Saturday, April 16, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Four: Be Prepared

 High Hopes Season 2: Hunt or Be Hunted, Episode Four: Be Prepared
Greta: Hello, and welcome back to Hunt or Be Hunted! My name is Leia Organa, no, Leia Francis. No-
Bart: Your name is Greta Francis, okay? You can do it! 
Greta: Right, sorry. Let's continue this episode, titled 'Be Prepared'. My name is Greta Francis, and while my look may be deceiving, the producers decided to continue choosing this outfit for me to wear. So you better become used to Princess Greta 

Greta: What? We have a special episode for the audience today? 
Bart: Yes, my lady. Remember that party mentioned in the last episode? 
Greta: Uh huh. I usually tend to tune her out, though. 

Greta: Is this why they dress me like the Princess? 'Cause I'm beginning to wear out this costume and I want a new look. 
Bart: How about we continue with the episode? 
Greta: Okay, let's head live to the house. 


*the door remains firmly shut as she listens for footsteps coming from the hallway outside* 
 Devra: Jocelyn! Where are you? Show yourself right now!

Jocelyn: I'm in here, Devra-
Devra: I'm not some super human. I hate when peasants say that; I can't tell where 'here' is. 
Jocelyn: Right. I'm in the dressing room. 

Devra: I found you! Hehe. 
Jocelyn: Was that a laugh I heard? 
Devra: You heard nothing. You wish to see me, little one? 

Jocelyn: First off, I'm not little. I can handle myself. Mostly, because in some cases I mean I could, but why would I want to? Anyway, second off, what do you think of my outfit? 
Devra: It's very formal, Jocey. 

Jocelyn: I know, but I want to look perfect for tonight. Look at you, beautiful and charming and everything else in between. I'm just this singing, basic camp counsellor. Look at me. 
Devra: You look formal, yes, but formal is nice. 
Jocelyn: I want amazing, not nice. 

Devra: If I didn't know you, I'd think you wanted to impress someone. Looking beautiful and feeling beautiful are two different things, Jocelyn.
Jocelyn: Maybe I do want to impress someone. 
Devra: Oh my! Who? 

Jocelyn: I don't want to tell anyone yet. I'm not as open as you. 
Devra: You think I was born to be a walking magazine article? I didn't choose to live this lifestyle. It chose me. 
Jocelyn: That's rich coming from you. Oh...I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. 

Jocelyn: I meant to say that you seem like you love the 'princess' lifestyle. 
Devra: I do. 
Jocelyn: Then why complain about how open it has made you appear? I'm not sure I'll ever understand the rich and famous. 

Devra: I'm sorry I confuse you, Jocelyn, but can we return to the topic of before? You want to look beautiful. 
Jocelyn: Yeah, I'd like that. 

Devra: Considering who you are, it's not about what you are wearing tonight but rather what you're feeling inside. If you feel beautiful, he'll know. 
Jocelyn: Uh, I think I know what you mean. 
Devra: You need to know, not think. He won't like you if you only think you're beautiful. 

Jocelyn: Okay! Although I don't know if you are right, I'll agree with you! 
Devra: You need to change, because you obviously don't feel perfect in that outfit. 
Jocelyn: You think? 

Devra: Yes. You don't want to wear that to this party, and you know it. I don't feel right in this dress currently either. 
Jocelyn: You're just saying that to help me. You love that dress-

Devra: I do, but not for tonight. Somehow I feel like tonight will be exciting. 
Jocelyn: Will it? I had a dream that something would happen tonight. 
Devra: Maybe your dream is aimed towards your night.

Jocelyn: Okay, I'll be happy tonight and I'll enjoy it all. This party is the perfect time to escape the drama of this game and enjoy this whole thing. I'm here to win. 
Devra: That is the attitude, but I am here to win. 

Jocelyn: Keep telling yourself that, hon. 
Devra: I'm not lying. 
Jocelyn: Neither was I. 

