Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Outside the Target, Episode Thirteen: Sending You Postcards

Outside the Target

- Jamie, an inner monologue - 

My family has abandoned me. It has been, oh, countless days since I have been seen in public - I say countless largely because I am too young to know how to count. People must be growing worried! This cute adorable boy is missing! He has been abandoned! 
I bet they are saying I'm napping the whole time! Gross! 
That's icky - I should be out there having fun! 
Oh I do hope my family returns for me - 

Jocelyn: Oh good morning my big boy, did you sleep well? 
You were very tired after the journey here, weren't you? 
Jamie: ...
Jocelyn: Let's get you some breakfast, my big man! 
Are you ready for the beach today? 

Jocelyn: I wish you could reply to me, you little cutie! 
Imagine the little chats we're going to have when you're older. 

Jocelyn: I love you, my little munchkin. 

Jocelyn: Now it really is time for breakfast, mister! 
Then we have to go find daddy and make sure he's eaten too, make sure he's dressed too, make sure he's everything really! Then we'll be ready for an amazing vacation day, won't we? 

Clyde: Are you feeling alright, Bradley? 
Bradley: Yeah - don't stress about me. 
Clyde: Oh, I see no real reason to yet - but you're making it look like you're having a fainting spell during the worst heatwave, and it's actually a fairly breezy day today. 

Bradley: I just have a killer headache, that's all. 
Clyde: Let me go grab some pills for you to pop then - 
Bradley: I already jumped on that train, my dude. 
I'm already waiting for the effects to kick in, I just need to sit here and - and try not to drive myself insane. 

Clyde: Just remember - holidays aren't for driving yourself insane. If you need to take the day off here, everyone will understand, you know that. 
Bradley: I don't need the day off - 
Clyde: Okay, good to know. But the idea's always there. If the headache doesn't get any better in the next half hour, let someone know. 

Bradley: What if the headache isn't even the real problem? 
Clyde: I'm here if you need to talk, too, of course - 
Bradley: Ha. I don't think talking to you will do me any good right now. 
Clyde: I'll try not to take that to heart, Brad. 

Bradley: Yeah, no, please don't my man. Uh - I just don't really want to talk. I wanna just sit here in silence and stare at the ceiling and think about how I stuffed up and how there's no damn time machine to reverse it. Yeah. I don't think you have one of those - 
Clyde: I don't. I think we'd all be abusing it if I did. But you don't need a time machine to change what's going on around you. 
Bradley: Uh - yeah, that's true. 

Bradley: But a time machine would be so much easier, huh. 
Clyde: Easy and complicated all wrapped up in a bundle, actually. 
Bradley: I'm just hoping today actually does me some good, or else I won't even know what this vacation was for, except maybe to drive me underground...

Clyde: It sounds like you're putting too much pressure on the getting away...

Greta: Thank you for checking up on me, Devra, but yeah I promise you I'm okay. I had a couple of days not really sleeping a lot, and then last night it felt like falling into a coma, I think my mind is trying to adjust to all the change. But I'm good. 
Devra: I do hope you are. 
Greta: I didn't just vomit in the toilet, I swear. I was busting to pee. 

Devra: That was far too much information for me regardless. 
Greta: Oh, right, for sure. Sorry about that. 
Devra: I am glad you are back, for Tim's sake. Half of the people in this house are simply existing around one another until the next opportunity arrives for them, or it can feel that way, but he does indeed show he does not want to live without you. 

Greta: I know we aren't much in the way of friends, but thank you, Devra. 
Devra: You would do the same. 
Greta: I - uh - would like to think I would, but I'm flaky, a lot. Something to work on, really. At least I can feel like people don't just see me as the host girl anymore. 

Devra: You are lucky Tim is smitten by you so much. 
Greta: Oh, right - don't say he's like that to his face, though. For a guy to be smitten, a guy like him at least - he might try to bite your face off. And now I guess you insert a corny joke about how the only face he should be biting is mine. 
Devra: You forget I am not always like everyone else in this house. 
Greta: I suppose so. Thanks again, really - I, uh, need to go make a phone call though. 

Devra: As long as it is not too early in the morning for such a thing? 
Greta: Oh, no, I really doubt that with who I'm calling - haha. 
Devra: Unsure if you are joking or not - hmm. 
Greta: I'll come find you again soon, Devra! 

*Angel of the Morning by Juice Newton starts playing* 

Greta: Please pick up. 

