were...struggling in that basement, where were they? SPA DAY. 
Clyde: They want to head home too, Devra.

Ted: Marsha, dear, that must be them up ahead. God, I have missed seeing Devra and Clyde argue. They seem to be arguing, correct? 
Marsha: Moi cinnort beweave she agreed to come 'ere with the 'ater. 
Ted: Marsha, this is about finding home. Not Devra. 

Devra: I don't know if I can believe them. How can you be sure they don't want to find Irma to join her in capturing the world and becoming too evil? 
Clyde: I...I know them, Devra. They aren't terrible people-
Devra: Irma wasn't a terrible person. People lie.  

Clyde: Devra! Come back! 
Devra: *screaming* Not until I find Irma and hold her severed head in my hands! I will find her, Clyde! 
Clyde: Please, come back here. You'll end up lost in the dark. 
Devra: I don't care. Irma must die.  


 Bradley: Hey, Joce. I just cooked myself something to eat. I showered this morning again, I hope you appreciate the cleanliness. I tried to sing one of your favourite songs in the shower but I am glad you weren't there to hear that. 
I'm not a great singer like you, Joce.

Bradley: Later today I'm heading over to the supermarket to pick up some groceries for dinner, but I promise I won't be too long. Then I'll be home to you and...maybe I can try to sing again, see if I can improve? I don't know, you'll have to teach day soon. I'll be right back, I promise. 


 Clyde: Devra...hey. 
Devra: Leave me alone, Clyde. I couldn't find Irma and now it's dark and I may never see my true kingdom again. I'll never marry a suitor. I'll never welcome a princess into the world. 
Clyde: No, you will. We'll find a way home.

 Devra: Oh, we will? You must have the perfect plan, don't you Clyde? I bet you know exactly every step needed to take to return home, don't you? 
Clyde: Look, I couldn't plan where to look. I didn't know where to start. 
I did send Marsha and Ted to a location in town. 
Devra: I hope we find Irma reading a book in the library!

 Clyde: Devra, please. Sure, it's getting late, but trust me. We can find her somehow. I...I think I know who we can contact. 
Devra: Ooh, let me guess. it Bradley? Or is it Jamie from the grave? She can help, with her ghost powers...
Clyde: Devra-

 Devra: It was a mistake coming here, Clyde. 
Clyde: Here...this gazebo? Did you...break into this person's yard? 
Devra: Not the gazebo, dumbo. This...this reality show. I wasn't meant to end up like this. 
Clyde: Devra, wait-


Ted: We searched the library, no news. Clyde said to check out the pool, so here we are. Marsha? 
Marsha: Moi likey. Swim swim for moi moi? 
Ted: Not now, Marsha. We need to...ah! This man! 
Marsha: Men! Hash ewe seen laddey nammed Irma?  

 Bartender: Uh, was someone talking to me? 
Ted: Yes, hello sir. My name is Ted Pleasanton and this is my close friend, Marsha Marshall. We-
Bartender: You were on that reality show, Hunt or Be Hunted. My kids love that show!

 Ted: Well, they have...peculiar taste. We needed to speak to you about a woman. Maybe you have met her or have seen her? 
Bartender: Could I have an autograph? My son would love it! 
Ted: -Her name is Irma, she has...brown hair, or orange hair, either-
Marsha: Autogripph? HEHRE! *she hands him a slip of paper*

 Bartender: Thank you, Marsha. It's a pleasure to meet you. 
Marsha: Doo ewe hapeen to bee...seemgle? 
Bartender: I don't...I don't think I heard that properly, could you repeat for me?

 Marsha: 'Ave ewe 'erd of 'aters? 
Bartender: Haters? I believe I know what they are. People hate on you, do they? Are you bullied, Marsha? 
Marsha: Yesh, 'er nammes Debra. Anywhee- 
Bartender: Was there something your friend needed to say?