Devra: I help you out with the outfit and the guy and you betray me by telling me you want to beat me out? 
 Jocelyn: I want to win this. You think I'd settle for less?

Devra: I cannot believe I trusted you, even for a second. 
Jocelyn: I can't believe you thought I'd give up my chance to win. 
Devra: I deserve-

Zara: *cutting her off* Devra! Can I speak a word with you. Right now!

Devra: I'll deal with you later. I need to speak with the De Ville. Ta-ta, Jocelyn. 
Jocelyn: Goodbye, Devra. Have a nice life. 

Devra: Hello, Zara. You wanted to speak with me? 
Zara: I absolutely did. I would like to yell at you for one moment. 
Devra: Excuse me? 

Zara: It's come to my attention that I absolutely hate you. 
Devra: And why would that be, dear? Is it because I am a whole lot better than you? 
Zara: You want a reason, freak? Okay. 

Zara: I hate you. I hate you're snobby attitude, I hate that you're in the state of mind that you're a whole lot better than all of us and I hate that you are a princess in a game show for more money. 

Devra: Darling, let me discuss those points. All of them also apply to you, so do not dare hate me for any one of them. You are snobby, you are manipulative, you think you are better than all of us and you are already rich. At least, you claim to be. 
Zara: You want to discuss manipulation? You probably have that little girl around your finger. 

Devra: Who, Jocelyn? No, I do not. We did have an argument, actually. 
Zara: What a load of garbage. 
Devra: Says you, the queen of 'Brada'. 

Zara: I do not like this attitude, missy. Thumbs down. 
Devra: Thumbs down? We are not children. 
Zara: Thank god! I hate them. 

Devra: Well, I love them. So you shush and move on. You are not welcome in this bedroom. 
Zara: I will be sleeping in the other one tonight anyway. They appreciate me. 
Devra: What a bunch of lies you spread! 


Marsha: Oh em gee! Ewe could make it toonight! Ew, you aren't wearing teh white leginnning....
Ted: I do not own such a thing, Marsha. 
Marsha: I em ashemed, but ye produshion says I must all-ow ewe to come in. 

Jamie: *muffles* You all look...nice...tonight. 
Irma: Personally, I cannot determine if this room is outside or in. The grass confuses. 
Bradley: I'm happy to see TJ's eyes for once. 
TJ: No sunglasses policy in here, they said. I hate my eyes. 

Marsha: Alrightttt, alrighttt, alrighttt. Sittle down. *glances to side* Hit it! 
Zara: Should someone tell that freak no one is there? 
Ted: Zara, manners! She invited us to this...wonderful place. 

*the music begins to play* 
Devra: Witchery? In this...calm place? 
TJ: I wouldn't call this calm.

Marsha: Aye, thiiiisss is Marsha Marshall, end, 'elcome to the White Legging Party! Enjoy yourselves. 
Jocelyn: Oh, yeah, sure. 
Clyde: I sure hope this scene isn't present in various areas in my town. It's a shame to pollute-
Jocelyn: Hey, enough of this. Just have fun. 

Marsha: I 'ill bee danc-scene for you! 
Ted: How wonderful! Live entertainment. I do hope she will be an amazing dancer. 
Marsha: Many cricteeques have told me yeesh. 

Marsha: I call these move the 'Paddel Sweemer'. Leek it? 
Irma: It is swell, Marsha Marshalls. You do look sleek. 
Zara: Yeah, sure. What she said. 

Bradley: What now? Do we seriously need to join her out there? 
TJ: Ain't no way I'm dancing with her. 
Devra: I'll sit that out, thank you. Those sofas do look inviting. 

Irma: She looks so happy...must not compute happiness. Must forget the events prior. Must forget the pain. Must eventually resolve missing events. 
Jamie: Irma...are you okay? 
Irma: I am....50% well, 30% unwell and 10% neutral. 
Jamie: What about the other percent? 
Irma: Irma Roboot does not speak of that. 