Juice Newton
"There'll be no strings to bind your hands
Not if my love can't bind your heart"

Greta: Hey. I know I'm probably waking you up, no, please don't stress like that, it's okay, just keep lying there in bed and listen to my voice. I hope you slept well. Of course I do. 

Juice Newton
"There's no need to take a stand
For it was I who chose to start"

Greta: I do need to ask you something, sister of mine. No, no, nothing like your hosting duties for the show, please, don't get so excitable on me this early in the morning - yeah, everything went really well with Tim, you already knew it would. 

Juice Newton
"I see no need to take me home
I'm old enough to face the dawn"

Greta: Soooo, back to what I was asking. I need you to sort some things out for me for when we're back from the vacation - hey, you already know I'm moving back out with Tim, silly. No, seriously, Chan, there's some stuff I need you sorting for me. 

Juice Newton
"Just call me angle of the morning, angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby"

Greta: Noooo, literally, I'm not asking you to go anywhere near people, actually. I know you weirdly love their attention, but hey - I don't need you leaving the house, I promise. Stay comfy, for me, please. 

Juice Newton
"Just call me angel of the morning, angel
Then slowly turn away from me"

Juice Newton
"Maybe the sun's light will be dim
And it won't matter anyhow"

Juice Newton
"If morning's echoes say we've sinned
Well, it was what I wanted now..."

Ted: Marsha Marshall. 
Marsha: Yees? Cinnought ewe sea moi ees beeseh sahhnbaiteeeng? 
Ted: Are you not forgetting what we have planned for the day, Marsha? 
The world needs to hear more of your voice, and you will not achieve this from simply taking the day off lying on a towel almost the same colour as your sarong - 
Marsha: Cinnought ewe geev moi en owwwah? 

Ted: Who is this diva Marsha I am suddenly meeting on this fine morning? 

Marsha: Moi wheeel nehva beh eh deeevah! Moi ees ahn 'er vaxxashonn, Teddular! 
Ted: You will be complaining if we push it back another hour or two, when the sun is at its hottest. You will scream saying the heat is ruining your takes, like yesterday afternoon. Better to get it done in the morning, is that not right? 
Marsha: Ewe ees moi's mahneeergeeerah naww, Teedday? 
Pourhips ewe hiv alwasha biiin. 

Marsha: Okieesh, moi ees mahveen! 
Ted: Let us get to work filming the dream audition tape for this performance show, Ms Marshall. Right this way. 

Irma: I have been sitting here since last night. 
Am I excused from the table yet? 


Episode Thirteen: Sending You Postcards

Bradley: What's on your mind, that's got you so focused on that one grain of sand over there? Tim - I didn't think you'd be the one having problems. 
TJ: What - why've you gotta ruin a beach day talking like a therapist - 
Bradley: I'm far from being the one to dish out therapy, dude. 
TJ: 'Cause you're so burdened by life. 

Bradley: I - Tim. Talk to me if you need to talk. 
TJ: You know what I want to talk about? Why this damn writer still has it say "TJ" in the script, like we haven't all accepted by now that I've let my walls down and I just act like an adult using their actual name - sorry, said that out loud. 
Bradley: If there's something you actually want to talk about, dude, maybe we can undo all their weird stuff in our brains together. 

Bradley: Cause surprise, surprise, it's not peaches and cream for Braddy boy. 
Tim: I'm not ever calling you Braddy boy, just an FYI. 
Bradley: Oh please don't, I don't need more confusion in my life, truly. 
You ever just really wish a vacation will do its job, and not remind you of everything else that's been getting in the way. And other things! 

Tim: My girlfriend is back in my life at last and I'm having depression episodes where I picture her tormenting me or telling me I've been a disappointment. 
Bradley: Did - did the real Timothy Jacobs just spit that out or is he possessed? 
Tim: Hey, dude. Just a serious cry for help, let me have those. 
Bradley: Oh - you're allowed to, of course you are. 
I - uh - I didn't realise you were taking it so rough, but I should've. 

Tim: Is everything alright between you and the lovely lady? 
Bradley: I mean - there's no drama, there's been no fighting, at least. She probably just notices that I haven't really been myself so far on this trip. Pair trying to organise a dinner immediately and being told countless times that you're asking too much, plus ... the other things ... and yeah, of course I've been asking different. 