 Marsha: Whie deed the chickeen cross 'he rod? 
Bartender: Ooh, I know this one! To get to the other side! 
Marsha: Wring! Correectie answer ees: To escap 'ater nammes Devra! 

 *Marsha and Bartender laugh* 
Ted: Can we focus? We want to find a woman named Irma, maybe she has visited your facility recently or you know of her? She is a Roboot. 
Bartender: That! You're a laugh, Marsha. 
Marsha: Moi knows, moi knows! 

Bartender: On a serious note, I believe I may know of your friend. If my memory serves correct, my son pointed out Irma for me once I explained the story. She had blonde hair that night, however, Blonde, almost white. She...she had wanted a pleasant swim, but she was not dressed for that. And she...she said something about prior plans...

Ted: Was month ago today? 
Bartender: Well, I can't remember exactly, but that sounds about correct. 
Ted: She looked almost the exact same as in the image? 
Bartender: Almost, yes. Almost minus the dye job. 


 Bradley: Joce, I'm home. I purchased everything we needed from the supermarket, ready for dinner. I'm sorry I was a bit late, there was first a line up at the grocery store, and then traffic on the way home. Oh! I remembered other stuff to purchase as well.

Bradley: There was a special on pineapples, so I knew I just had to buy one. I left it on the bench for later, maybe with dessert? *he grips the door handle* I'm going to shower before I cook dinner, okay? 

 Bradley: *opening the door* Jocelyn? Jocelyn?

 Bradley: Jocelyn, hey. Where'd you go? Joce.....*he opens the bathroom door* Jocelyn! Hey, where did you go, Joce? Please...Joce. 
*he closes the bathroom door, sighing* 
Where did you go, Jocelyn? 

 Bradley: Jocelyn! 


 Now more than ever she felt like an ant smothered under the boot. Smothered and crushed and squished until all that remains is the limp remnants of an ant, once harmless and weak living. Greta returns to the scene of the final act; the act where the mistake indeed occurred. Tears tumble down her cheeks.

 TJ: Greta...I know you can't hear me but listen. I am sorry, I know it was wrong to snap at you when there is no telling if the outcome will be positive or negative. It was your decision and I know you want to be with me. I'm going to honour that. I hope you can hear this.

 Greta: TJ...I know you can't hear me but listen. I am sorry, I know it was wrong to give away the show like a present to hosts who could have ulterior motives, whether positive or negative. It was my foolish decision and I want to be with you, but...I don't know if I can accept myself anymore. I hope you can hear this...before I say goodbye.

 TJ: Greta. You aren't going anywhere, and while I admit I'm not entirely thrilled with your idea, this isn't something I should be crazy angry about. Greta...I love you. 
Greta: Timothy, I...I love you too. But...
TJ: No buts. No ifs. I just want to be with you.

 Greta: I love you so freaking much. You know that, right? 
TJ: I know that, baby. I love you and your sweet as name guessing. 
Greta: Can I just say how amazing you can kiss me?
Like, so hot.

 TJ: I can continue to passionately kiss you right now then? 
Greta: Of course you can. *she laughs* Never stop kissing me, Timothy Jacob.
TJ: Oh, I don't plan on it, baby. 
Greta: I promise I'll never sell a reality show again, baby.


 Devra: You sure this is the right place, Clyde? 
You sure we should be standing outside a cabin in the woods in the middle of the freaking night? 
Clyde: We won't be murdered, I swear. 
Devra: That's what every character in a horror movie says.

Clyde: Devra, this isn't a horror movie. This is our life and this is Bradley's cabin. He called us about something; he sounded frantic on the phone, but I couldn't understand him.
Devra: I bet he slipped in the shower or something. 
Clyde: Or...Jocelyn woke up? Why would he sound anxious?  

 Devra: I'm telling you, he slipped in the shower and cut his finger off. 
Clyde: Cut his finger the shower? 
Devra: No, you idiot, on a kitchen knife. Now there's just Bradley in a pool of blood. 
Clyde: You okay, Devra?

