Monday, April 4, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Three: What's This?

High Hopes Season 2: Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Three: What's This

Greta: Hello, and welcome back to Hunt or Be Hunted: The Second Season of the High Hopes. My name is Greta Francis, and no, I'm not one of the members of Abba. 
Fabio: Uh, what? 
Greta: Oh look, it's my favourite Garcia boy! How's things? 
Fabio: Well, uh, I think you forgot something.

Greta: Right! Since Martin Beebe left last episode, you had nobody to target. I'm afraid you're eliminated, Fabio.
Fabio: Well that's fun. 
Greta: It's been great having you here, but I believe it's time for you to leave.

Fabio: It's been a wonderful opportunity, Greta. I'll miss the house and the other contestants. 
Greta: We'll miss you. Fabio Garcia, you are the second contestant eliminated from Hunt or Be Hunted. 
Fabio: Goodbye, diary room. 

Fabio: Goodbye backyard. 
Greta: You don't have to-
Fabio: Goodbye door that reminds me of a beehive.

Fabio: Goodbye, house. 
Greta: Okay, that's enough. You can go now. 
Fabio: Can I though? Are you holding me back? 
Greta: No, I'm not. I will allow you to leave now. 

Fabio: Okay. Goodbye, Hunt or Be Hunted. 

Clyde: So what now? 
Devra: Don't ask me, genius. 
Ted: How about a friendly game of Charades? 
TJ: Charades? What are you, a grandpa? 

Zara: Notice that the Sabio kid is missing. Someone say he was murdered? 
Devra: That's awful! Guards! Send for someone to find his body! 
Zara: I don't think I want to see a dead body, princess. 
Bradley: Princess? Why don't you come and be my princess? 
Devra: Yuck! Go find someone of your own wealth class! 
Clyde: *laughs* Ah, young love. My daughter would love this. 
Jocelyn: Hey...congrats for winning the quiz point. 
Jamie: Hey, thanks. I thought I did terrible. I asked her three times how I did. 
Jocelyn: I'm glad it was you. 

Jamie: Thank you, Jocelyn. It means a lot.
Jocelyn: You can call me Jo if you'd like. We're friends, right? 
Jamie: I've never had many friends. 
Jocelyn: Do you like to sing? Maybe we can form a cover duo? 
Jamie: I don't really like singing. I'm not very good, is all. 
Jocelyn: I can teach you. It's fun. Ready? Clipped wings, I was a broken thing. Had a voice, had a voice but I could not sing. You go.
Jamie: I don't know. I don't know that song. 

Bradley: What you doing? 
 TJ: Who me? Working out. 
Bradley: Not you, you pumpkin. These ladies. *winks* 
Zara: Get away from me, you leech. 
TJ: Forget I was ever here. 

Marsha: Meh ish headean to teh kitcheen for an-otter videoeh! 
Devra: Can anyone ever understand that crazed lunatic? 
 Ted: I'm sure she has a speech impediment, Devra. Her childhood must've been tough, dear. 
Devra: Sure. 

Irma: System overload. Must recharge in bathroom. Be back to catch up soon. 
Zara: You won't miss much with these turnips. 
Clyde: Turnips? You think that's a nice insult for use? 

Zara: It isn't? Oh I'm sorry, Clyde Stoners. What a funny last name! 
Devra: Says you, De Ville! Is your mother Cruella? Are you the anti-Christ? 
Zara: What if I am? 
Bradley: Ladies, please. Calm down. 
*they fake smile* 

Jamie: Help. Please. 
Jocelyn: *singing* You would wind me down, I struggled on the ground. Join in, Jamie! 
Jamie: *screaming* LET ME OUT OF HERE! 

Jocelyn: What was that? *singing* So lost, the line had been crossed. I didn't hear you, can you repeat that? 
Jamie: I said I don't like singing! I don't! 
Jocelyn: Okay, I'll stop. 

Jamie: Thank you. I want to be prepared for the challenge. 
 Jocelyn: *creeping up from behind* Does my singing stress you out? 
Jamie: *screams* That does! Please no. 
Jocelyn: Oh, sorry. 

Jamie: I'm sorry, I don't like people too close to me. Respect my personal space, Jo. 
Jocelyn: Jamie, I'm sorry. I scared you and I apologized. I won't sing when I'm around you. 
Jamie: That would be nice. Or you could just not sing. 

TJ: One....Two....Three...
Greta: Having some trouble there, Thaddeus Junior? 
TJ: That is not my name and I'm in no trouble here. Ever thought about minding your own business? 
Greta: I'm only trying to be friendly, Ty Jermaine.
TJ: Ditching the 'Junior' part now are we? 
Greta: Why not? You might have just shortened your first and middle name. Or your first and last name? 
TJ: I'm not listening anymore, Francis. 

TJ: One hundred....One hundred and one....One hundred and two...
Greta: You can't tell me you did 97 in the time we were chatting. 
TJ: Oh go away.  