Tim: You wanna keep being vague about these "other things"? 
Bradley: I - uh - there's other things, like a couple other things. I'm doing absolute nothing with my life, right? My kid is growing up without his own bedroom, it's not even an option right now. And I made a stupid bet with Dustin - out of bloody nowhere. 
Tim: A shame you, Joce, and the little tyke didn't take a trip alone, right? 
Bradley: You're telling me. 

Tim: What's this bet you made all about, how is that a grand big problem? 
What'd he ask, hand over all the money in your bank account? You lose and the kid comes with me once we're home from the holiday? 
Bradley: No, uh - nothing like that, please dude, don't even stress over it. 
Tim: Well if it's like that, man - you shouldn't be stressing either. 
Bradley: Nah. I'm the one to hope for a time machine. 

Bradley: I don't even want to dwell on it, like, at all. We're down here at this beautiful beach out far away from home and I'm baking on a wooden chair like I'm some old lady who doesn't know what having a family is like anymore - c'mon, dude, can't we make the most of being by the sea? 
Tim: Well, gee, when you put it like that - 
Bradley: I'm serious, Tim, let's go. 

Juice Newton
"Just call me angel of the morning
Then slowly turn away..."

Tim: Do you think I'm gonna just walk out on Greta at the alter - nah, never mind, that's stupid. Don't worry about it. 
Bradley: Yeah, that's not even something to stress on. She's like the best thing to happen to you, dude. I trust in that. 
Tim: Yeah. Exactly. 

Bradley: But hey - is that a flamingo over there? 
Tim: Wtf, why would there be? 
Bradley: I don't man, maybe it's just Marsha - 

Bradley: Splattety-spalt! I gotcha, man. 
Tim: Oh jesus - 

Tim: Where the hell did you hide a water balloon? You didn't even bring a backpack or anything - 
Bradley: You just never noticed me carrying it this whole time. What a friend you are. Pah! Not even paying attention to his best mate carrying around a water balloon. 
Tim: Yeah, you're joking on that. Didya find this in the bush or somethin'? 

Bradley: A magician doesn't say what his secrets are, pretty sure. 
Tim: Well, whatever man, that was good. You know, I've been a bit too dry lately, honestly. 
Needed that splash. 
Bradley: Ew, dude. 
Tim: Nah like - I really need to go for a swim in that ocean. 
First one there gets to wash my undies?

Bradley: Why's everything got to be a bet - 
Tim: I'm just messing with you, I thought we weren't stressing. 
Bradley: Oh yeah, true. No stress. 
Just vacation vibes.

Bradley: Bomb ass vacation with my family. 
Tim: You've got a wholesome gang, huh. 

Bradley: I really do. I can't keep on going not doing anything for myself, right? For them. I can't just keep sitting on my butt, waiting for the world to keep handing us miracles. Like how are we not broke yet? I really don't know. 
I can't just keep living like the world's going perfect for us. Things keep trying to tell me we'll always have the obstacles, but we can tackle 'em. 

Tim: I just hope she thinks so too. That we're doing fine, but we can be doing better. 
Tim: It's not helping anyone, living in that same place, hey? 
Tim: We're trying too hard to pretend you can live your whole life like a sitcom. 


Dustin: It's beautiful up here, hey. I'm really sort of glad we chose to just take it easy instead of going to the beach and be expected to do something with the sand and the sea. 
Clyde: I definitely agree with you there. I hope these lounges are comfy. 
Dustin: Why don't you hurry up and plant your butt down? 

Clyde: Ahhh. Not too bad, this life. 
Dustin: Take in the air and just relaxxxxx. 
Clyde: I could stay here forever, I think. Who needs to go home? 
Although there will just be new things for me to miss ...

Dustin: I've got something I've gotta mention to you, my love. 
Clyde: Oh yeah? 
Dustin: It's probably gonna surprise you, I bet, and uh, there's a part of it that'll be the weirdest part, but just let me tell the story, okay. 

Clyde: You didn't actually put in an offer for that beach house we saw on the way to the house on arrival, did you? I think I'd just get so bored of this place - 
Dustin: No, no, I'm not asking for us to stay here by any means. It's about something that happened yesterday, between Bradley and I. And I know we've talked about stuff like this, and we've said we can do whatever we need ... but like, it actually weirdly happened with him, kinda -

Clyde: What are you even saying, Mr. Vague? 
Dustin: Oh - hey there, sir, lovely weather, isn't it? 
Vacationer: Oh, beautiful. Soak in the sun, gents. 
Dustin: We'll definitely try! 
As I was saying, Clydey ....