 Bradley: Jocelyn! Is that you? Jocelyn! 
Clyde: I told you! Ha! Jocelyn woke up! 
Devra: So she sliced her finger off and slipped in the shower then? 
Bradley: Clyde? Devra? Are you there? Have you see Joce?

 Clyde: Yep, just us. Would you like to explain what happened, Bradley? 
Devra: Look, he must be feeling so guilty-
Clyde: Don't listen to Devra, she's...I don't know what she's feeling. 
Devra: I want to go home!

 Bradley: Jocelyn...she disappeared. Out of nowhere. 
I was...I was out, shopping for groceries. She was sleeping...before I left-
Devra: I mean, hasn't she been sleeping for like, a million years? 
Bradley: She woke the day afterwards; after the incident.

Clyde: You didn't want to tell us that Jocelyn woke up? 
Bradley: I...I should have told someone. I...I didn't know what to say. 
Devra: How about: Hey, past contestants, my lover is awake! Let's celebrate! 
Bradley: I'm...sorry.  

 Devra: I'm...I'm sorry too, Bradley. Sorry for everything I must have done to the both of you. I will help you find her. 
Clyde: I'm so confused. Devra changes in literal minutes today. 
Bradley: Don't...don't question it. She wants to help.

 TJ: What's happening? 
Greta: I managed to convince...Timothy here to come here to help out. Well, he convinced me to come as well. 
Bradley: TJ! It''s so...great to see you again. 
TJ: You too, man.

 Bradley: Come here. 
TJ: I missed you, man. More than even when you were still in the competition; at least then I could still see you on TV. This past month...I missed you. 
Bradley: Sorry for...for being so distant. Jocelyn and I...I need to find her.

 Devra: *smiles* Well it- dammit, I promised to help out. I can't use the whole 'it is late, me sleepy' excuse. Oh boy. 
Clyde: There will be no sleeping tonight, Devra. We have some people to find. 
Devra: No sleeping? Fine, I don't need sleep anyway.

 Ted: We're here. The gang is almost back together. 
Bradley: We...we need to find her. My Joce...please. 
Marsha: Moi canne hilp. Moi promisees. 
Ted: I'd be honoured to help find her with you. 

 Greta: For once, I can only say one thing: let's find Jocelyn McGray. 
Bradley: Let's. Please, for me. Find her. 
TJ: Of course, dude. We will find her. 
We won't stop until we do.


 Her light footsteps against the harsh dirt of the camp were not heard. In the almost silence of the starry night, Jocelyn would not be heard as she inches closer and closer for the handle of the door, awaiting for anything but a difficult time inside the military bunks. Within moments, her hand is tightening on the handle and in no way is she nervous at all.

 Jocelyn: Hello. 
??: Oh, hello Jocelyn. Only took you a month. 
Jocelyn: Couldn't come searching while Bradley was watching me. I needed an opportunity to leave the cabin. 
??: Let me guess: he needed groceries  

Jocelyn: Indeed. He suspected I wouldn't wake until he returned. 
The other contestants didn't know I woke. 
??: Oh, didn't they? Interesting. 
Jocelyn: I didn't come here to fill you in, Irma. You tried to kill me.  

Irma: Oh, I did, did I? Well, I needed a distraction. Jocelyn, you did help me. Sadly, I didn't come here to chit-chat either. 
Jocelyn: Oh, I am surprised. Didn't pick you as the type to want to kill people. 
Irma: Oh, please. I won't kill anyone...yet. 

Jocelyn: -Why did the lights turn out? 
 Irma: Oh, good question. I'm afraid someone is coming, Jocelyn. We musn't raise any suspicions.
Jocelyn: No, let us raise suspicions. 
Irma: That would be unwise. 

Jocelyn: Unwise, like drugging me only after revealing the whereabouts of your secret portal. 
Irma: I made a mistake. You were the consequence. 
Jocelyn: Why...why...why did you do all of this, Irma? 
Did the board...did they truly want this from you? 