 Jocelyn: Jamie is strange, but so far she's the only contestant I've really bonded with. Back at the camp, one of the leaders told us counselors to care for those who need caring, and when I look at Jamie, I see a troubled girl who needs my help. Too bad she doesn't like my singing, most of the time that would help. I guess I'll try other methods. Are we allowed to have a call like in prison or this one of those 'cut off from the outside world' social challenges? No call? Oh fine.  
Greta: Some say this is even worse than prison because you have to compete for your safety. 
Jocelyn: They should change prisons to reality shows. I'd watch them. These people have no idea what they're up against. *music comes on* Don't need permission, made my decision, to test my limits..cause it's my business, God as my witness, start what I finished.  


Marsha: "Hello y'all, and welcome to the kiiiiitcheeeeennn... and here's Marsha Marshall, aka le moi again with a whole new braketrough and all, so if y'all would plies look down... Down, you silly camera woman, down..."

*Delphine the Camerawoman moves the camera down*

Marsha: "Yeah, just like that yes, ya silly sleepiehead. So, here's the braketrough: Me has deccided that white leggings are actually really cewl and cetera, so I have decided to bring them into the attention by doing a White Legging Party here tonight, where peeps only can come and party if they're wearing a white legging, so we'll have some funsies. Da idea is to put on some muses like Anita Meyer and then to do some peep bonding and all and to learn 'em a thing about the latest fashion. Like moi! So byyeeee!!! 




OH, And do not forget to brush the teethsies with the whip criem stuv! BYYYYEEEEEEE!!!!!!"
(Thank Vul for this wonderful DRE including video) 

Ted: Tell me what that racket is I'm hearing from this room! I mean, it's wonderful Marsha. 
Marsha: Eh, Teddington. What can meh der for ya? 
Delphine the Camerawoman: She's so annoying. Why couldn't I follow around someone like Lacey Hiatt?  

Ted: I wanted to talk to you, Marsha. I wanted to see how you are. Some of the other contestants aren't very welcoming to your...speech disorder. 
Marsha: Spec disorder? Moi is very very litter-ate.
Ted: It's okay, Marsha. I will help you be able to fit in with the younger, hipper people. 

Marsha: Querston merk? Moi is hip. 
Ted: You are very hip, Marsha, but the other contestants don't think so very much. If you didn't spend most of your time in this kitchen maybe they could like you a lot better? There's plenty of time. 
Marsha: Ewe tellin' meh to socititalitxise. 
Ted: I am...uh, telling you to socititalitixise. 

Marsha: Moi is dewing fine. 
Ted: I see. I'll be on my way then. I wouldn't mind sitting down and having a read before the competition. My brain's sensing a wordy challenge. 
Marsha: Ewe 'ave fun. 

Ted: I have an idea. Would you like to join me, Marsha? I think I'd enjoy a quiet moment reading alongside my newest friend in this house. If I can call you my friend? 
Marsha: Moi musst record the next video. 
Ted: Well, it's been nice having this conversation, Marsha. I've enjoyed sitting in this kitchen without needing to eat. 

Marsha: Cooking videooh!
Ted: That's what you'll do. Have fun in here then. Don't burn down the house. *laughs* Hehe. 
Marsha: Don't forgettte the White Legging partay! 
Ted: I don't own a white legging, Marsha. I don't believe I can come. 
Marsha: A shamm, Ted! Byyeeeeeee! 
Ted: I will see you later then, Marsha. Enjoy the cooking. 

Marsha: Oh, eh will! Don't forget to watch the teethies with orange juise! 
Ted: I would rather not, but keep up the positivism! 
 Delphine: I won't.
Ted: Goodbye, Marsha!  


Irma: zzz....Interesting dream-scape......zzzzz...Oh the finale.....zzzzz.....keep your hands and feet inside the boat at all times....zzzz...


Tiger: Hello and welcome back to the finale of High Hopes Season 1! Woo! Who's pumped to find out who our winner is? 
 Audience: We are! Woo! 
Tiger: What a crowd! And we're not even live! 
Audience: We love High Hopes! 

 Tiger: Okay, calm down. Behind these three doors are our final three, patiently waiting to see if they've won or not. Who does everyone want to win? 
Random Fan #1: Lacey! Lacey! 
Random Fan #2: Uh, I was hoping it would be Emerson. Very disappointed. 
Random Fan #1: He was evicted week 1, loser.

Tiger: Okay, Fan Number 1, calm down. This isn't a place of hate. Do I have to call Jordan and tell her to go ape on your family? I didn't think so. Anyway! Oh look it's Lacey! 
Lacey: Yeah it is. 

Tiger: There's the oldest contestant here, Sebastian! Still living and breathing? 
Sebastian: Uh. No. I think my heart is breaking....from waiting so long for this to end. 
Tiger: Okay, very funny. 

Tiger: My 'T' twin! How are you feeling right now, Thalia? 
Thalia: Kawii! You'll have to let me keep this dress, Tiger. Not like that time you didn't let me keep that chair. 
Tiger: One, that is your dress, and two, that is my chair. 
Thalia: Whatever. 