Marsha: Join moi! Join moi! 
Jocelyn: I suppose it couldn't hurt, right? 
Irma: Dancing can only hurt those who are weak. 

Ted: My wife would be ashamed of my dancing. She always was so...sad about it. 
Jocelyn: I'm sure she loves your dancing, Ted! 
Ted: You haven't met a Downer. 

Marsha: Iseen't this funne? Keep dancin'. 
 Clyde: Is it? I don't know yet. 
Jocelyn: I feel sick. 
Marsha: That ees not the reactshion! 

Clyde: You know, this is fun? 
Greta as 'Creepy Bear': Is it, Clyde. What a lovely behind you have, all the better to eat up. 
Clyde: I don't feel so well.  

Bradley: What an adorable flower crown, my princess! 
TJ: Real smooth with the flirting. 
Bradley: I didn't compliment her breasts, though those are nice too. 

Devra: Bradley, please stop this. I am not on the look out for a man, so please stop. 
Bradley: Are you sure, beautiful? 
Devra: Yes! Please stop flirting with me, Bradley. 

Zara: They cannot be serious. They do realise that large bear is behind them, and they are not curious to know if it is real or if it was expensive. 
Marsha: Woohoo! 
Zara: I think I prefer to observe. 

Jamie: What a...beautiful plant. I don' parties. 
Jocelyn: Jamie! Come dance with me! 
Jamie: I don't like parties. 

Marsha as 'the Flamingo': Oh, 'ello! 
Greta: Not sure if I should be startled or absolutely terrified. 
Marsha: 'e is shy. 
Greta: Terrified, definitely. 

Marsha: Let's conteenui danceen! Okay, okay. 
Jocelyn: Just smile and wave, smile and wave. 

Ted: Was the lighting always I do recall someone changing it. 
Marsha: Don't bee silleh, Teddy! 
Ted: Teddy? No one's ever called me that. 

Marsha: Don't bee silleh! Don't lie to moi! 
Ted: I don't seem to have many people call me Teddy, but it would make me smile so much. 
Marsha: Teddy! There eet esh. 

Jamie: I...I might be enjoying...this party. This bear is very...scary.

Jamie as 'The Scary Bear': Hi, my name is Bobby, and I like to scare you! Ah! 
Jamie: Ahh! Stop it, Bobby the Bear. 
Jamie as 'The Scary Bear': I cannot, Jamie! I am a scary bear! I scare! 

Devra: I do wish I could see some fresh delights to eat somewhere, but alas, I cannot. Dancing is very tiring sometimes, and I would like food afterwards. 
Clyde: I agree with that, Devra. 
Devra: Did I ask for your opinion, peasant

Irma: Psst. 
*no answer* 
Irma: Ha ha. Ha ha. Very funny, indeed. 
*no answer*  


TJ: Hey, Brad. We need to talk. 
Bradley: We do? I don't know what about. 
TJ: Don't play dumb with me. 

Bradley: I'm not playing-
TJ: Dude, stop. Enough. You know that tonight is the perfect night for this. You've got this, Brad. You can do it. 
Bradley: Have you noticed that there are no windows to the outside? 

TJ: You can reach for the skies! Go and talk to her, dude. I believe in you, and that's hard for me to do. Go on.
Bradley: What's on the ceiling? I don't see anything. 
TJ: No, dude. I'm telling you to fly high. 

Bradley: You want me to go up there? No thank you. 
TJ: Stop kidding around, Bradley! Go and talk to the girl. Would you? 
Bradley: Oh, I'm sorry. Invite her over for me? 

TJ: Fine, dude. It's all on you now. 
Bradley: Thank you, T. 
TJ: You're welcome, man. 

Ted: This is a rather well party, Marsha. I ought to hire you for my parties. 
Marsha: Moi doesn't plan partays. The partays plan moi! 
Ted: Good to know, good to know. 