Bradley: Jocelyn! Are you in here? 
TJ: Bradley, we'll find her. Greta said the security footage has captured Irma entering and exiting several of these buildings. 
Bradley: Did she...does she have Jocelyn again? 
TJ: We'll find her if she does. 

Devra: Jocelyn!
Clyde: Devra, are you okay? You don't look so good. 
Devra: We need to find the girl, okay? I thought you'd understand that! 
Clyde: None of this is your fault, Devra-

Bradley: Joce...where are you? 
Greta: TJ, let's try this bunk over here. 
Bradley: Jocelyn! Please...where are you? I...I can't lose you again. 
TJ: We'll find her, dude. 

Bradley: And if we don't? 
The thoughts pass through his mind every single minute that passes too. What if they couldn't find Jocelyn again? Or...what if she was no longer alive when her body was located? Any horrible and terrible thought passes through Bradley's mind. 

Greta: We are at a military base. The doors match the crew, I suppose. 
TJ: This isn't body hair, Greta. 
Greta: I know; I know. I just...I don't know. 

TJ: Is there anything in here? 
Clyde: I can't see anything. We've checked every other bunk in this military base. 
Ted: There's nowhere else to look. 
TJ: Don't say that, man. Bradley...he might hear you. 

Devra: I failed him, didn't I? I promised I'd help find her. 
Now we have no clue. 
Clyde: You didn't fail him, Devra. There's somewhere we haven't looked. 
Devra: I wish we'd never come here. To this place; to this land.

Marsha: Moi ees not a taigerree. Moi eesn't evan pusseh cat. 
Moi shuldm't have bene soh confeedint. Were ees Joceleen? 
TJ: She has to be somewhere on this property. I won't accept anywhere else. 
Ted: I do hope so too, Timothy. 

Jocelyn: What the hell do you want from me, Irma? 
Irma: My failed attempt one month ago was useless, so I need to try once more. You are the lure. 
Jocelyn: How do you expect the others to find me here? 
Irma: I have no doubt Greta would be with them. 

Jocelyn: What...what would Greta know? Did you-
Irma: Did I tell her where I was hiding? Of course not, but she did figure it all out. After all, the portal was not mine originally. 
Jocelyn: She...she knew from the beginning. 
Irma: I doubt she bothered telling anyone. 

Bradley: There...there has to be a secret passage way. 
I've seen enough movies to know nobody hides above ground. 
TJ: We'll find it for you, Bradley. 
Devra: Ooh! I'll find it first! 
Clyde: This isn't a competition, Devra. 

Greta: I hope they don't mind the mess. 
Bradley: Did you...did you find the passage way? 
TJ: Hold on, one last look...hold on...
Ted: Is that it, Devra? 

Devra: Hell yeah it is. Come on, let's go. 
Ted: Right behind you. 
Marsha: Moi canne tagsh along. Eat's an adveenturemure. 
Bradley: I'll check we didn't leave anything behind. You all head down before me. 

Jocelyn: But...she could have helped us all...
Irma: Greta could have, yes. Yet she also knew that I would be waiting here for her and anyone she informed. Telling the others would only mean a shorter rest 
Jocelyn: I...I can't believe she didn't tell us. 

Irma: Greta, my dear, has been withholding far worse information. 
Bothered to watch the news recently? 
Jocelyn: No...what did she do? 
Irma: Why don't you sign up for Season Three of High Hopes to find out? 


Marsha: Where ees Bradleh? 
TJ: I'm sure he'll be here in a minute, Marsha. He's...well, he's having a tough time. This past month, really. 
Devra: I'd hate for my love to be a Sleeping Beauty for one day. 
Ted: Devra-

Bradley: Don't worry, here I am. 
Clyde: Bradley, thank god. 
TJ: Not that I thought anything bad had happened to you, bro, but I am glad to finally see you again. Or at least hear your voice. 
Bradley: Just checking everything upstairs...where the hell are 

Marsha: Ees ah undeegrond longe rom, Bradleh. 
Ted: This is all we found, I'm afraid. No other exits from here. 
Bradley: No, there must be another secret entrance. 
Greta: There's only so many secret entrances, Bradley.

