Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Hunt or Be Hunted Episode Ten: Bella Notte

High Hopes Season 2: Hunt or Be Hunted, Episode Ten: Bella Notte

Greta: Why are we shooting today? Don't you know how I feel? 
Bart: Yes, you finished watching Game of Thorns. We know. 
Greta: No, you don't know.
Bart: Come on

Greta: Fine, I'm coming. What do we have planned again?
Bart: Wait...you don't want to say hello? 
Greta: Oh right. Hello, I'm Greta Francis and welcome back to Hunt or Be Hunted. Tonight is special.


Irma: Am I hearing this correctly, sir Bradley? 
You are asking for an alliance with yours truly? 
Bradley: Yes. Red heads unite and win. 
Irma: You sure? This is a wig, sir. 

Bradley: Right, the robot thing. I forget. At least they chose to give you red hair. 
Irma: My choice, in fact. Don't I suit it? 
Bradley: Yes, indeed. So? 

Bradley: Neither of us know what will happen in this competition next round. 
I doubt it will be a repeat of Round One, especially with the hype. 
Irma: So, if I agree to work with you, we can be safe with each other? 
Bradley: Exactly. 

Irma: I've studied reality shows my entire existence. So, one year. 
But, I do know how they function. I can help you. 
Bradley: You certainly can. What will it be? 
Irma: Uh...I...am...processing this. 

Bradley: You can have as much as needed. I do want to know before the next competition, though. 
Irma: I...I will help you, Bradley! 
Bradley: Woohoo! 
Irma: Keep that filthy language in the streets, boy. 


Ted: *yawning* What a...beautiful morning.


Clyde: Can this be the unofficial diary room for this house? Okay. 
Uh, I made the final five. I still cannot believe it. I just...I've loved this experience to the moon and back, and I am very grateful for the opportunity to come here.  
Cameraman Joe: Are you excited for the rest of the game? 
Clyde: Excited? Nervous, really. Who knows what'll happen. 

Greta: HOUSEGUESTS! Wake the hell up.
 Bart: Most of them are awake, Greta. 
Greta: Most is not all, Bart! Wake 'em! 

Bart: Calm down, okay? Today is an exciting day. 
Be happy. 
Greta: *changing* I am happy. Why wouldn't I be? 
Bart: I'm partially deaf because of you. 
Greta: That ain't because of me, honey. 


Ted: *from afar* Good-morning there! 
Who is that? 
Clyde: It's me, Clyde. Good morning, Ted. 

Ted: How was your sleep, Clyde? I promise it was better? 
Clyde: I've been sleeping fine, but thank you for asking. 
Ted: I was only asking, Clyde.
Clyde: I know. It's just...people have been asking too often. 

Ted: Irma's been asking, huh? She's very dear to her....I cannot for the life of me remember their relation. Her name is Isna. Has she mentioned her? 
Clyde: Yes. In fact, Irma contacted her when I couldn't sleep. 
Ted: Then, I understand why you are angering towards the question. 
My apologies, Clyde. 

Clyde: It's fine, really. I'm glad you were concerned too. 
Ted: You must be wondering what will happen now too? 
Clyde: That too. I was actually wondering...where is Devra? 


Devra: Good morning world! 
Cameraman Joe: You're awfully chirpy today! 
Devra: Indeed I am. It's so sunny! 

Devra: Anywho, I need to pee! No peeking, Joe! 
Joe: Trust me, I'd rather not. 
Devra: What does that mean? 
Joe: I'm not...attracted to women, at all. Sorry.


Bradley: So, that's my plan. You think you can handle that, robot? 
Irma: I memorized your plan the moment you finished speaking. 
Bring it on. 
Bradley: Well, that must be helpful. 
Irma: Very. 

Greta: Thank god! Someone finally answered me! 
Bart: What? Oh right, someone's coming down the stairs. 
Greta: Finally. No one else does. 

Ted: Greta! Oh, goodness. Were you expecting us? 
My apologies. 
Greta: Could you...possibly tell the others? 
Ted: Sure, host. 
Greta: Thank you. 


Devra: What is happening here then? 
I couldn't even complete my make-up. 
Clyde: Greta has an important news. 
Bradley: Important? Like, for Round Two? 
Irma: Perhaps. 

Greta: Good morning, contestants. You have seven hours to prepare. 
Ted: Prepare for what exactly, miss? 
Greta: For an evening out. With surprises. 
Devra: Lousy ones, I bet. 