Tiger: For those who just checked in, this is High Hopes, a reality show that combines Big Brother and Survivor (look we have the rights again!) in a unique and game-changing experience! Throughout the season, we've experienced emotional moments, serious moments, the birth and destruction of friendships and alliances, and of course, the growth of our loving contestants. Please give a warm welcome to Emerson Vosal, Alice Lowe, Alexander Pike, Billie McGhee, Moira Duval, Matthew Booker and Brock N. Pileautte! 

All: Hello Tiger! 
Tiger: Welcome back, past contestants. As you can see, Alice slipped back into her 'persona' for tonight.
Alice: What do you mean, Tiger? It's me, Alice. 
Brock: I feel like I never left.  

Tiger: Billie McGhee! How have you been and what have you been up to? 
Billie: It's so nice of you to ask. I've been well, just hanging out with a few of my friends and some of these contestants. I signed up for a dating website because I felt like I wanted a change, and I'm seeing a guy named Myron now. Life has been swell since. 
Tiger: You enjoy that, Billie. Thank you for coming. 

Tiger: Alexander! Man, I've missed your antics on the show. How's your time out of the house been? 
Alexander: It's been interesting, Tiger. I've been enjoying the fame behind my name and I've even attended the opening premiere of The Simmaker with a fellow celebrity. 
Tiger: You could do that before, you are rich-
Alexander: It's different now, okay. 

Tiger: Emerson Vosal! It's nice to see you since it's been so long since your eviction. How is life? 
Emerson: Heartbreaking. My stalker girlfriend now fancies some guy named Cayn and I'm out of the picture. She claims he's 'good at mattress talk' and has a 'heart of mine.' I don't know how to combat that, sir. Other that that heartbreak, I auditioned for an upcoming movie called 'Captain Sim Nation: Plumbob War' but no news yet. 
Tiger: Hope you can cope. 

Tiger: Hello Brock! How's the world since you left us a few short days ago! 
Brock: Well, not much has happened. As you can guess, I haven't really had the time to do much with my life since, but I've been watching this show over and over to find where I went wrong. I'm rooting for Thalia to win. On other news, did you hear that Sims Reality All Stars is open for a second season? 
Tiger: There's another project for you to redeem yourself, I think. Thanks Brock. 

Tiger: Matthew Booker, welcome back. 
Matthew: Hello. As you can see, I am back and I am rooting for Lacey to win. Nothing has happened, Tiger, but I plan to move to Twikkii Islands next month for a job opportunity. Thanks. 
Tiger: Straight to the point, that's Matt. Thank you for coming. 

Tiger: Now that I'm comfortably seated, I will reveal the third place runner is High Hopes. This challenge has produced two three marvelous contestants. 
Random Fan #2: I heard the number two! You don't like one of them! 
Tiger: Don't be stupid! I love them all. 

Tiger: Moving on, the runner up with only 1 vote is......
Random Fan #1: It's Matt! It's Matt, isn't it? 
Matthew: Can it be me, please? 
Tiger: No. The third place person thing is.................

Tiger: Thalia Derse! 
Thalia: I only came third. Really internet?! 
Tiger: You should be thanking the other contestants. 

Thalia: Oh my god I'm yellow. Yay.
Tiger: You're the second runner up, Thalia. Please take the bronze seat. 
Thalia: Is the medal a chair now? Cool. Cool cool. 

Tiger: Please don't actually take the chair. 
Thalia: I'm not stupid, Tiger. Dammit. I want that chair.
 Tiger: Good, now sit down and enjoy the show because coming up next we will reveal the winner and the runner up!

Tiger: Who will be declared the winner? Who will not? Will it be Lacey Hiatt or Sebastian Rogers? Find out-
Thalia: After this after this short ad break. 
Tiger: No, Thalia. No. 
Thalia: Don't patronize me. 

Tiger: Let's move on. Tonight, we're doing things differently. Next, we'll reveal the runner up and leave the winner alone in their room, unaware that they won. The contestants cannot hear us, so therefore are only told to leave their room when the camera people are told to tell them. The winner will just be waiting. 
Moira: Just get it over with. 
Tiger: The runner up is.........

Tiger: Lacey Hiatt! 
Lacey: Are you serious, Mr Blu? I didn't win. *cries* I'll be a minute, please save my winner's seat.
Thalia: Your what seat? 
Lacey: I said save my seat. Just my seat. 

Emerson: Is that an angel? 
Matthew: She's my angel. Back off. 
Lacey: I'm my own angel, Matty. *spins* Nobody owns me. 
Emerson: If she ever breaks up with you for your open mouth, ask her to call me. 

Tiger: Please sit down, Lacey. 
Lacey: Okay. *walks diagonally*
Tiger: You didn't want to walk the red carpet? 
Lacey: I know it's fake. It makes me miserable. 

Tiger: That's harsh. It's carpet and it's red. It made me extremely happy when I bought it.
Lacey: Well I didn't win. So there. You think losers walk the red carpet-
Tiger: What about nominees who don't win? 
Lacey: Do you see them walking the red carpet again? My point exactly. 