Jocelyn: Hey, Bradley. These sofas are super comfortable. I mean, who thought lips would be this comfortable but they are. Do you know what I'm saying? 
Bradley: I sure do, Jocelyn. Uh...
Jocelyn: What is it? 

Bradley:'s nothing. It's really nothing. 
Jocelyn: You weren't going to flirt with me, lover boy? 
*he falls silent* 
Jocelyn: I'm kidding! Sorry.  

Bradley: Yeah, I know. I'm sorry too. 
Jocelyn: Why are you sorry? Are you nervous? 
Bradley: It's're so beautiful tonight, is all. Your eyes are...oh never mind. 

Jocelyn: No, no. You can call me beautiful if you want, Bradley. I want insult you or anything. I think you're...attractive too. 
Bradley: You paused? You don't think I am? 
Jocelyn: I wanted to find the right word, Brad. I do think you are beautiful.

Bradley: Oh, I see. It's better to call a dude 'attractive' because he doesn't have the qualities of 'beautiful'. 
Jocelyn: I can't tell if you're happy or sad about that. 
Bradley: I'm not sad. 

Jocelyn: Can I tell you a little story? I promise it's short. 
Bradley: Okay. Go ahead. 
Jocelyn: Okay. So, once at the summer camp, there was this really attractive guy who was new to the camp that year. One of my friends made the mistake of calling him 'beautiful', and let's just say he doesn't think beautiful is strictly for women anymore. 

Bradley: What happened to him? 
Jocelyn: Oh, uh....he...well, he...
Bradley: What happened? He didn't become some axe-murderer, did he? That would be bad. 

Jocelyn: Oh no! No, no, no, no! He didn't kill anyone but the hearts of the females who wanted him, because he's a gay drag queen now. I wouldn't want you leaving me alone for the bright lights and the sequin dresses because I called you 'beautiful'. 
Bradley: I won't be going anywhere. 


Ted: Woo! I do wish my wife was here to celebrate with us! 
Marsha: Were deed you goo, Teddy? 
Ted: I just walked over here, Marsha.

Marsha: O-key.
 Devra: Off the dance floor please! I need to perform my signature move. Please! 
Ted: We're moving. At least you said please, or else I'd be calling my lawyer. 

Devra: This performance is dedicated to Marsha Marshall, who is hosting this party tonight-
Marsha: Woohoo moi! 
 Devra: This is for you Marsha, for your lousy attempt to force us to wear the biggest fashion mistake in human history!

Marsha: Esh she seerious? She can't bee. White leggings are 'eautiful. 
Zara: No honey, they aren't. 
Marsha: You lie! 

Devra: We're not going to take this anymore, Marsha. You can't control what we wear, and you cannot control what we do! 
Marsha: Ew! Noooo. 
Devra: Dim the lights! 

Devra: *dances* The white legging must be stopped. 
Zara: For once I agree with the scum of this earth. 
Devra: Scum? I am a princess. You don't talk down to me. 

Clyde: Woo! Go Devra! 
TJ: You're the princess. You rule! 
Ted: Uh, Marsha. May I applaud her lovely dancing? 

Irma: I can compute. This scene is working properly and no bombs threaten the area-
Jamie: No bombs. Thank god. 
 Irma: I cannot connect to the internet. Irma does not understand why you thank 'god'. Which reality god is this or what is it? 
Jamie: It's an expression, silly. 

Marsha: Ewe threaten moi stage? You speak to moi, please. 
Devra: Would you like my thanks, Marsha? 
Marsha: No. 


Marsha: Can moi speak to you, Debra? 
Devra: It's Devra, Princess of the Eden Kingdom. 
Marsha: Yoo are no preenciss here. 

Devra: What would you like, Martha? Would you like to me hold a masterclass to teach you some true dance moves? 
Marsha: Moi cairn dince. I would leek to scream at yoo. 
Devra: Speak proper English, please. 