 *Later that Day*

Bradley: We made it. This room...it feels familiar. 
Devra: I told you it would be tacky. I don't see an expensive jewel anywhere. 
Irma: I can sense familiar DNA in the area. 
Clyde: Is this the same party room as Marsha's? 

Greta: *over the speaker* Contestants! The surprises are coming! 
Devra, wait by the fountain. 
 Devra: Thank the maker! For a moment, I thought you'd push me towards the popcorn machine. 
Greta: Never! 

Irma: This...this sectional sofa...amazing. 
Greta: Your surprise will be coming soon, just sit tight. 
Irma: Why can I sense that my surprise is a familiar face? 

Bradley: Can you, maybe, speed these things up? 
Greta: You'll be glad you waited, Bradley. I promise. 
Bradley: You better not prank me. 


Greta: The first surprise is about to arrive. 
Who, or what, will it be? Will the contestant be happy? 
Or not? We will see....

Abigail: Dad? 
Clyde: Abi...is that you? 
Abigail: It is me, Dad. 
Greta: Please welcome Guest #1, Abigail Stoners! 

Clyde: I am...literally speechless. My daughter, here to see me. Thank you so very much...for all of this. Bringing her here, letting me see her smiling face once more. I am a very happy father right now.

Clyde: Hey, Abi. 
Abigail: Daddy! I've been watching you on the TV! You're doing great, Dad. 
My friends are jealous that their dads aren't on TV. 
Clyde: I am grateful to make it this far, Abi. I'm glad you watch this show. 

Abigail: Of course I watch this, Dad! You're amazing! 
I love you. I hope you win. 
Clyde: I hope I win too. I love you, my precious angel. 
Abigail: Dad! Not on live TV! 


Greta: It is time for Guest #2. Who is this? 
High heels...who could it be? Someone's....what? 


Isna: Irma? I came to see you. 
Greta: Please welcome our second guest, Isna Roboot. 
Isna: I am here for family. I will not be serving anyone today. 

Irma: Isna! You came to see me! I am very glad. 
Isna: Of course I came! I love you like a sister. 
However, for once, I must admit I look nicer than you. 
Irma: Keep lying to yourself, Is. 

Isna: I've enjoyed watching, Irma. I bet you'll win. 
Irma: Have you spoken with the professor? 
Isna: Do not worry about him right now, Irma. 


Greta: Give a warm welcome to the third guest for tonight...


Debby: What am I doing here? Ted? 
Greta: Debby! She is Guest #3. The audience may recognise her for the hit reality show, Zero Privacy. 
Debby: Could someone please tell me why you invited me? 

Greta: Your husband? He's competing on this reality show.
Hunt or Be Hunted? Sound familiar. 
Debby: Yeah, sure. 

Ted: Debby! Oh, god, thank you! I have missed my wife so very much. 
Thank you, Greta Francis. 
Greta: Run to her! Please do, I want some build up! 
Ted: I may be happy, but not enough to run. 

Debby: Is that you, Ted? How are you? 
Ted: I am doing well, thank you. 
I take it something happened on that show of yours. 
Debby: I was eliminated, I think. Greta kidnapped me. 
Greta: Uh, so not true. 

*they kiss, wildly* 
Clyde: Close your eyes, Abigail! 
Abigail: Okay, Dad! That is disgusting. 
I hope none of the icky boys kiss me like that. 
Clyde: They better not!  

Bradley: Ted...calm down. Would you like to...I don't know, introduce us? 
Ted: Oh, I am sorry. I hadn't seen my wife in forever. 
Bradley: It's fine. Of course. 

Devra: It is nice to finally see her in person, Ted. 
You seem like a wonderful couple. 
Debby: Wonderful? What is such a word? 
Ted: I am glad you are still the woman I love today. 


Bradley: I am still waiting for my surprise. Greta? 
Greta: Yours is next, Bradley Martinez. You need to learn to be patient. 
Bradley: Oh, sorry. I've been waiting so long. 
Devra: Peasant please. 


Jocelyn: Brad? 
Bradley: Jocelyn? No, it can't be. They eliminated you. 
Devra nearly killed you with electricity. 
Devra: Is this Everyone Hates Devra Day or something? 
 Jocelyn: Everyone does hate you, Devra.