Lacey: Just going to sit right here, thank you. 
Tiger: Oh no you don't. 
Lacey: But- Okay, fine. I'll go cry in the old silver chair in the corner then. 
Tiger: That is the plan. 

Lacey: I don't exactly enjoy this chair and I'm upset about this so-called winner-
Tiger: The winner is.........
Lacey: It's no surprise. 

Tiger: Sebastian Rogers, here he is! Congratulations! Please don't die yet. 
Sebastian: I won? What a surprise. 
Tiger: Apparently two people thought you were worth voting for. 

Sebastian: Thank you for nothing, young people. I assume I'll be taking the money now. 
Tiger: Sit down first and we'll discuss everything with all of you. I have some good news and some bad news. What would you like first? 
Sebastian: Money? 

Tiger: Okay, so good news first. The good news is...we've been renewed for another season which means that the ratings for this season were high enough to gain another season. I'm calling it.......Hunt or Be Hunted, and you will find out later why. 
Thalia: The bad news? Please. 
Lacey: Why don't I get confetti? 
Tiger: Okay, the bad news is...there is no prize. Instead, the three of you will be meeting with me later tonight to discuss the future. 

Alexander: No prize money? Are you kidding me? I competed for nothing. 
Tiger: Oh shush, you're rich. 
Alexander: If I had won, I would have liked something in return. 

Brock: Uh, so mad. 'Discuss the future,' what do you mean? 
Matthew: I think it means they'll talk about what's to come. 
Alice: Time is irrelevant as time is a man. 
Alexander: What did she just say? 

*a sound from the distance is heard* 


Tiger: Wait, has the light always been there? 
Thalia: Has there always been no prize? Probably yes. 
Tiger: Can we move on and discuss that pink light? 
Lacey: Oh yeah, sure. 

Stella: Hey everyone! It's me! 
Lacey: Oh my lord. Why is she here? 
Matthew: That's your sister, isn't it? She looks exactly like you. 

Stella: Aren't you glad I made it, Stella? 
Brock: Wait, isn't her name Stella.
Matthew: Lacey? I'm confused. 

*rips off dress* 
The Real Lacey: I wanted to have this whole act where I pretended to be you, Stella, but I couldn't help it. I can't help wanting to wear this beautiful dress on live television. 
Matthew: You're Lacey? Now I'm upset. 
Tiger: I'm not. This is quite exciting.

The Real Stella: I'm so happy you're here, Lacey. I know you, and I'm glad you could make it. Thank you. 

Lacey: No, thank you. You pretended to be me for this whole competition and I'm grateful for that. You're the best sister a girl could ask for. 
Billie: Aww, so cute. 
Tiger: I know right! I love this. 

Stella: I only did this to prove myself to you. You always insulted me as a child and I thought I was a nothing. Every decision I made you would tell me I chose wrong. I wanted to be better. 
Lacey: You did and you are. I thought you'd ruin my name but you made it so much stronger. Thank you. 

Stella: I enjoyed this so much, Lacey. I enjoyed every moment here. The challenges, the voting, the contestants. All of it. So thank you for allowing me to compete in this. 
Lacey: I allowed you to compete because I didn't want to because I was selfish. I wanted to be free and have fun yet still showcase my name across the world even further. Now, I realise this competition helped you even more. 

Stella: Please just hug me right now. 
Lacey: Uh, yes, of course.
*they hug* 
Thalia: Oh my so adorable. Shall I say kawii?  

Lacey: Now go change! You don't have to dress like me anymore if you don't want to. You have your own style. 
Stella: Thank you, Lacey, but like you, I came prepared. 
*rips off dress* 
Tiger: How come both of you had tear-away clothing? 
Stella: Don't question us, Tiger.

Lacey: Ladies and gentlemen, the Hiatt twins. Lacey and Stella Hiatt. 
Stella: The best twin sisters in the whole world. 
Lacey: The whole truth and nothing but the truth. 

Matthew: Hold up. I want to talk to La-Stella. I want to talk to Stella, please. 
Lacey: I'll be over here if you need me. 
Stella: I can handle him on my own.
Lacey: Good luck. 

Matthew: So, you've been lying to me this whole time. Stella. 
Stella: I'm sorry, but I didn't want to blow my cover. 
Matthew: But you'd destroy my heart in the process? 

Stella: I didn't destroy you heart-
Matthew: I thought I was in love with Lacey Hiatt! 
Stella: You were, but it was me inside! 

Matthew: You tricked me into loving someone by pretending to be them! You lied to me! 
Stella: You loved me! I love you! Can't you see that in the end you loved me anyway? 
 Matthew: You're using past tense.

Stella: Look, I'm sorry I damaged your ego but what was between us was entirely real, Matty. 
Matthew: Are you serious? 
Stella: Matt, everything we said to each other in the house was genuine, wasn't it? I said how I felt about you, and I expected the same back. 

Lacey: I've gotta break this up and set him straight.
Matthew: Genuine? You lied to me the whole time and I'm supposed to respect that you felt everything I felt. At least I know you didn't lie about liking me. 
Stella: Stop using past tense! We're here right now! 