Bradley: She must be down here, guys. I won't give up until I found her...until I find her...Jocelyn...
TJ: I'm here to support you, man, if you need any help. 
Bradley: I won't give up on us! 
Clyde: You can try searching once more...

Jocelyn: What...did she do...this time? 
Irma: Oh, nothing out of the ordinary for Greta Francis. Just sold the reality show to two convicted criminals. 
Jocelyn: Oh my...god...why? 
Irma: *in a chirpy-sarcastic voice* Oh, they are her 'friends'. Friends are forever, didn't you know? 

Irma: Speaking of friends...I doubt yours will find you.
Jocelyn: No, Bradley won't stop until he does. 
Irma: He's given up now. I can sense it. 
Jocelyn: No, you're lying! He will find me! 


Greta: Ted...where are you going? 
Ted: I remembered the one place we didn't bother checking. 
Greta: Where? 
Ted: The bookcase. A classic hidden door of its own. 

Marsha: Ewe ees smarkt, ewe ees kind, ewe ees eempotemt. 
Devra: The Help. 
Marsha: Yesh! Yesh! Oh, the 'ater guessed eet. 
Ted: Can you two quieten down, please? I'm focusing. 

With a slight BANG! on a few of the book in the shelving, Ted could hear something in the distance. Silence, yet a humbled and muffled buzz of a fluorescent light. Behind the bookshelf he had been right, there is another room. Yet he struggled to locate the correct book to open the door, Ted persisted.

Ted: Voila! 
Bradley: What was that? 
TJ: Ted found an entrance, Brad. He found an entrance! 
Ted: Well, someone had to. Glad I could be of assistance, Bradley.

Bradley: Thank you, Ted. Now, I will find Jocelyn. 
Devra: Can I come with you? Pretty please...
Bradley: No. I'm going alone. Stay here unless you hear me scream your name. 
Clyde: That's dangerous, Bradley. 

Bradley: I'm not scared. I can handle myself. Ted, close the door behind me. 
Ted: As you wish. 
Marsha: Carashades? 
TJ: *to himself* Good luck, dude. *to Marsha* I don't even want to know what you just butchered. 


Jocelyn: This is for poisoning me, you little bitch! 
Irma: You can't hurt me! I'm a Roboot! 
Jocelyn: You're not invincible, Irma. 
Irma: Nobody has defeated me before, love. 

Jocelyn: This is for saying no one can defeat you. No one is indestructible, love. 
Irma: *choking* I...I...the board...I...
Jocelyn: Duck got your tongue, Irma? 
Irma: *choking* I...didn'

Jocelyn: You never should have won Hunt or Be Hunted. You never should have even passed to Round Two, Irma. You are a...despicable woman-robot. 
Irma: *choking*
Jocelyn: Why? So you can go and kill all of my friends? 
Irma: *choking* No...I...won't...hurt...them...again...promise? 

Bradley: Jocelyn! Stop that! 
Jocelyn: Brad...Bradley...I had to...
Bradley: She's...she's breathing, isn't she? 
Jocelyn: I didn't kill her. 

Jocelyn: Thank you for finding me, Bradley, but I didn't need your help to save me. I can save myself; I'm a grown woman. But thank you, it means everything to me.
Bradley: Come here. 
Jocelyn: *to Bradley* Let me say something to her. *to Irma* Goodbye, Irma. I promise you will never hurt anyone again, because you will never be free again. Say goodbye to your precious board. 

Bradley: I...I can't believe did that? 
Jocelyn: I had to, Brad. I...I learned from my cousin. He's a murderer, but it's fine. 
Bradley: I'll ignore that. I..I love you, Jocelyn. 
Jocelyn: I love you too, Bradley Martinez. 