Devra: My neck does indeed feel the weight of so very many phone calls yesterday. 
Time for the most relaxing day of all my life, all my years. 
I refuse to move from this spot for anything. 

Jocelyn: Come to me, Jamie, come to mama - 
Jamie: . . .
Bradley: Hey, babe. Can we go for a little walk, just the two of us? 

Jocelyn: You've almost got it, my big man . . . yeah, in a second we can, babe. Very romantic of a suggestion, unless you have something to talk about. Oh gosh, you do. 
Almost, Jamie! Good job, cutie! 
Bradley: It'll be, uh, good to talk while we're alone, definitely. 
Jocelyn: Okay, one more step for Jamie! 
Wooooo, you're on the moon, baby! 

Jocelyn: I need someone to make sure Jamie doesn't wander off into the plants and start eating the roots, or wander down to the water and swallow two gallons of sea water - uncle Timmy! I'm passing you Jamie.
Tim: Greeaaaaaaaatttt. 
Bradley: Oh, that's a brilliant idea. 
Jocelyn: It's such a shame Greta's swimming in the ocean, isn't it? Hehe. 

Tim: You thinking what I'm thinking? We go rob a bank, Jamie? 
I'm kidding, little dude. I would never. Not with you in my arms. 

Tim: I will destroy you with the tickle monster instead! 
What do you mean, you're scared and not scared all at once? 
That's impossible, little dude. 

Bradley: Yeah, this looks like a good spot to sit down for a little bit. 
Nice little pier they've built here, even though it goes absolutely nowhere at the end. You couldn't even fish off it - 
Jocelyn: Just come sit down beside me, Brad. 
Bradley: Oh you thought I was stalling - I wasn't. 

Jocelyn: Just rip the band-aid off me if you've taken this holiday and realised our life is boring and too easy and you just wanna run away - 
Bradley: Nothing like that! Well...I guess our life is boring, too hung up on this show. The Show. The ride we've been on. 
Jocelyn: You know we can quit it whenever we want to -

Bradley: I know that, of course I do. It's, uh, not really what I wanted to talk about though. 
Jocelyn: Okay, right, sorry. I'll zip my lips. 
Bradley: I, uh, wanna start this by saying I do wanna move away with you, when we're back from the holiday. This group of people always make me think more than I'm used to, really. I guess my brain will always be growing, good, I guess. 

Bradley: Yesterday, uh, Dustin and I were shooting some hoops, having fun, enjoying the holiday vibes, all that. I think you were - I can't remember, actually, maybe you were with Jamie or doing the stuff you said you needed to do on the computer. 
Anyways, Dustin and I - we decided to make a bet for the comp, for whoever that won, they'd be rewarded with something. It was just like a silly little bet cause we're two dudes that let our hair down for the holiday, like let's just have fun with it. 

Jocelyn: What did you ask for, foot massages all day? 
I don't him chauffeuring us around or making sure you're hydrated the whole day - 
Bradley: Yeah, see, that's what I said, if I won. If I won, he was gonna be my butler, my servant, and do whatever I needed done around the place - make me food, bring me a glass of water, make sure Irma isn't cooking up a scheme to flee into the wilderness or blow up the house that isn't ours - that sort of thing. 

Jocelyn: And what did he want, the same thing too? 
Bradley: I said, I said do you want that too? He didn't, actually, and I lost, too. He, uh, sorta implied the thing he wanted would really benefit me, in the end, so it was like a win-win for me. I guess I can see it that way, but - it's just made me feel a million feelings ever since he won and I accepted it. 
What he wanted was to give me a BJ, and I, uh, didn't even just outright say to his face that a silly bet can be broken, cause we're adults just playing around - 

Jocelyn: You, uh - let him do that to you? 
Bradley: It didn't disgust me the way I thought it would, like even the ... thought of it. Some part of my always-growing brain was like, I'm honouring this bet I made with a mate, even though it's not like we signed a legal agreement on it - 
Jocelyn: I, uh - didn't even know you'd want another guy to do that. 