Lacey: Listen, you potato, my sister is one of the many important people in my life- excluding my parents, my manager and my cat, Sneezes. She deserves someone perfect in her life, and so if you hurt her today you'll regret it because she'll find someone else. You'll hate yourself for letting her go. 
Emerson: Yeah, you tomato! 

Matthew: Look, I was attracted to you, Lacey. I always was. I thought it was you and so I was over the moon when we began to fall in love, but I hate that she lied to me. 
Stella: You're attracted to my sister? 
Matthew: Look, you're identical, okay! 

Lacey: Please, please, please. Just forgive her and be together. She was only covering for me, and I'm sorry for the lies. You met her now and you fell for her. Not me. Give Stella another chance. Call me if it doesn't work out. 
Stella: Lacey! I heard that! 

Matthew: I can't stay mad at you. I love you, baby. 
Stella: I love you too, and I'm sorry for the lying, and the yelling. 
Matthew: How about we forget about that and run away together? 
Stella: Sure. 

Lacey: Since I helped save the day and it was my name involved in this finale, I'll be sitting down in the silver chair tonight. 
Stella: I want to sit next to Matty anyway. 
Tiger: I suppose I can't complain if you just sit down. Just know the prize-

Lacey: I will let my sister have the prize. She deserves it for all that she has done to make it this far in the competition.
Stella: Aw, Lacey! Thank you so much for everything. 
Lacey: You are most certainly welcome. Who knows, maybe I'll grace the screens once more? Can I say, blockbuster movie?

Brock: Thalia? I wanted to talk to you since my eviction. 
 Thalia: Yes, Brock N.
Brock: I wanted to say that you should have eliminated this old guy. Look at what happened now.
Thalia: Is that everything? 

Brock: No. I would like to confess that I haven't always felt this way about you, Thalia, but my time away from you has changed my opinion of you. 
Thalia: What, you realised how amazingly talented and wonderful I am? 
Brock: Exactly. I realised you, Thalia Derse, are an amazing human being and you should have everything you dream. 

Thalia: What are you saying, Brockie? You want to be with me? 
Brock: Ever since I met you I thought you were something special, Thalia. I thought you were different because you don't dress like all the other girls but as it turns out, you're a lot better than them, because you're not frustrating and you're not useless. You're Thalia Derse. 
Thalia: Aw, Brock. 

*gets on one knee* 
Brock: Thalia Derse-
Thalia: Oh my god. Oh. my. god.  
Brock: Thalia Derse, I've been thinking for so long that I want to change with you. I heard that you wanted to ask me out and now I want to give back to you. All of my life I've been daring the world to dream bigger and bigger so I could reach for the stars to find something I love, but she's been on earth all along.  

Thalia: Brock, I couldn't be happier. 
Brock: *fumbles with box* You don't have to say anything yet. You only need to look into my eyes and tell me one thing. 
Tiger: Well this is one exciting finale. 
Lacey: I know right.  

Brock: Thalia Derse, the one in my life I'm truly grateful for, will you marry me? 
Thalia: I....I...that ring is so beautiful. 
Brock: Say yes, Thalia. 
Stella: Say I do! 

Alexander: Wow, that was fast. 
Billie: You're just jealous because he didn't propose to you. 
Alexander: That was one time!
Moira: I would like something fun to happen to me tonight. Everyone's marrying or falling in love over and over again, and I'm here. Alone and dying inside. 
 Emerson: We get it, you're weird and nobody loves you. Now shush. I'm waiting for her decision. 
Moira: Okay, calm down. I can be sad if I want to be. 

Stella: Can you drop down on one knee and propose to me please, Matty? 
Matthew: Maybe in a couple years when we're not on live television and so many people are watching us. 
Stella: Is that a promise? Can you promise me it'll happen? 
Matthew: I promise, Stella. I promise. 

Brock: So, will you marry me? I promise a happy life together and children to care for. Will you accept that? 
Thalia: Of course! Of course! Yes, yes, one hundred times yes! 
Brock: Thank you, Thalia. I'm so happy that you said yes. Take this ring. 
*she takes the ring* 

Thalia: I can't wait to plan for this wedding. I'm so glad you finally opened your eyes, Brock. You finally noticed your one love has been here all along. 
Brock: I'm glad you're happy, Thalia. I can't wait to see you walking down that aisle in a white dress- or it can be a colourful dress, if you'd like. I can't wait to see you smile and then I'll smile and we'll smile together. 
Thalia: I wish I won so this night would be perfect. 

Sebastian: I'm sitting right here, Thalia Derse. 
Thalia: I'm not blind, you banana. Haha, that's funny. 'Cause you're sitting in the golden chair...oh no...I want the golden chair.
Sebastian: You can't have it, ma'am. Find your own golden chair to take. 
Thalia: Guess what? I will. 

Tiger: We'll be right back to highlight the greatest moments of the season and interview the final three about their experience in High Hopes! 
 Billie: This is fun. How about another finale tomorrow night?
Alexander: You're such a strange human being. How about no? 
Tiger: We'll be right back!