Marsha: I em speakeen prepper Engleesh! Don't ye questeen me! 
Devra: That is not proper-
Marsha: No! This is moi's partay! 

Devra: I am very sorry Marsha, but this does not feel very party-like. I do not see any exciting things happening, and you have no food! The music is pretty terrible, but I suppose you think it's the bees knees because you just hate everything that doesn't follow your way of life! 
Bradley: Dev-
Devra: No! She needs to hear this! 

Marsha: I can't beelive you hayte moi. 
Devra: Nobody said anything about hate, but okay. 
TJ: Well, there is this MM hate club thing-
Clyde: Not now, TJ. 

Devra: I don't think you need to beat yourself up about this, but I do believe you need to stop hating on me. 
Marsha: Hatting on you?
Devra: You've disliked me since I walked into this competition. 

Marsha: I'll shew you I 'ate ewe! 
Devra: That's not necessary. Please.
Marsha: No-

Devra: We're not gonna take it, Marsha. No we won't. 
TJ: No, we won't. This is between us and you, Marsha. 
Devra: Dance off time! 
(Play this for the following section) 

TJ: I know your powers of retention are as wet as a warthog's backside...
Jocelyn: But thick as you are, pay attention...
Ted: My words are a matter of pride. 

TJ: It's clear from your vacant expressions, the lights are not all on...
Devra: Upstairs. But we're talking kings and successions.
TJ:  Even you can't be caught unawares. 
Zara: So prepare for the chance of a lifetime. Be prepared for sensational news.
Jamie: A shining new era! 
Zara: Is tiptoeing nearer...

Marsha: But, ugh...and where do we feature? 
Zara: Just listen to teacher. I know it sounds sordid, but you won't be rewarded. 
Irma: When at last I am given my dues! And injustice deliciously squared...

Clyde: Be prepared!  
Marsha: Ye! Be prepared. Well be prepared. For wat? 
Jamie: For the death of a 'king'.

Bradley: Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected. 
Jocelyn: *wink* To take certain duties on board. 
Bradley: The future is littered prizes....

Marsha: And though I'm the main addressee-
Bradley: The point that I must emphasize is...
Ted: You won't get a sniff without me! 

Devra: So prepare for the coup of the century. Be prepared for the murkiest scum. 
Marsha: Meticulous planning, tenacity spanning. 
Greta: Wait- she knows those words? 
Devra: Decades of denial, is simply why I'll be queen undisputed... 

Devra: Respected, saluted...
Marsha: And seen for the wonder I am...
Devra: Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared! 

Ted: Be prepared! 
Marsha: Teddy! No, ewe cannot trussed 'em! 
Ted: I couldn't help it.

Devra and TJ: Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared-
Devra: Be prepared! 
Marsha: Moi is a bedder dincer than you are! I command a reepete! 

Irma: I suspect two lunatics about to cause chaos. Should disappear for safety reasons. 
 Bradley: You can disappear on cue! That's fun-
Jocelyn: Bradley, dance with me! 

Marsha: I went a re-dince-off! Now!
Devra: I'm sorry, but no. You lost. 
Marsha: We're noot gonna take eet- 

Devra: You know, Marsha, how about we don't talk to each other anymore and we just dance facing away from each other. 
Zara: What a good idea! 
Clyde: I do agree. 

Irma: I am now currently more interested in this debacle. I did realise it is very perfect for reality show drama and does create rating spikes. Drama equals ratings-
Jocelyn: Go Devra! I'd watch more of this! 
Jamie: I...uh, I want to...sleep please. I don't like...being forced to sing. 

Devra: You just continue dancing with your back to me and I'll dance with my back to you. We don't need to see each other and cause drama. 
Marsha: These is moi's partay house.
Devra: Tell me to leave then. 

TJ: You don't think they noticed us walk away? 
Jamie: I...doubt it. 
Clyde: I'd like to go home now. 
Bradley: We have the quiz soon, too. 