Bradley: I - I didn't see it as "a guy" doing it, I guess. I looked down, saw Dustin, looked away. Just let it all happen. It didn't feel disgusting. It felt wrong - cause I was over there betraying you, really - but it didn't feel like I was a loser, like he said. 
Jocelyn: I'm - uh - glad you didn't just keep it a secret like other guys would. 
Bradley: I'm never setting out to cheat on you, Joce. 

Jocelyn: You're a looney tune for just following through with a bet that wasn't even binding - 
Bradley: I don't like to break my word - you know that. 
Jocelyn: I do. Yeah. I know how much you're willing to do for us, for the family that we've made together. You know - weirdly - you keeping your word is why I'm not so incredibly miserable right now. 

Bradley: That's - more than I could ask for, really. You not just dumping my ass immediately because I accepted a bet while drunk on vacation - I wasn't actually drunk! Drunk like, I downed a couple shots of the essence of vacation! 
Jocelyn: I know what you mean. 
Bradley: I'm sorry, Joce. I know, really, it's something I should've come to you about, and you'd make up your mind then, not now. 

Jocelyn: Maybe it's old-fashioned to keep a noose around your neck - I know where your heart is, I'm sure I do. So I can sleep at night with that. 
I, uh, do have one question though - did you think about sleeping with him? 
Bradley: Oh - maybe, even for a second. Isn't that just ... natural? 
Jocelyn: It is, I guess. I'm not a dude though. 
You know who'll have the answers? 
Bradley: Uncle Timmy. 

*Vacation by The Go Go's starts playing* 

The Go Go's
"Can't seem to get my mind off of you
Back here at home there's nothing to do, ooh
Now that I'm away
I wish I stayed
Tomorrow's a day of mine that you won't be in"

The Go Go's
"When you looked at me I should've run
But I thought it was just for fun
I see I was wrong
and I'm not so strong
I should've known all along that time would tell"

The Go Go's
"A week without you
Thought I'd forget
Two weeks without you and I still haven't gotten over you yet"

The Go Go's
"Vacation, all I ever wanted
Vacation, had to get away
Vacation, meant to be spent alone ..." 

Marsha: Moi ees Maharasha Matshill - und teas ees moi's starrrie! 
Ewe seeh, moi wash net ahhhlweeze fahhmees! Hid terh bahleef, 'eyy? Sahpeertstih taaleeent, naht frimm eh baughxx. 
Boot moi eesh dehsteeinntedted fourr MAORRE! 
Soh, ewerre shawww? Sahn moi upp. 

Marsha: Moi musshed sahye wee prahbleh hiv deh parfait tick, yessss? 
Moi hash beeeen ahn 'er gim, nahn-steeep, tweentay-orrr sahveeen. 

Ted: You have indeed, my darling Marsha. You have been superb, revolutionary, marvelous, talented beyond knowledge, a tour-de-force, all of the above! But the judges and the executives want to see the perfect representation of Marsha Marshall, and I am worried that we will want to mix and match pieces from every different option if we do not find the perfect audition - there is another song from your reject pile that I think we would be wise to reconsider. 

Marsha: Non, Tedday, moi draaaa deh lean. 
Oui hiv faaahnddeh teh parfaitit ahhhdeeshen pecks, moi whieel ahdit eet buoy moiselffs, und eet es tahm for moi tah gooooooo reeelish! Reeeelicksss. 
Sah streeesfahl wit ewe, Teddular. 
Wee quill hiv deh spaht ahn Ahhhld Diggseh, Neh Treechks. Nah queesteens. 

One Year Later...

*Loretta is lip-synching on stage*

"You better think! Think! 
Think about what you're trying to do to me
Think! Think, think!
Let your mind go, let yourself be free"

"Let's go back, let's go back
Let's go way on way back when
I didn't even know you
You couldn't have been too much more than ten..." 

*Behind a false wall, Marsha is the one singing* 

"I ain't no psychiatrist, I ain't no doctor with degrees
But it don't take too much high IQ to see what you're doing to me
You better think! Think!
Think about what you're trying to do to me..." 

"Yeah, think! 
Let your mind go, let yourself be free!" 

*the audience goes wild for Loretta pretending to be singing with Marsha's voice*

Ted: You were sensational out there! Marsha, what did I tell you, we were creating a miracle audition back on the sands all that time ago, and we truly did hit the jackpot. You're a star, Marsha, like you have always dreamed! The audience will be fools to vote you off this week, I do believe so myself! Marsha? 
Marsha: Ewe eees - ewe ees rahhght, Teddayy. 
Moi neeevah sinded betta. 