Irma: No you won't. No ad break yet. 
Tiger: Who are you? How did you get inside? 
Irma: I am Irma Roboot, and I am in charge of Reality Show Production and Stability. I am hereby destroying your production and evicting you all from the house. 

Lacey: I think this woman is responsible for a lot of things, Mr Host. 
Tiger: Such as? 
Lacey: Well, I don't know much but she said she's in charge of production and stability, which probably means she has some control over this reality show. 
 Sebastian: Since when did you become smart? 
Lacey: Sometimes I become my twin sister. 

Irma: The pink-haired girl is correct, I am in control of this reality show. This finale is officially finished for tonight, however tomorrow night you may interview the final three. I must control this situation. 
Moira: Who are you to burst in here and take control? 
Irma: My name is Irma Roboot-
 Tiger: We know your name, and Moira you don't need to yell at her. Please continue, Irma.

Irma: I was programmed-
*she clutches at her stomach* 
Tiger: Are you okay? 
Stella: Call an ambulance!  

*she collapses* 

Matthew: Is she okay? 
Tiger: Has someone called an ambulance? 
Thalia: She's a robot. She's only experiencing a malfunction. 
 Sebastian: How do you know? 
Irma: Ugh. System overload. 

Sebastian: You are right, Thalia. 
Thalia: I am? Tonight is such a night. 
Tiger: What a disaster! 

*the power cuts off* 
Tiger: Isn't this just dandy? 
Lacey: At least we can still somewhat see each other. 
Alexander: I can see you. 
Stella: Ew, leave my sister alone. 
Tiger: I guess that concludes High Hopes Season 1. See you next time when we return for Season 2, Hunt or Be Hunted. I'm your host, Tiger Blu, signing off. 


 Irma: System corruption...oh no....must cleanse self.

 Irma: Must forget involvement with the finale. Must confess tragedy and move forward. Cannot dream further.

Irma: Will discuss the whereabouts of those sims later. No clue what happened to most of them. Some have moved forward. One is trapped. 
Greta: Do you need assistance? You sound troubled, Irma? 
Irma: *clutches stomach* It was the old guy. He won. 


 TJ: I've never noticed that sunflower painting before. 

 Bradley: It's always been there, dude. Are you blind? 
TJ: Glad you didn't hit on me; you could have called me a sunflower. 
Bradley: Why would I do that?

 TJ: I assume you didn't call me in here to yell at me or insult me for not being a precious woman, so spill the beans, dude. 
 Bradley: Precious woman? Does she like long walks on the beach? 
TJ: We gonna play Foosball? 

 Bradley: Okay, sure thing bro. 
TJ: Is everything okay, man? You seem nervous or afraid? I ain't gonna bite. 
Bradley: No, nothing is wrong. 

 TJ: You ain't dropping the ball. Something's up. 
Bradley: I'll drop the ball. I'll drop it. 
TJ: Okay, good. This must be the first time you're not hitting on a girl.

*drops ball* 
Bradley: There are no ladies in this room, man. 
TJ: Hey look it's Jocelyn! 
Bradley: Where? I can't see that babe.
TJ: I was kidding, but now I have a question to ask you.  

 Bradley: Hit me, one more time. 
TJ: Nice save there, man. I think I know why you called me in here. You like Jocelyn, don't you? 
Bradley: You lie! TJ, why do you lie? It's obvious I fancy all the ladies.
 TJ: But you like Jocelyn, because every time she enters the room you light up like a freakin' Christmas tree. 
Bradley: I'm going to beat you! I've nearly scored twice! 
TJ: Stop dodging the conversation and the ball when it comes close to your goal! 
Bradley: Huh? 

 TJ: I know you're pretty much a walking, talking and flirting dating website but sometime you're going to have to climb off your high horse and find someone to love. 
Marsha: Did someone mentchia mah love JB? 
TJ: No, we didn't Marsha.

 Bradley: I know. Okay? I just want to flirt with all the ladies in this house, and see where I can find some lovin'. 
TJ: I seriously am questioning why I am giving you advice, but oh well. 

 Bradley: You're a good bro, man. I couldn't have found anyone better to hang out with in this house. There's so little men in this house. 
TJ: Ted is older; he's too nice. Same for Clyde, and then it leaves the two of us. 
Bradley: Martin was weird. Fabio liked family.  
TJ: You don't want to settle down?  

 Bradley: That's not what I said. I just don't think I'd be that interested in a family before I even had one. 
TJ: Some people live for children, dude. I don't see the point.

 TJ: So you'll talk to Jocelyn after the challenge then? 
Bradley: Uh, maybe, bro. 
TJ: If you don't, I will. 

Bradley: The bro code, man! Oh, sorry. Looks like I just scored again. I'm winning. 
TJ: Of course you are! Are you attending that white legging party or whatever it is Marsha keeps mentioning to everyone? 
Bradley: I don't have white leggings. 

 TJ: Nobody does! They're a fashion nightmare, not that I know what that is. 
Bradley: I have grey jeans, does that work? She won't notice if we all just don't show up, will she? 
TJ: I'm sure she'll notice, but she won't let us in without that white legging thing. 