It is true. Irma Roboot would never be free again. 
Her board would never hear from her again, and while she would never be deactivated, they lost signal of her one month later. 


One Year Later....

TJ: I'm lighting the fire, so watch out, baby. 
Greta: It's not like I'm going to fall in, baby. I think I'm safe here on this chair. 
TJ: I'm glad to hear that. Here we go....
Greta: Don't fall...

TJ: Okay, here we out, the smoke might waft right into your face. 
Greta: Nope, you're tight ass is protecting me...damn, your ass is fine
TJ: Stop staring at my ass. We're in public! 
Greta: Oh, I can't wait until we head home...

TJ: Did I tell you how hot you look today?
Greta: You sure it's not the fire, baby? 
TJ: No, it's not the fire. It's always been you, Greta. 
Greta: Aww, thanks. Blue you. 

One year has passed since they fought about the third season of High Hopes. One year and smooth sailing has most always been in their cards. Nothing but pure love and...very, very attractive people kissing each other over and over again. No news of marriage or a baby yet, but there is time...

Devra declined the chance to head home to her kingdom once she met Jason Massey. Attractive, tanned, a smooth talker - Jason and Devra fell head over heels in love the day they first met at the beach. Her thin and sticky swimsuit wasn't the only thing on her body that day...

Devra: Hehe, you're tickling me! 
Jason: Oh, I'm sorry, your majesty! 
Devra: Hehe, stop it! Stop it! 
Jason: What? I wasn't doing anything. Hehe. 

Devra: I'll be right back, baby. It's my turn to-
Jason: Please hurry back to me, babe. I...I couldn't stand to be away from you even a slight second. 
Devra: Jason...I'll be right back. Love ya! 
Jason: I love you too, baby. 

Devra: Here we go, Devra. You can do this without wanting to- Yes, you can do this, Devra. 
TJ: *to Jason* Hey, man. My name's Timothy, please, call me Tim. 
Jason: Hey, man. Jason. Nice to meet you, Tim. 

Around this corner, hidden in plain sight, she rests wearily. In plain sight yet where nobody would consider to look, she would be kept to be guarded. For now, it was Devra's turn to guard the beast. Or, more commonly called, the Roboot.

Life for Bradley and Jocelyn has been quiet, secluded and peaceful, yet Bradley knows he cannot keep a secret from the other contestants ever again. In the cabin, the two lovebirds have been wed but there is one catch to their quaint little lifestyle by the ocean...
Jocelyn: Bradley! You're squashing the baby! 

Bradley: I'm sorry, I'm sorry. she alright? 
Jocelyn: She is. She's perfect, Bradley. Just like you. 
Bradley: Perfect. Then I wasn't squishing her. 
Jocelyn: No, you were! 

Jocelyn: Hey! What are you doing down there, baby? 
Bradley: Listening to our baby. I think she's whispering something. Hmm, what's this...she's coming to stay now? 
Jocelyn: No, not yet, Bradley! I'd rather not be in pain right now. 

Greta: So it is a girl? Do you have any names picked out?
Jocelyn: Yeah, a girl. I was thinking...maybe Jamie? We were...we were close before she...passed. 
Greta: I think she'd like that. 
Jocelyn: Yeah, I think so too. 


Devra: Hello, love. Wow, I can't believe it's been a year. haven't changed, I must say. Is your hair longer? 
In all truths, her hair was longer, but she had changed. Irma Roboot was not herself anymore, or at least she wasn't the manipulated robot the board had tasked to destroy reality shows. 

Devra: You know, I remember saying that to Clyde one year ago. I couldn't find you and I almost gave up, but do you know what kept me going? He did. He did because he didn't leave me alone, that old man. 
Irma: I am...not...

*she flings herself towards the bars* 
Devra: Oh, Irma. What has happened to you? You were once such a...friendly robot. You remember when you...oh, you never really helped me. You helped so many other, like Clydie. 
Irma: I...I did...not...
Devra: Modesty was once your strength, Irma. What did happen? 