Ted: I know at first it was such an absurd idea, to change your voice entirely, but it was the key to your success, and behind closed doors - you get to be yourself entirely. 
Marsha: Afff cooorshh. Moi ees wonn en ahnleh. 
Ted: You truly are, my dear friend. We are all so incredibly proud of you, everyone was out there in the audience cheering you on ... secretly, of course. 

Marsha: Eees moi stoooped fah duueengeh tis? 

Marsha: Leeek et ewe naww, Marrshie . . .

Marsha: Teh hawwwl wieeldeh ees ahhhbsesshted wit ewe! 


Barnacle Bay
two days earlier...

Bradley: Can you see her anywhere, lil Jamie? 
She must be here somewhere, hey! She didn't run too far, surely!

Bradley: Maybe she's further down the beach? 
Jamie: Mama! 
Bradley: Yeah, there's mama! Good spotting, little man. 
Jamie: Ittle man. Hehe. 

Bradley: Mama's staring out at the nothingness, hey, little man. 

Bradley: We finally caught up. 
You're super duper fast, isn't she, Jamie? 
Jamie: Mama! 
Bradley: Yeah, that's right, mama really wanted to come down to the beach and go on the swings. It's so nice living by the beach now, hey. Takes me back to that vacation we had, like ... feels like years and years ago. 
Jocelyn: Even though to me it feels like yesterday. 

Jocelyn: I'm sorry for speeding off without you too, I guess I got a little impatient. But I'm okay, it's just nice to leave by myself for even a second of alone time, as much as I'll always drop everything to be there for you two. 
Bradley: You deserve more time alone - 
Jocelyn: With you working, and me so committed to baby boy, I guess I do - but it's not like I never do, I do, I get my time. 
This life feels so much more understandable for us. 

Bradley: I couldn't have said it better myself. 
Jocelyn: Uh oh, child negligence - 
Bradley: Jamie's just eating this ground stuff, he'll be fine - 

Jocelyn: Why had we never lived this life before? 
Bradley: I mean, maybe we did - if you believe in past lives - 
Jocelyn: I just mean - it's so perfect to be living so far away from everything else. I don't miss that drama at all. I just want to stay in this photograph. 
Bradley: I would love that too. 

Bradley: Wait - did you finally convince Tim to come all the way out here? 
Jocelyn: Um - 

Bradley: Why the - why is he dressed like a pirate? 
I can't even believe this - 
Jocelyn: Wait, what - 

Bradley: You two really got me on this one - 
Jocelyn: Wait, where are you going - 

Bradley: Mate, what the - 
You came?

Bradley: You could've just walked up to us, why'd you sit down over here? 


Mick: I'm sorry matey, do I know you? 
Jocelyn: Brad, I swear to you, Tim and I didn't plan any surprises - 

Bradley: Oh fudge, dude, I'm so sorry - 
Mick: No worries, arrrrgh. The name's Mick, me works aboard the ol' pirate ship over dere, I'm a, uh, chef, outside of the costume and in it, really. 
I don't know yerr mate Tim, I'm sorry. 
Bradley: Oh god, yeah, my bad - I guess I, uh, really miss my best mate ...


one month earlier...

A city of opportunity. Founded by Ebenezer Alto, with a promise of growth upwards into the skies, and fame, and fortune, and booze. A city that will forever be moving and advancing and knocking every snail out of its path. No snails allowed! Got it? 
Keep that yucky snail out of here, or else I'm telling Mum! 

Greta: Hey, slowpoke! Don't make me turn around and trip you, okay? 
Tim: Oh, I would like to see you try. 
Greta: I swear you managed to only pick up the light boxes. 
Tim: Babe - we didn't have any light boxes. We moved into that last place and you made it priority number one to buy whatever you thought we'd need for the next apartment. 

Tim: And this place isn't even any damn bigger. 
Greta: Babe, don't be so pessimistic. We're closer to the centre of the city, if that's something to boast about. Plus, we're actually paying the right amount for what we're getting. That last place had a weird grudge against me - 
Tim: The landlord got a taste of A LOT of medicine. 
Greta: Of course he did. 

Greta: But just think of it like this. We're going to be happier here. It's not the biggest mansion in the world, hell, the bedroom doesn't even have a door, just a staircase. But we're in this together, right? 
Tim: Of course we are. This place isn't shabby, trust me. 
It's just an adjustment, yet again. 