 Bradley: Too many women to please. 
TJ: You got that right. 
Bradley: Guess I'll go get ready for the challenge.


 Devra: So far, no guards. Which is a very uncalled for injustice, might I say. I thought my title as princess would transfer over to this show and they'd realise they had royalty here. I am the princess of my own kingdom. What am I here for again? One of the other contestants told me to come in this room and now you just jumped on me. 
Greta: And how does this make you feel? 
Devra: If I wanted to book for a therapy session, I would have. Good day.  


 Greta: After this short ad break, we'll be back for the second challenge of the season as the contestants put their minds to the test in a game of Scattergories. Which contestant will plunder and which contestant will perish? We should have a pirate themed challenge this season! Why hadn't I thought of this? We'll be right back. 


Voice: Tonight, after the third episode of Hunt or Be Hunted- a reality show the whole world is talking about- is the second episode of A Talk With Reality Stars. Tonight, two beloved stars- one known for her first boot in The Mole and the other known for competing in both The Locomotive Season 2 and Sims Reality All Stars- discuss their life after their reality shows.

 Grape: It's wonderful to see you again, Caren. I hope you find another reality show to compete on
Caren: Grape! It's a pleasure. However, I doubt I'll be returning to the reality show world any time soon. 
Grape: Why's that? 

 Caren: As you know, I had quite the stint on High Hopes as a guest host, and that alone was enough to help end my reality show career. I realised at the end I'm a very closed person, and showcasing who I am to the world isn't me. I guess I realised I wanted to move away and spend some time alone to figure out what is best for me moving forward. My music career was my focus until I joined The Mole, but I can't see myself doing that anymore. Speaking of the Mole, the new season is very great and I think I am rooting for the girls. 
Grape: I did tune in to that, and I do love my girl Isabelle.

Grape: Life has been...different since I left my stint on High Hopes. For starters, I found a new job at a studio without worrying about a potential killer involved. Our current project involves the Lacey Hiatt. Not her sister from last season. The movie is about a this troubled woman who finds out she's been held prisoner by this evil woman who has pretended to be her mother. Anyway, as for my personal wife and I are expecting! Good news, isn't it? 
Caren: That's wonderful news. I can't wait to meet the little baby of yours.

 Grape: I'd be happy for you to be its godmother, Caren. However, my parents may not be happy that a vanilla is the godmother. 
Caren: So what if I'm a vanilla and you're a berry? We're friends. 
Grape: Exactly. Do you know who needs to appear on this show? Diane White. 
Caren: She's killing it on Jetset. 

 Grape: Say Grape's purple baby! 
Caren: Grape's purple baby! Hehe. 
Grape: That one will be going into the baby's scrapbook.

 Caren: I'll miss you, Grape, but you have a good life. You fill your life with happiness, joy, and everything nice. Treat your wife right and spoil that baby.
Grape: I will, definitely. I will miss you so much, Caren. Maybe you'll flick on your TV one day and you'll see me again. I know you'll smile. 
Caren: I'll always be smiling.  


Greta: Welcome back to Hunt or Be Hunted. Now, we will begin the second challenge. In this challenge, titled "Scatter the 'Gories", will see the contestants compete in three rounds of Scattergories. The answers will be determined by the contestants.  

 Greta: The winner will be determined by the amount of 'correct' answers a contestant earns. Contestants earn correct answers by having unique answers. Unique answers are answers that none of the other contestants have answered with.

 Greta: If two or more contestants have the same answer, they do not score the point for that particular question. The points are the same as last week; the winner will earn three points, the second place will win two points, and third place will win one point.

Greta: Here the contestants come now. 

 Greta: Contestants, this is the second challenge. Due to the previous challenge, Ted, Jamie, Irma and Jocelyn have points which have been added to their targets. In this challenge, you again have an opportunity to add points to your target.

 Greta: You may begin......NOW! 
Jamie: Oh no. 
Ted: I do enjoy a game of board. 
TJ: "I do enjoy a game of board"
Jocelyn: TJ, stop it.

 Bradley: Hmm, Famous Females? I do love them. 
Greta: Just answer the topics. 
Bradley: Jessica Alba! Olivia Wilde! 

 Devra: Not that I'm afraid of them, but someone could be afraid of horses. 
Greta: Good. 
Devra: I like jumping in puddles when it rains. 
Clyde: Me too! 

 Jocelyn: Once I ordered a cheese pizza but there was pepperoni on it. That's pretty scary. 
Greta: That's quite specific. Are you sure people are afraid of that? 
Jocelyn: Well, I am. 

 Irma: *fills in answers silently* 
Greta: No response? 
Irma: I can't let the others know the correct answers.

 Marsha: Moi kners this one! Herbology! 
Greta: Interesting. 
Marsha: I think I'd go to the Jetset Finale Location for a cruise. 
Greta: Do you know where it is? Is this a hint, Marsha? 
Marsha: I kner it's sumwhere in these world. 

 Ted: Did you know some people are afraid of.....outer space? 
Greta: For a moment I thought you were going to say your other answers. 
Ted: Never on television in front of children. I am a man of dignity.