Bradley: It can't be you. No. This is a trick. 
Jocelyn: This isn't a trick. I am truly here, Brad. 
This is me. It's Joce. 
Bradley: It's really you. Oh wow. No. It can't be. 
Devra: Fool, it is her. She insulted me. 

Bradley: They brought you back...for me? 
Oh. My. Goodness. 
Jocelyn: Well, actually, they brought me back to beat your ass. 
Bradley: What? 
Jocelyn: I'm kidding! Brad, I...I love you. 

Bradley: I love you too. You look beautiful. 
Jocelyn: Thank you. 
*they kiss* 
 Irma: Holy Devil's Food Cake! 
Bradley: Don't listen to them. 

Abigail: I mean, come on! No more kissing! 
No more kissing! 
Clyde: That's my daughter, right there. Always sticking to her values. 
Abigail: I mean, do you really need to! You spread germs! Stop it! 

Jocelyn: I'm happy to be here. I will never forgive Devra, but I won't think about that today. No.
Bradley: Don't think about her at all. This is our night. 
Jocelyn: Yeah, let's enjoy it all. 

Devra: Surely it is my turn now, woman! I am beg-no, I will not beg.
I just want to see my guest! Hurry up! 
Greta: Calm down. He's coming. 
Devra: He! Father! Is it my father! The King! 
Greta: You'll see. 

Brendan: Is there a Devra Eden here at all? 
I was told to meet here in the garden. 
Devra: Who's this hottie? 
 Greta: This is Brendan, Guest #5. Welcome to the garden.

Devra: Your name is Brendan? Do I happen to know you at all? 
Brendan: Uh...I don't think so. 
Devra: Did...did my parents send you? 
Brendan: You shouldn't need to ask questions. 

Brendan: *holding her hands* Devra Eden, it is an honour to meet you. 
Devra: The honour is all mine, love. 
Brendan: You are very, very beautiful. Stunning. 
Devra: Did I mention how handsome you are? 

Brendan: *kisses her hands* It's my honour. 
I hope tonight will be an evening to never forget, your highness. 
Devra: Oh please...call me Princess. 
Brendan: Okay, Princess. 

Brendan: To be honest, though, your parents did send me tonight. 
 Devra: I knew that, of course. 
Brendan: I am supposed to propose now. 
Devra: Uh, what? 

Brendan: Propose? 
Devra: Uh......nope. 
Brendan: Supposed? Now? 
Devra: Nothing now. Nope. 

Brendan: Uh....will you accept this rose? 
Devra: OH MY LORD. YES. 
Brendan: You love red roses too? My mother can't stand if our garden grows the white ones. She's quite-
Devra: She sound simply atr astounding. 

Devra: At least one man is wise enough to hand me their roses. 
Brendan: I take it the male species isn't inclined to this? 
Devra: Some freaks like to pity the fools. 
I, myself, am not a fool. 


Isna: You called him! To say what, 'Hey, sir, I'm a boss in this game.' 
Then he changed your speech function! Hilarious! 
Irma: Didn't you catch that episode? 
Isna: Like VoidCrittersRun? I don't play children's games. 

Irma: Ha! 
Isna: So, you must be excited for the remaining days. Plans?
Irma: I am making them very clear and distinct, Isna. I plan to win. 
Isna: Naturally, as one does. 


Ted: I won my place in Round Two first! My dear, aren't you happy for me? 
Debby: I suppose. I am glad. 
Ted: We can holiday across the globe with the winnings! 
Debby: I doubt that. No such money. 

Bradley: I promise we can be together when this show ends. 
When I'm crowned the winner. With all that cash. 
Jocelyn: Brad, I don't care about the money. 
Quit. You know I got offered another job at camp? 
Bradley: That's wonderful! 

Jocelyn: I know. *they kiss. again.* 
Debby: Kids these days! 
Isna: I know right! 
Bradley: Don't listen to them. 


Brendan: I'm...I am sorry for springing on you before. 
I didn't mean to startle you. 
Devra: Oh, uh...no, you didn't. I mean, you did, but I forgive you. 
At least there's no wedding ring, huh? 
Brendan: Yeah. 

Devra: What's this? 
Brendan: I'm yawning. *he fake yawns* What would it look like to you? 
Devra: The peasant's trick of the book. 
That won't work on me.
Brendan: It won't? 

Devra: No, it won't. 
Brendan: It looks like it is working. 
Devra: No, it's not. I think I would know, prince. 
Brendan: Princess, please. Be honest with me.