Zara: This party was pathetic-
Jocelyn: Take that back! Did you miss the impromptu group number that was awesomely thrown into a dance off? 
Zara: Oh that was a group music number. Oh, right. I thought you all fell off your rockers. 

Ted: Let's head home. M-
Irma: Leave them. They will find their way home on their own. 
Ted: Okay. Goodbye, Marsha's White Legging Disaster Party. 


Greta: Welcome back to the house! That was the party element of this episode, now we move onto the most important part. The Hunted Quiz. Once a week, the contestants will fill out a quiz that asks them a series of questions about the competition and the various antics of the house guests.

Greta: This week, however, there is a twist at play. This backpack holds the key to a twist that could potentially shift the focus of the game. Backpack, really Bart? 
Bartholomew: What? It was the only thing I could find that was black and had a skull on it in such short notice. 
Greta: I gave you a week, Bart.  

Greta: Whichever contestant can score highest on this 6-question quiz will earn the contents of this bag. What is this mystery twist and will its effects massively affect the gameplay. Who-
Bart: Nice one. 
Greta: Don't interrupt me! 

Greta: As I was saying, who will be the one to collect this twist bag and will they ultimately use it to their advantage. We will be right back after this short commercial break.


Voice: Tonight, after the fourth episode of Hunt or Be Hunted comes the third episode of A Talk With Reality Stars, a brand new television show acclaimed by critics for its ingenuity, boldness and overall excitement. Many are loving the appearances of London Howard and Grape Wisteria, for example, but tonight we have two guests who have never met. Tonight, we welcome Chandrika from Abnormality Season 4 and Dustin from Simvivor.  

 Chandrika: name is Chandrika. Some people call me the Brown Wolf. 
Dustin: That's quite a unique nickname. Some people hurl insults my way, but yours is better. 
Chandrika: Insults? At you? Wow.
  Chandrika: I supposed I'll tell you all that's happened. Just a couple of days after Abnormality, I helped out with a Challenge on Jetset. After that, I just returned home and contacted my already Evicted friends, Kyle and Gladys, and with the other people at home already. I'm used to being a bit of a loner, but I've started crawling out of her shell a bit more, and being on Abnormality has helped out as well. Like, there's this guy living in town with whom I can get along quite well.
Dustin: That's great news.  

Dustin: After Simvivor was cancelled for unknown reasons, my one year younger sister Sharon and I decided to go to university where she wanted to study sports and I wanted to study music, yeah you heard right. I discovered my musical talent. After this weird thing I had with Jupiter, I actually wanted to stay away from love, but the page turned when I first met my new roommate Leon Winter. It was love at first sight for both of us, I suppose. Then suddenly I found out that Leon had a ex-wife named Lily Mitchell, who was a well known violinist with royal blood. Unfortunately, she died in a horrible airplane accident. But her mother, La Grande Dame Serena Mitchell, who is also a famous pianist, kinda adopted her "step-son" also because his parents never could accept the fact that their son is gay, but after time his father could accept both of us together. At the same night, Leon proposed to me and, guess what, I said yes. Since Leon is the unofficial son of the Grande Dame, he is now known as Lèo de Winter, Duc d'Avignon, and because of his relationship with me, I'm now known as Dustin de Winter, Baron d'Avignon. We're living at the family palace in Avignon and we adopted two young strays, the dog Cookie and the cat Rollo. Our wedding will be in summer and it will be shown on TV, so I'll be on TV again soon.
Chandrika: You sure had a lot to say, didn't you?  

 Dustin: I can't believe so much has happened over such a small amount of time. 
Chandrika: A wedding? Congratulations are in order. I hope it's wonderful. 
Dustin: I hope so too.

Chandrika: I suppose my life hasn't been as busy and exciting as yours is right now. 
Dustin: No, don't say that! You hosted a challenge for Jetset! I love that show! Plus, you've escaped your comfort zone and you've met someone too. You have an exciting life ahead. 
Chandrika: I suppose I do. 