 Zara: I'm stumped. I have no idea. 
Greta: Sure you do. Keep going. 
Zara: Oh wait! I know famous females. 

 Jamie: Oprah Winfrey is pretty famous. I once heard about her from this old guy down the street. Isn't she dead? 
Greta: No, no she's not. 
Jamie: Oh well. You wouldn't know what a 'comedy' movie is, would you? 
Greta: You need to get out more. 

 TJ: I can't seem to finish this challenge. I'll keep trying, maybe it's that Greta's fault. 
Greta: What? Not my fault you're a rude man. 
TJ: Rude man? How about no. 
Greta: Just finish the challenge and I'll give you ice cream.

 Greta: The contestants continue with the challenge. Most are going very well. 
Bradley: I heard this fairy-tale called Jorinda and Joringel. 
Zara: I'm pulling a blank for most of these. 

 Devra: I am positive there are objects at a circus. 
Clyde: Mostly I hope it'll stop raining when it is raining. 
Jocelyn: Personally, I hit the books. 
Jamie: What did those books do to you, Jo?

 Ted: I assume there's joy and occults in fairy tales. 
Irma: You'd assume correct. Do not forget ogres and Jack. 
Marsha: Moi always sees eld ladees. 
Irma: She means 'old ladies'. 

 Greta: Half of the contestants are finished. The other half are close to the end of the topics. Once they are complete, our producers will calculate the results.

Irma: Hmm...owl sounds. I mean, owls hooting. Harp noises. 
Greta: You're nearly finished. Keep going. 
Irma: Keep going. Gong. Gonging. Order takeaway. 
Greta: Yep, okay.  

 Greta: Only one contestant needs to finish the challenge. Irma? 
Jocelyn: Hurry up Irma! I need to win. 
TJ: Someone's excited. Brad? 
Bradley: I'm finished, man. 
 Greta: Irma, you haven't finished. 
Irma: I need to clear my clogged brain. Writer's block. 
Greta: Shouldn't you be able to finish?

Irma: I need to clear my mind. I will finish in four hours. 
Greta: Do we have to wait four hours for you? 
Irma: Yes, or else I will sue. Let me clear this writer's block. 
 Greta: You weren't writing. This is a challenge. 

 Irma: I need some fresh air to clear the system. I will return in a moment. 
Greta: Don't you dare interrupt me while I watch Game of Thorns. 
Irma: I will sue you if you do not allow this break.

 Irma: Do you want me to spoil the ending? She-
Greta: Oh my god you're there! Jesus. Go back inside. 
Irma: I will sue-
Greta: You know you won't. Now return and finish the challenge so I can finish this episode and find out what happens to Daeneriris Tarlilyen. 

 Irma: I will return and I will not sue. I will finish the challenge and I will return to sanctuary. 
Greta: Thank you. *gasps* Oh no! That's a field of fiery roses, stop! 

 Marsha: Irma re-tonnes! Yippee! 
TJ: Yes, very excited. 
Zara: These blue walls are so depressing. 

Irma: Must concentrate and finish for Miss Greta. She may sue. Joke about Weather. 
Greta: Only one topic left, Irma. 
Irma: I am willing to complete it.  

 Irma: Funny movies. Oh no. Power shortage incoming. Finish with speed. Happy Feet. Johnny English. Open Season. Complete. 
Greta: Thank you! Everyone is finished. Congratulations. 
Irma: So proud. 

 Greta: The contestants have finished. Now, the producers and myself will pick through each complete book and find copy answers and unique answers to determine the winner. The contestants may return to the house and discuss their answers with each other. 


Greta: The contestant with the highest points is......two contestants once again. These contestants both scored 18 points and they are.....

 Greta: Devra Eden! Congratulations!
Devra: It is about time I won. I thought I did terrific job in that challenge. 
Greta: However, you are not the only winner. The other contestant to share the 18 point win is.....


 Greta: Ted! Well done for your two in a row win! You've earned it. 
Ted: Why thank you, wonderful hostess! I will cherish this moment forever. 
 Greta: There's our winner, however we also have a second place and a third place. They are.......


 Greta: Bradley! Good job on earning those two whole points! They will help you. 
Bradley: Why thank you. Once again, you look lovely tonight. 
Greta: Cut it out, you mushroom. You can't flirt with me. Anyway, scoring third is.......

 Greta: Irma! Seems your break back there did indeed help you score one extra point to your tally. Bravo.
Irma: I knew taking a moment would affect my stability. 
Greta: For better or worse, we will never know.  

 Greta: My name is Greta Francis, and this has been the third episode of Hunt or Be Hunted, the second season of High Hopes. Tonight's episode has been titled "What's This" and is proudly brought you to by SlamNow, the revolutionary duster and wiper made to change the way you slam the dirt and grime away. Up next, A Talk With Reality Stars return, and then for the very first time, the premiere of the family movie, Bernice and the Rodents: A Very Disturbed Peaceful Night Sleep. Tune in next time
 Production Guy: You want me to keep all of that? 
Greta: Yes, Bartholomew.  


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