Abigail: Hurry up with the popcorn, Dad! 
I'm starving! 
Clyde: It's coming, honey. Be patient. 
Abigail: I know. I skipped breakfast. 

Clyde: It's past lunch, and nearly dinnertime. 
Abigail: And? 
Clyde: Don't you 'and' me. Did you eat lunch, Abi? 
Abigail: Of course. Why would I skip the second-best meal of the day? 

Devra: So my parents sent you here to propose? 
I don't want to get married yet; they know that. 
Brendan: You need to marry soon. Provide an heir. 
Devra: I'll provide an heir one day. Gosh. 

Brenden: Not 'some day'. Now. Both our parents are busy preparing already. 
Devra: I don't want to marry you yet. 
Brendan: Yet? So you would consider marrying me? 
Devra: Not with that attitude, sweetie. 


Irma: I should introduce you to the other contestants. 
Can I? 
Isna: Where is that Clyde fellow? The man with the wife? 
Irma: No, that is Teddington.
Isna: The blonde hunk? 
Isna: That's a nobody. Clyde is the man with the popcorn. 

Clyde: Abigail, the popcorn is ready now. 
Abigail: THANK GOD! 
Clyde: Okay, calm down. What has the family been feeding you? 
Abigail: Growth hormones. 

Clyde: Abi, you aren't a chicken. 
Abigail: Aw, thanks Dad! My friends keep telling me to slap Dylan, and I say no, but they call me a chicken. Thank you for clearing that!
Clyde: You shouldn't hang with them. 
Abigail: You shouldn't ever say the word 'hang' again, father. 

Clyde: You don't need to call me 'father' again. 
Brendan: So, will you marry me? Devra? 
Debby: I best be going soon, Ted. 
Bradley: I'll win this, and then I will move with you to the forest. 

Greta: Houseguests! It's time. 
Time to head home. 
Devra: Thank god! This was crazy. 
Irma: It was wonderful to see Isna again.
Greta: Say goodbye once again.  


*The Next Morning*

Bradley: Last night was epic! Jocelyn, great as usual. 
Devra: What is that supposed to mean?
Bradley: She's happy! Okay! She got offered a new job. 
Ted: Good on her, I say. Go get 'em. 

Irma: We're leaving for the new place today. 
Isna told me they've been releasing sneak peeks on the line. 
Bradley: Wow, really? Jocelyn didn't mention it. 
Devra: I think there's definitely a castle coming soon. 
I can sense the princess vibe in my bones. And my blood. 
Ted: Interesting. 

Devra: Imagine the castle. High walls. Moat filled with killer crocodiles ready to gnaw off the unsuspecting heads of the many. Crowns and tiaras bejeweled with gems and diamonds and rubies and emeralds....oh, emeralds! Oh, and sapphires too!  
Bradley: Yeah, I can really imagine it. 
Devra: You better. 

Irma: No, can't imagine that. Nope. It'll be...an interesting venue. Yes. 
Maybe...a circus? Somewhere with creepy clowns and dark corners filled with cobwebs and dust. Maybe a scarecrow or four? 
Ted: I do enjoy a night out at the circus, yes. This one time, with Debby, the clown fell on his face for the giggles. Hehe. 

Bradley: I don't want to talk about where. What about what? 
Clyde: Excuse you? 
Bradley: I mean, what are we doing in Round Two? 
Are we hunting people again? Are we dying? 
Clyde: Uh, excuse you? 

Ted: I do not care about the where or the what; I care about the who. 
The four of you in front of me are brilliant people. I do not care who wins because we all deserve it. 
Irma: Thank you, master Ted. That was very sublime speech. 
Ted: I meant every word spoken. 

Clyde: I don't know what else to add. Everything important has been said, mostly by Ted. To be honest, I'd rather not leave this place, or this competition, ever. 
Devra: I am sure you're bursting to return to that daughter of yours. Loved her, by the way. 
Bradley: She's a little firecracker. 

Greta: My name is Greta Francis, and this has been the tenth and very special episode of Hunt or Be Hunted, the second season of High Hopes. So many 'h' sounds. Next time, the contestants will begin Round Two. Up next, however, the unseen footage from the special party and the rest of the evening on our after show. Which contestants swam in the nude? Then, later, the premiere of Woman, I Can't Love Ya: the story of how one man forgot how to love his wife of 24 years.