Clyde: Devra, is that you in there? 
What has happened to Clyde, you ask? Well, his case is...strange. Somehow, he managed to visit his daughter, but the visit was short. Technology is odd, and while he managed to send his heartfelt apology to her, it was the last moment he shared with Abigail. Now, his life is mostly

Clyde: Oh, Irma. Orange really suits you. 
Devra: Doesn't it? I never liked her with that fake brown hair, and apparently she looked hideous with that weird white-blonde colour. 
Clyde: I just wish she could be out here with us, laughing and enjoying. 

Devra: She'd escape. We can't forget how...horrendous...she treated us all. Thank god Jocelyn truly didn't die. I'd hate to bury someone else. 
Clyde: I suppose you are right. 
Irma: Irma....Irma


Clyde: Mostly everyone is here. 
It's so wonderful to see them all, and to meet Jason. 
Greta: So, I want to hear the story of how you two met again, Jason. 
Jason: Should I? Devra is a much better storyteller. 
Bradley: Go ahead, I wanna hear it! 

Jocelyn: I need to pee, I'll be right back. 
Jason: Tell Devra I'm telling her favourite story without her! 
Jocelyn: Oh I will, trust me. She'll flip-
TJ: Ugh. I should've used that excuse to miss the story. Dammit

Clyde: Ted, you made it! 
Ted: Of course I did, Clyde. I wouldn't miss this gathering of old friend for the world. 
Clyde: How have you been, old friend? 
Ted: Simply marvelous, pal. Marvelous. 

Clyde: Is Marsha prepping upstairs? 
Ted: Indeed she is. I am very exited for this. This is bound to be a wonderful performance, Clyde. 
Clyde: You can say that again! Haha. 
Ted: This is no joking matter. Marsha Marshall is phenomenal! 

Ted was less fortunate. He couldn't contact his wife, however, he managed to send a letter via Clyde. Clyde told him stories of how Ted's wife missed him dearly and wept with every word in the letter. Nowadays, Ted spends the majority of his time with Marsha, helping her with both her art gallery and something secret. Every morning, he still visits that mountaintop viewpoint to read the local news...


Bradley: Hey, where's Greta? 
TJ: Bro, she's guarding Irma. She wanted all of us to witness Marsha's big performance. Damn, that woman is smart. 
Ted: What was that last section, TJ? 
TJ: Oh nothing, sir. Please, call me Tim.  

Devra: She almost destroyed my throne room! 
Jason: This was your throne room! I'm so jealous, baby. 
Devra: Yes, my fake throne room. My real throne room was much more...spacious, and beautiful and....oh, you would have loved it! 
Jason: I'm sure I would. I love everything about you. 

Marsha: Leesin up! Mah nam ees Marsha Marshall. Bee quit! 
Ted: Shush, everyone. Settle down. Her performance is about to begin! 
Marsha: Thinks you, Teddular. Thankeen yah. 
Ted: No problem, Marsha. Remember to smile and project! 

Marsha's secret project. Her singing career. Ted has been assisting her when the two were not enjoying the magnificence of the art gallery, her first wonder of the Marsha world. She has also formed quite a connection with that one bartender, whom she discovered is named Bruce. No romance yet, but she is liking him.

Marsha: Theese ees teh first numbeh in moi world toir, titealed "Non Deus Taigrr". Moi wood leek to preseent an originell peece titealed...."Moi Deed Eeet. She Beete 'Aters". Please enwhoy! 
Ted: Woo! Go Marsha! 
TJ: Bloody hell. 
Jocelyn: T-Tim, please. Let her sing her song. 

 *Marsha begins to sing; birds flutter far, far away from the house


Thank you for tuning in! I know I said the last episode was the end of Season Two, but I couldn't resist. So I hope you enjoyed the epilogue. 


PS. I may be writing a new sitcom for the characters. I love them all so so much. Thank you to all the real life contestants for submitting such wonderful characters. That's all, folks. 

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