Greta: Moving out here though has been worth it, right? 
Tim: It has. Babe, maybe this place will let you paint the walls - 
Greta: Oh, I very much doubt that. But! I've gotten very used to these weird colours they think are appealing, like this weird vomit colour. It's darker though. It's really diluted poop. 
Tim: And I thought I was the immature one. 

Chanel: Okay, the last box for your bedroom is upstairs - thank you again, for letting me crash on the sofa this weekend. 
Greta: Little sister! Of course! You're welcome whenever, truly. 
Chanel: I have to say ... I definitely like this place better than the last one. 
I never said a single thing but ... that other place always smelt so bad. 

Chanel: And now you're kissing. 

Chanel: Not at all jealous. It hasn't been one long year of not having a boyfriend and not wanting to kiss any of the random guys that make advances towards me, not at all. 
Greta: Ohhh gosh, right, this is so disgusting of us. I love ya, baby. 
Tim: I love you too. But we need to stop making your sister jealous of you! 
Chanel: Yup, definitely jealous of my sister - cause who wouldn't want to kiss the grumpy, angsty contestant that stormed off her show! 


Greta: Timmy!! You better be ready. 
Tim: You said you'd never call me that again! 
Greta: Well, I lied, get over it. I've lied a lot since you met me, why are we surprised with this? Clearly I'm a serial liar, now get up off the bed, you're ruining your cute fit. 
Tim: I've got to say, you look sexy as hell. 

Tim: God, it's been ages since I've been to a proper, actually exciting bar. The whiff of booze in the air. No weird freaks hanging out ordering spaghetti from the bartender. No weird performances from our roommates. You're the only one I know in this dark, violent city, and it's beautiful. 
Greta: I don't even want to say hello to anyone here, like I really don't need to. 
Tim: Yeah, eff that, hey. It's good to be insignificant. 

Greta: Strangely, it really is. 
Tim: Do I miss being swarmed? Maybe sometimes. But this city's been the life for us. A strange, different life. But we can't help but enjoy feeling like nothing. 
Greta: You read my mind, babe. 
Tim: At least in this life we're not running away from things all the time. 

Greta: Exactly. We're not running - but I guess, maybe there's something missing? I almost wish I was still hosting a reality show, because it felt so natural. It felt like the right direction for me - but High Hopes is nothing but dust now, and I don't know where to turn. God - sorry, I'm actually really happy with the life we're carving. Like it's a roast turkey. It's delicious. 

Jessica: You would be delicious. 
Greta: Ouch. You stepped on my toes too. 
Jessica: Then get out of my way, sickly human. 
Greta: I thought I was delicious - never mind. 

Tim: Whatever happens going forward, at least the barkeep is making me a drink! 
Greta: Yeah, keep them coming, barkeep, he needs to drink up! 
So that I stop calling you barkeep like we're in a weird detective tv show ... what's your name, barkeep? 
Bartender: Oh, yeah, hey there. I'm Emily. 
Greta: You're causing an explosion in his drink. It's beautiful. 

Tim: I can practically taste the alcohol with my nose. 
Greta: It's almost like some weird sense is non-existent, like the ability to not be grumpy, and in its stead you're just really good at sniffing out alcohol - 
Tim: What can I say, I started drinking early - 
Greta: Yeah ... we still definitely need to talk more about that. 

Tim: Bring on the drinkies! 
Emily: Final touches, if you're nasty. 
Greta: As long as you make him really slobbery drunk, I'll be happy.
Look how excited he is. Thanks, Emily. 
Emily: Truly just doing my job - always love to see the drunk get drunker, as long as they stay safe. 

Tim: Finally a moment alone together. 
Greta: Your eyes are really pretty.
Tim: And so are yours. 
I'm incredibly grateful we're taking on the world together. 
I used to think I'd just grumpily do it alone and it would be WHATEVER! 
But absolutely nothing could ruin this fresh start we're making. An actual fresh start! 


Hidden Springs
one month later...
two days before Marsha's first performance on Old Dogs, New Tricks

One day, everything seemed to just ... dissolve around Devra. 
With four of her friends moving away, making entire other worlds their new home, and others making new bold career decisions elsewhere, she tried to turn to the comforts she had left - but suddenly those, too, felt entirely wrong. 
And what else, then, to throw yourself into working out and climbing mountains .......