 Greta: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. Now, we will begin the quiz. If no one has any hidden idols-
Bartholomew: Wrong show, Greta. 
Greta: April Fools! 
All: That was like two weeks ago! 
Greta: Whatever. You got to have a party, I wanted to have fun. Could Jamie please make her way to complete the quiz. 

 Jamie: Hmm, question one. 
Greta: Question One is as follows: Which contestant scored the lowest in the most recent challenge, excluding Zara and TJ?

 Jamie: Uh....I don't know. Me?

 Zara: I cannot believe I didn't complete the challenge. That is rubbish. I won't complete this quiz either then. I'm on strike. 
Greta: So you want a strike? 
Zara: No, I'm on one.

 Ted: Moving on to question two then, it seems.

 Greta: Question two is as follows: which contestant scored a '2' on the previous quiz?
Ted: Interesting.

 Ted: I shall think about this very carefully, if that's okay with you. I'm not so sure about my current answer. 
Greta: There isn't a time limit, Ted.

 Irma: My option are Ted, Devra, Bradley, Marsha, TJ, and Zara. I cannot believe it, they did not include the name of Irma in this question. What a shame.

 Greta: Question three is: Did your 'hunter' mention the white legging party? For a few questions, we allowed the contestants to watch sections of the previous episode to find their answers. 
Clyde: Boy was that handy!

 Marsha: Moi mentshioned the party! Deed moi hunter? 
Greta: How am I supposed to know?

 Greta: Question four is: Greta Francis mentioned her favourite television show, Game of Thorns. What happens to Daeneriris Tarlilyen? 
Bradley: Ooh, I do know this one! Daeneriris can't die by dragons or fire! 

Greta: Question five is: Irma mentioned that one ‘is trapped’. Who is she referring to?
Jocelyn: Well, uh, I remember something about this woman named Lacey in a new film. She's...trapped in a tower. 

 Greta: Final question is: who is targeting you? Who is behind you every step you take. I'll be watching you. 
TJ: That's not creepy. I've finished my quiz, host lady. 

 Devra: I've finished my quiz, miss Greta. May I leave this terribly dark room now? 
Greta: You may. Thank you for your good work. 


Greta: I will reveal the results now.
Jamie: I do hope I scored highest again. 
Clyde: It would make my family so proud. 

 Greta: While we had a tie, I decided to choose our winner based on their score from the previous challenge. The twist will be given to....
Devra: Pick me. 
Jocelyn: Please pick me.

 Greta: One of two people! The highest scores of this quiz were......
TJ: Me and me. We know. 
Ted: Give some room for the oldie to win. 
TJ: What? You've won two challenge in a row. 

 Greta: Well, they aren't Zara! It's out of the other nine of you. 
Zara: Just hurry up and tell everyone. I know you hate me. I have more money than you ever will.
Greta: *cough* 'Cause 'Brada' can pay for that. *cough* 
Zara: I'm sorry, what? 

 Greta: The two highest scored contestants are....Marsha and TJ. However, due to the special twist, we cannot have a tie. This is a tough choice, as both finished with the exact same time, but.....


 Greta: Congratulations Marsha, you have earned the special twist backpack! 
Marsha: Woohoo! Moi is Killian eet. 
 Greta: Do not panic, TJ, you still did earn the normal weekly prize which point deduction from your name! Remember anyone can see me about whether their tally is high or low by asking me 'What is the current situation of my tally?', however only Jamie and TJ can deduct one point from their own tally. If anything is confusing, please talk to me about it. 

Greta: My name is Greta Francis, and this has been Episode Four: Be Prepared. When will the first official elimination occur? Who will advance to Round 2? Up next, continue watching live to see the drama unfold on A Talk With Reality Stars, where tonight Chandrika Sakhawaih and Dustin George discuss their lives after their respective shows. Then, later, Hunt or Be Hunted After Dark returns with the scandalous never-before-seen happenings after the White Legging party!  

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