She started an event planning business, but the clientele was limited and she butted heads with many of her clients nevertheless, convinced their taste was "uninspired" and "not worthy of the servants' quarters, let alone the throne room". 
I suppose not everything could be overlooked in life .....


Devra: How may I be of service? 
I just wanted at least an hour without someone knocking on my door. 
You would think with only two or so roommates it would not be difficult. 

Clyde: Are you going to have me executed if I have two things to say?
Devra: I might have you executed if you keep standing there not saying anything - 
Clyde: Right, true. Number one is, I just want to make sure you don't forget we need to be on the move later tonight to get to Marsha's performance. And number two: I think you need to come relax with me by the water. 

Devra: I did not forget Clyde, do not stress there. My luggage is all packed and everything, just tell me when we are going and I will jump right in behind everyone - the dwindling numbers that are everyone, I suppose. 
But I suppose it is not the worst idea that I come and sit by the water. 
I am not getting changed though. 
Clyde: You look far too stunning to change. 

Clyde: See, this isn't too bad, is it? 
Devra: I - I miss him, Clyde. 
Clyde: I know you do. But isn't it best to move on, to move forward? 
Devra: It always feels as though I am expected to move on. 
It is so tiring, exhausting.
How many mistakes do I need to make before I am spent? 

Clyde: Aren't you the best! 
Dustin: Indeed, I am. 

When Bradley and Jocelyn moved away to Barnacle Bay, not long after the vacation ended, they left most of the furniture in their tiny villa on the property behind. Clyde and Dustin moved into it, taking up the extra space. Things couldn't be better between the two ... but Clyde will never not mourn no longer being able to see his daughter. 

Clyde: We still have some time before we have to catch the taxi to the airport - 
They, of course, bought new sheets for the bed. 
Clyde: Get your cute butt over here. 

Dustin: Oh I'm coming....
I really need some new storylines that don't centre on you or my sexuality, huh. Maybe next episode? Since I'm genuinely such an important part of this show now ...
Just a suggestion. 
Clyde: I'd love to see you be a sexy leading man, saving the day. 
Or a sexy dentist. 

And Clyde? What has he been up to all this time? 
Heading to the library to study, of course. 
It started simply as a new hobby, browsing the shelves and taking one book down to read, to lose the hours, to imagine other worlds and how other people live. But he started to find the new truths he could learn from reading. 
And soon enough he was researching. 
And soon enough he was coming to terms with what he could be doing with his life. 
The new, the old, all the mysteries he could be uncovering. 

Irma: Good afternoon, Clyde. 
My apologies if I am interrupting your little bookworm time. 

Clyde: Irma. Why are you here? 
Irma: May I tell the long story or the short? 
Clyde: Tell me why you're acting like there's not a complete and entire history between us that could be documented in a book of its own. After that vacation, we thought we were saying goodbye to you, again, and for real this time. We finally had some faith that you wanted to live your own life. 
I never expected this day, at least not for you to find me. Why me? Why now? 

Irma: Well, my dear Clyde, we start from the beginning. After the vacation, perhaps two months later. It all begins with a reality show, doesn't it? 
Why do we find ourselves so drawn back into them? 



The Sims' Genetics System, for Jamie
The Singing Simmer, for Jocelyn
Alleen, for Bradley
Penguin, for Clyde
Yannik, for Tim & Dustin
Tiger, for Greta, Chanel, Loretta & Mick
Lo, for Devra
Vul, for Marsha Marshall
Turner, for Ted
Twiddle, for Irma
EA, for Jessica

I hope you enjoyed this next chapter in their lives. While it felt so much less daunting with this episode compared to the last, because I'm back into the groove a little more, it was still strange, for sure. I started rereading over the earlier OTT episodes, and seeing how much these characters have grown and changed, it's really interesting to see how much my view of this story has morphed too. I could probably write some of these characters for years on end and find new ways to explore what their lives entail, but at least, for now, I'm just enjoying what I get to put out into the world right now. I've taken things in some interesting directions this episode, really setting up for the idea I have for Episode Fourteen, and beyond, but I suppose ... this episode, and the last, have really made me want to start anew with characters that I have complete control over. Because that's such a beautiful part of writing for me, getting to do whatever I want! 
I'm hoping I haven't gone in a wrong direction, but then, too, I'm hoping if I choose to end this soon, I can find the perfect conclusion regardless. 

a postcard sent from

- Tiger